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1892 lines (1354 loc) · 66.3 KB

File metadata and controls

1892 lines (1354 loc) · 66.3 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
signatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate POST /signature_request/bulk_create_embedded_with_template Embedded Bulk Send with Template
signatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplate POST /signature_request/bulk_send_with_template Bulk Send with Template
signatureRequestCancel POST /signature_request/cancel/{signature_request_id} Cancel Incomplete Signature Request
signatureRequestCreateEmbedded POST /signature_request/create_embedded Create Embedded Signature Request
signatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate POST /signature_request/create_embedded_with_template Create Embedded Signature Request with Template
signatureRequestEdit PUT /signature_request/edit/{signature_request_id} Edit Signature Request
signatureRequestEditEmbedded PUT /signature_request/edit_embedded/{signature_request_id} Edit Embedded Signature Request
signatureRequestEditEmbeddedWithTemplate PUT /signature_request/edit_embedded_with_template/{signature_request_id} Edit Embedded Signature Request with Template
signatureRequestEditWithTemplate PUT /signature_request/edit_with_template/{signature_request_id} Edit Signature Request With Template
signatureRequestFiles GET /signature_request/files/{signature_request_id} Download Files
signatureRequestFilesAsDataUri GET /signature_request/files_as_data_uri/{signature_request_id} Download Files as Data Uri
signatureRequestFilesAsFileUrl GET /signature_request/files_as_file_url/{signature_request_id} Download Files as File Url
signatureRequestGet GET /signature_request/{signature_request_id} Get Signature Request
signatureRequestList GET /signature_request/list List Signature Requests
signatureRequestReleaseHold POST /signature_request/release_hold/{signature_request_id} Release On-Hold Signature Request
signatureRequestRemind POST /signature_request/remind/{signature_request_id} Send Request Reminder
signatureRequestRemove POST /signature_request/remove/{signature_request_id} Remove Signature Request Access
signatureRequestSend POST /signature_request/send Send Signature Request
signatureRequestSendWithTemplate POST /signature_request/send_with_template Send with Template
signatureRequestUpdate POST /signature_request/update/{signature_request_id} Update Signature Request


BulkSendJobSendResponse signatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate(signatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest)

Embedded Bulk Send with Template

Creates BulkSendJob which sends up to 250 SignatureRequests in bulk based off of the provided Template(s) specified with the template_ids parameter to be signed in an embedded iFrame. These embedded signature requests can only be signed in embedded iFrames whereas normal signature requests can only be signed on Dropbox Sign.

NOTE: Only available for Standard plan and higher.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

import java.util.List;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signerList1Signer = new SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner()

        var signerList1CustomFields = new SubBulkSignerListCustomField()
            .value("ABC Corp");

        var signerList1 = new SubBulkSignerList()

        var signerList2Signer = new SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner()

        var signerList2CustomFields = new SubBulkSignerListCustomField()
            .value("123 Corp");

        var signerList2 = new SubBulkSignerList()

        var cc1 = new SubCC().role("Accounting")

        var data = new SignatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest()
            .subject("Purchase Order")
            .message("Glad we could come to an agreement.")
            .signerList(List.of(signerList1, signerList2))

        try {
            BulkSendJobSendResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate(data);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest SignatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


BulkSendJobSendResponse signatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplate(signatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplateRequest)

Bulk Send with Template

Creates BulkSendJob which sends up to 250 SignatureRequests in bulk based off of the provided Template(s) specified with the template_ids parameter.

NOTE: Only available for Standard plan and higher.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

import java.util.List;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signerList1Signer = new SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner()

        var signerList1CustomFields = new SubBulkSignerListCustomField()
            .value("ABC Corp");

        var signerList1 = new SubBulkSignerList()

        var signerList2Signer = new SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner()

        var signerList2CustomFields = new SubBulkSignerListCustomField()
            .value("123 Corp");

        var signerList2 = new SubBulkSignerList()

        var cc1 = new SubCC()

        var data = new SignatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplateRequest()
            .subject("Purchase Order")
            .message("Glad we could come to an agreement.")
            .signerList(List.of(signerList1, signerList2))

        try {
            BulkSendJobSendResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplate(data);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplateRequest SignatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplateRequest

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -



Cancel Incomplete Signature Request

Cancels an incomplete signature request. This action is not reversible.

The request will be canceled and signers will no longer be able to sign. If they try to access the signature request they will receive a HTTP 410 status code indicating that the resource has been deleted. Cancelation is asynchronous and a successful call to this endpoint will return an empty 200 OK response if the signature request is eligible to be canceled and has been successfully queued.

This 200 OK response does not indicate a successful cancelation of the signature request itself. The cancelation is confirmed via the signature_request_canceled event. It is recommended that a callback handler be implemented to listen for the signature_request_canceled event. This callback will be sent only when the cancelation has completed successfully. If a callback handler has been configured and the event has not been received within 60 minutes of making the call, check the status of the request in the API Dashboard and retry the cancelation if necessary.

To be eligible for cancelation, a signature request must have been sent successfully, must not yet have been signed by all signers, and you must either be the sender or own the API app under which it was sent. A partially signed signature request can be canceled.

NOTE: To remove your access to a completed signature request, use the endpoint: POST /signature_request/remove/[:signature_request_id].


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signatureRequestId = "2f9781e1a8e2045224d808c153c2e1d3df6f8f2f";

        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the incomplete SignatureRequest to cancel.

Return type

null (empty response body)


api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestCreateEmbedded(signatureRequestCreateEmbeddedRequest)

Create Embedded Signature Request

Creates a new SignatureRequest with the submitted documents to be signed in an embedded iFrame. If form_fields_per_document is not specified, a signature page will be affixed where all signers will be required to add their signature, signifying their agreement to all contained documents. Note that embedded signature requests can only be signed in embedded iFrames whereas normal signature requests can only be signed on Dropbox Sign.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

import java.util.List;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signer1 = new SubSignatureRequestSigner()

        var signer2 = new SubSignatureRequestSigner()

        var signingOptions = new SubSigningOptions()

        var data = new SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedRequest()
            .title("NDA with Acme Co.")
            .subject("The NDA we talked about")
            .message("Please sign this NDA and then we can discuss more. Let me know if you have any questions.")
            .signers(List.of(signer1, signer2))
            .ccEmailAddresses(List.of("", ""))
            .addFilesItem(new File("example_signature_request.pdf"))

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestCreateEmbedded(data);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestCreateEmbeddedRequest SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedRequest

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate(signatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest)

Create Embedded Signature Request with Template

Creates a new SignatureRequest based on the given Template(s) to be signed in an embedded iFrame. Note that embedded signature requests can only be signed in embedded iFrames whereas normal signature requests can only be signed on Dropbox Sign.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

import java.util.List;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signer1 = new SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner()

        var subSigningOptions = new SubSigningOptions()

        var data = new SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest()
            .subject("Purchase Order")
            .message("Glad we could come to an agreement.")

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate(data);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestEdit(signatureRequestId, signatureRequestEditRequest)

Edit Signature Request

Edits and sends a SignatureRequest with the submitted documents. If form_fields_per_document is not specified, a signature page will be affixed where all signers will be required to add their signature, signifying their agreement to all contained documents.

NOTE: Edit and resend will not deduct your signature request quota.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signer1 = new SubSignatureRequestSigner()

        var signer2 = new SubSignatureRequestSigner()

        var signingOptions = new SubSigningOptions()

        var subFieldOptions = new SubFieldOptions()

        var signatureRequestId = "2f9781e1a8e2045224d808c153c2e1d3df6f8f2f";

        var data = new SignatureRequestEditRequest()
            .title("NDA with Acme Co.")
            .subject("The NDA we talked about")
            .message("Please sign this NDA and then we can discuss more. Let me know if you have any questions.")
            .signers(List.of(signer1, signer2))
            .ccEmailAddresses(List.of("", ""))
            .addFilesItem(new File("example_signature_request.pdf"))
            .metadata(Map.of("custom_id", 1234, "custom_text", "NDA #9"))

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestEdit(signatureRequestId, data);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to edit.
signatureRequestEditRequest SignatureRequestEditRequest

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestEditEmbedded(signatureRequestId, signatureRequestEditEmbeddedRequest)

Edit Embedded Signature Request

Edits a SignatureRequest with the submitted documents to be signed in an embedded iFrame. If form_fields_per_document is not specified, a signature page will be affixed where all signers will be required to add their signature, signifying their agreement to all contained documents. Note that embedded signature requests can only be signed in embedded iFrames whereas normal signature requests can only be signed on Dropbox Sign.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

import java.util.List;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signer1 = new SubSignatureRequestSigner()

        var signer2 = new SubSignatureRequestSigner()

        var signingOptions = new SubSigningOptions()

        var signatureRequestId = "2f9781e1a8e2045224d808c153c2e1d3df6f8f2f";

        var data = new SignatureRequestEditEmbeddedRequest()
            .title("NDA with Acme Co.")
            .subject("The NDA we talked about")
            .message("Please sign this NDA and then we can discuss more. Let me know if you have any questions.")
            .signers(List.of(signer1, signer2))
            .ccEmailAddresses(List.of("", ""))
            .addFilesItem(new File("example_signature_request.pdf"))

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestEditEmbedded(
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling SignatureRequestApi#signatureRequestEditEmbedded");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to edit.
signatureRequestEditEmbeddedRequest SignatureRequestEditEmbeddedRequest

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestEditEmbeddedWithTemplate(signatureRequestId, signatureRequestEditEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest)

Edit Embedded Signature Request with Template

Edits a SignatureRequest based on the given Template(s) to be signed in an embedded iFrame. Note that embedded signature requests can only be signed in embedded iFrames whereas normal signature requests can only be signed on Dropbox Sign.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

import java.util.List;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signer1 = new SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner()

        var subSigningOptions = new SubSigningOptions()

        var signatureRequestId = "2f9781e1a8e2045224d808c153c2e1d3df6f8f2f";

        var data = new SignatureRequestEditEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest()
            .subject("Purchase Order")
            .message("Glad we could come to an agreement.")

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestEditEmbeddedWithTemplate(
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling SignatureRequestApi#editEmbeddedWithTemplate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to edit.
signatureRequestEditEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest SignatureRequestEditEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestEditWithTemplate(signatureRequestId, signatureRequestEditWithTemplateRequest)

Edit Signature Request With Template

Edits and sends a SignatureRequest based off of the Template(s) specified with the template_ids parameter.

NOTE: Edit and resend will not deduct your signature request quota.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

import java.util.List;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signer1 = new SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner()

        var cc1 = new SubCC()

        var customField1 = new SubCustomField()

        var signingOptions = new SubSigningOptions()

        var signatureRequestId = "2f9781e1a8e2045224d808c153c2e1d3df6f8f2f";

        var data = new SignatureRequestEditWithTemplateRequest()
            .subject("Purchase Order")
            .message("Glad we could come to an agreement.")

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestEditWithTemplate(
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to edit.
signatureRequestEditWithTemplateRequest SignatureRequestEditWithTemplateRequest

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


File signatureRequestFiles(signatureRequestId, fileType)

Download Files

Obtain a copy of the current documents specified by the signature_request_id parameter. Returns a PDF or ZIP file.

If the files are currently being prepared, a status code of 409 will be returned instead.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;


public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signatureRequestId = "fa5c8a0b0f492d768749333ad6fcc214c111e967";

        try {
            File result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestFiles(signatureRequestId, "pdf");
            result.renameTo(new File("file_response.pdf"));
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to retrieve.
fileType String Set to pdf for a single merged document or zip for a collection of individual documents. [optional] [default to pdf] [enum: pdf, zip]

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/pdf, application/zip, application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


FileResponseDataUri signatureRequestFilesAsDataUri(signatureRequestId)

Download Files as Data Uri

Obtain a copy of the current documents specified by the signature_request_id parameter. Returns a JSON object with a data_uri representing the base64 encoded file (PDFs only).

If the files are currently being prepared, a status code of 409 will be returned instead.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signatureRequestId = "fa5c8a0b0f492d768749333ad6fcc214c111e967";

        try {
            FileResponseDataUri result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestFilesAsDataUri(signatureRequestId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to retrieve.

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


FileResponse signatureRequestFilesAsFileUrl(signatureRequestId, forceDownload)

Download Files as File Url

Obtain a copy of the current documents specified by the signature_request_id parameter. Returns a JSON object with a url to the file (PDFs only).

If the files are currently being prepared, a status code of 409 will be returned instead.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signatureRequestId = "fa5c8a0b0f492d768749333ad6fcc214c111e967";

        try {
            FileResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestFilesAsFileUrl(signatureRequestId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to retrieve.
forceDownload Integer By default when opening the file_url a browser will download the PDF and save it locally. When set to 0 the PDF file will be displayed in the browser. [optional] [default to 1]

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestGet(signatureRequestId)

Get Signature Request

Returns the status of the SignatureRequest specified by the signature_request_id parameter.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signatureRequestId = "fa5c8a0b0f492d768749333ad6fcc214c111e967";

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestGet(signatureRequestId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to retrieve.

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestListResponse signatureRequestList(accountId, page, pageSize, query)

List Signature Requests

Returns a list of SignatureRequests that you can access. This includes SignatureRequests you have sent as well as received, but not ones that you have been CCed on.

Take a look at our search guide to learn more about querying signature requests.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var accountId = "accountId";
        var page = 1;
        var pageSize = 20;
        String query = null;

        try {
            SignatureRequestListResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestList(
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
accountId String Which account to return SignatureRequests for. Must be a team member. Use all to indicate all team members. Defaults to your account. [optional]
page Integer Which page number of the SignatureRequest List to return. Defaults to 1. [optional] [default to 1]
pageSize Integer Number of objects to be returned per page. Must be between 1 and 100. Default is 20. [optional] [default to 20]
query String String that includes search terms and/or fields to be used to filter the SignatureRequest objects. [optional]

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestReleaseHold(signatureRequestId)

Release On-Hold Signature Request

Releases a held SignatureRequest that was claimed and prepared from an UnclaimedDraft. The owner of the Draft must indicate at Draft creation that the SignatureRequest created from the Draft should be held. Releasing the SignatureRequest will send requests to all signers.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signatureRequestId = "2f9781e1a8e2045224d808c153c2e1d3df6f8f2f";

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestReleaseHold(signatureRequestId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to release.

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestRemind(signatureRequestId, signatureRequestRemindRequest)

Send Request Reminder

Sends an email to the signer reminding them to sign the signature request. You cannot send a reminder within 1 hour of the last reminder that was sent. This includes manual AND automatic reminders.

NOTE: This action can not be used with embedded signature requests.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signatureRequestId = "2f9781e1a8e2045224d808c153c2e1d3df6f8f2f";

        var data = new SignatureRequestRemindRequest()

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestRemind(signatureRequestId, data);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to send a reminder for.
signatureRequestRemindRequest SignatureRequestRemindRequest

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -



Remove Signature Request Access

Removes your access to a completed signature request. This action is not reversible.

The signature request must be fully executed by all parties (signed or declined to sign). Other parties will continue to maintain access to the completed signature request document(s).

Unlike /signature_request/cancel, this endpoint is synchronous and your access will be immediately removed. Upon successful removal, this endpoint will return a 200 OK response.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signatureRequestId = "2f9781e1a8e2045224d808c153c2e1d3df6f8f2f";

        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to remove.

Return type

null (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestSend(signatureRequestSendRequest)

Send Signature Request

Creates and sends a new SignatureRequest with the submitted documents. If form_fields_per_document is not specified, a signature page will be affixed where all signers will be required to add their signature, signifying their agreement to all contained documents.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signer1 = new SubSignatureRequestSigner()

        var signer2 = new SubSignatureRequestSigner()

        var signingOptions = new SubSigningOptions()

        var subFieldOptions = new SubFieldOptions()

        var data = new SignatureRequestSendRequest()
            .title("NDA with Acme Co.")
            .subject("The NDA we talked about")
            .message("Please sign this NDA and then we can discuss more. Let me know if you have any questions.")
            .signers(List.of(signer1, signer2))
            .ccEmailAddresses(List.of("", ""))
            .addFilesItem(new File("example_signature_request.pdf"))
            .metadata(Map.of("custom_id", 1234, "custom_text", "NDA #9"))

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestSend(data);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestSendRequest SignatureRequestSendRequest

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestSendWithTemplate(signatureRequestSendWithTemplateRequest)

Send with Template

Creates and sends a new SignatureRequest based off of the Template(s) specified with the template_ids parameter.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

import java.util.List;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signer1 = new SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner()

        var cc1 = new SubCC()

        var customField1 = new SubCustomField()

        var signingOptions = new SubSigningOptions()

        var data = new SignatureRequestSendWithTemplateRequest()
            .subject("Purchase Order")
            .message("Glad we could come to an agreement.")

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestSendWithTemplate(data);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestSendWithTemplateRequest SignatureRequestSendWithTemplateRequest

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -


SignatureRequestGetResponse signatureRequestUpdate(signatureRequestId, signatureRequestUpdateRequest)

Update Signature Request

Updates the email address and/or the name for a given signer on a signature request. You can listen for the signature_request_email_bounce event on your app or account to detect bounced emails, and respond with this method.

Updating the email address of a signer will generate a new signature_id value.

NOTE: This action cannot be performed on a signature request with an appended signature page.


import com.dropbox.sign.ApiException;
import com.dropbox.sign.Configuration;
import com.dropbox.sign.api.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.auth.*;
import com.dropbox.sign.model.*;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        // or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
        var apiClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient()

        var signatureRequestApi = new SignatureRequestApi(apiClient);

        var signatureRequestId = "2f9781e1a8e2045224d808c153c2e1d3df6f8f2f";

        var data = new SignatureRequestUpdateRequest()

        try {
            SignatureRequestGetResponse result = signatureRequestApi.signatureRequestUpdate(signatureRequestId, data);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountApi#accountCreate");
            System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
            System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
            System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());


Name Type Description Notes
signatureRequestId String The id of the SignatureRequest to update.
signatureRequestUpdateRequest SignatureRequestUpdateRequest

Return type



api_key, oauth2

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 successful operation * X-RateLimit-Limit -
* X-RateLimit-Remaining -
* X-Ratelimit-Reset -
4XX failed_operation -