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Testing basic control programs

Michael Starks edited this page Jul 6, 2022 · 2 revisions

Testing the position

To test the position data from the camera_server, use rostopic echo /<HOSTNAME>/position. Place the robot at a know location on the table and compare the measured position to the position reported by the ROS topic

Testing the Motors

To test the robots, use the teleop_twist_keyboard package and use the file. Redirect the cmd_vel topic to the robot namespace /cmd_vel:=/<HOSTNAME>/cmd_vel. Use the on-screen instructions to control the robots.

Testing the sensors

Use rostopic echo /<HOSTNAME>/<SENSOR MESSAGE>. Look at the output to ensure the data is reasonable. The sensor data will be raw values and will have to be calibrated during use.

Testing the Neopixel

Use rostopic pub /<HOSTNAME>/neopixel std_msgs/Int16MultiArray "[R,G,B,W]". Look for a change in the light on the Feather Sense board.