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Replication materials for Hoellerbauer's "A Mixture Model Approach to Assessing Measurement Error in Surveys Using Reinterviews". Includes information for applying model to novel data.


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Introducing QualMix

This README page serves to introduce the replication archive for “A Mixture Model Approach to Assessing Measurement Error in Surveys Using Reinterviews,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology (JSSAM).

See Applying QualMix to Your Own Work for a brief demonstration of applying the method proposed in the paper to your own data. If you do use this approach, I only request that you please cite the paper. You are welcome to adapt the code I wrote for this project, but please note the GPL3 license. I am working on a R package that will implement this method more efficiently.

If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know! Please see File Descriptions below for a description of all the files contained in this repository.

Required Packages

Please see install_packages_qualmix_app.R, install_packages_qualmix_common.R, and install_packages_qualmix_app.R in the install_packages/ folder for installation scripts for all required packages for the simulation analysis and application parts of the analysis.

R and package versions used for analysis in paper:

  • R: 4.3.0
  • Tidyverse 2.0.0 packages:
    • {dplyr_1.1.2}
    • {ggplot2_3.4.2}
    • {haven_2.5.2}
    • {purr_1.0.1}
    • {tidyr_1.3.0}
    • {tibble_3.2.1}
  • {here_1.0.1}
  • {pROC_1.18.0}
  • {philentropy_0.7.0}
  • {gtools_3.9.4}
  • {stringdist_0.9.10}
  • {rstan_2.21.8}
  • {Cairo_1.6-0}
  • {cmdstanr_0.5.3}
    • cmdstan: 2.32.1
  • {labelled_2.11.0}
  • {doParallel_1.0.17}
  • {RColorBrewer_1.1-3}
  • {xtable_1.8-4}


Backchecking = Reinterviewing

In my native discipline, the process of reinterviewing is often referred to as “backchecking.” During the work for this project and initial drafts, the paper retained this terminology. Because JSSAM is a general survey methodology journal, however, in consultation with the editors, I chose to change to “reinterviewing” throughout the paper, as “backcheck” is not frequently used in the survey methodology literature. As the code for this project was written before this change, the file and object names in the scripts still use the word backcheck (or variations thereof). Whenever you see “backcheck,” you can insert “reinterview.”

Paper Results Replication

To replicate the analysis presented in the main paper and supplementary appendix, please follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your computer.

  2. Download the MC_Output folder here, extract the files to the data/MC_Output folder. Please note that these are the simulation results. Together they total over 2 GBs in size (there are 12 files; each file is over 200 MBs) and are not stored on GitHub due to GitHub’s file size limitations.

  3. Open the QualMix.rproj file in RStudio.

  4. Run the following scripts:

    • analysis/backcheck_sim_analysis_extended.R - this replicates the simulation analysis results.
    • analysis/backcheck_empirical_app.R - this replicates the analysis for the empirical application part of the paper.

    The scripts can be run independently of one another. Whichever one is run first will create a a figures/ folder that holds the figures found in the paper and supplementary materials.

Note: To replicate these results, no compilation of STAN models is necessary, although you will still need to have cmdstan and {cmdstanr} installed. If you do want to recompile the Stan models from scratch, please delete the three .exe files in the stan_models/ folder before following step 4 above.

Full Project Replication

This repo contains all the files necessary to fully recreate the project results from scratch, including rerunning the simulations from scratch. To do so, you have two options:

  1. Use a high performance computing cluster with a SLURM job scheduler.
  2. Use a personal computer.

Option 2 may take considerably longer.

If you want to recompile the Stan models from scratch, please delete the three .exe files in the stan_models/ folder before following the steps below.

On Cluster with a SLURM Job Scheduler:

  1. Clone the repository to your computer.

  2. Copy the following files from your computer to your working directory on the cluster:

    • scripts/simulate_Ra_Rb.R
    • scripts/typos.R
    • scripts/convenience_functions.R
    • simulation/cluster/backcheck_sim_cluster.R
    • simulation/cluster/backcheck_setup.R
    • simulation/cluster/,
    • simulation/cluster/
    • stan_models/MM_SQ_backchecking.stan
    • stan_models/MM_SQ_backchecking.exe (only if you don’t want to recompile) Stan model).
  3. Change the working directory in backcheck_sim_cluster.R (wd_path object in line 24)

  4. Run command sbatch from the command line interface on cluster. This will create a folder called MC_Output/ in the working directory. It will also spawn 12 other jobs, each running the simulation and preliminary analysis for 1 of the 12 simulation parameter combinations. After all 12 jobs have completed, this folder will contain RData objects results1.RData to results12.RData

  5. Copy the 12 results*.RData files from the cluster into the data/MC_Output folder in the version of the repo on your personal computer.

  6. Open the QualMix.rproj file in RStudio.

  7. Run the following scripts:

    • analysis/backcheck_sim_analysis_extended.R - this replicates the simulation analysis results.
    • analysis/backcheck_empirical_app.R - this replicates the analysis for the empirical application part of the paper.

    The scripts can be run independently of one another. Whichever one is run first will create a a figures/ folder that holds the figures found in the paper and supplementary materials.


The simulation was run on the Longleaf HPC cluster at UNC-Chapel Hill. Running it on a different cluster with different architecture may lead to slightly different results.

On a Personal Computer

Please note that this is NOT RUN by me. I have only done limited testing on simulation/personal/backcheck_sim_personal.R and so this approach may require a bit more troubleshooting.

  1. Clone the repository to your computer.

  2. Open the QualMix.rproj file in RStudio.

  3. Run the script simulation/personal/backcheck_sim_personal.R

    • Please note that this can take a considerable amount of time. It can be parallelized across simulations by uncommenting line 41 (although this will only lead to performance improvements on Linux and Apple machines); it is not parallelized across simulation parameter combinations.
  4. Run the following scripts:

    • analysis/backcheck_sim_analysis_extended.R - this replicates the simulation analysis results.
    • analysis/backcheck_empirical_app.R - this replicates the analysis for the empirical application part of the paper.

    The scripts can be run independently of one another. Whichever one is run first will create a a figures/ folder that holds the figures found in the paper and supplementary materials.

Applying QualMix to Your Own Work

With the files in this repository, it is straightforward to apply the model to your own reinterviewing/backchecking data.

This section demonstrates a sample application with a subset of the data used for the empirical application in the paper. It is important to first source the convenience_functions.R script.

# necessary helper functions

Loading Data

For this brief example application we will work with only the respondents to the long version of the survey (20% of the overall sample, ~5% of which were reinterviewed – see Appendix K of the supplementary materials for more information).

# load required packages

# load original data (R_a)

# load backcheck data (R_b)

Because we are limited by the reinterview data, we will have 158 observations in this example analysis.

There are a few data processing steps necessary, but they are omitted here to save space. To see them, you can look at the underlying .qmd file or look at lines 42-160 of analysis/backcheck_empirical_app.R.

It is important for the creating of the agreement vectors (the $\gamma$’s) and the agreement summary vectors (the $\nu$’s) that the variables in both data sets are the same type (numeric, character, factor, etc), and that factors that have an ordering are explicitly turned into ordered factors, as ordered factors are treated differently from unordered factors.

Creating Agreement-Summary Vectors

The next step is to formally compare the original and reinterview data.

The getGamma() function does this for us. The first two arguments are $\mathbf{R_a}$ and $\mathbf{R_b}$ as data frames. For simplicity’s sake, both of these should contain only the variables that will be compared.

This function is adapted from the getPatterns() function from the {fastLink} package..

There are other key arguments (with default values):

  • varnames: string vector of variable names to compare
  • stringdist.match: a logical vector of the length of varnames that specifies for which variables in varnames the string distance will be used for comparison (should be string variables)
  • numeric.match: a logical vector of the length of varnames that specifies for which variables in varnames the percent max range should be used
  • partial.match: a logical vector of the length of varnames that specifies which variable comparisons should allow for partial matches
  • stringdist.method: the string distance method to use for comparing strings. See the fastLink::getPatterns() helpfile for more information. Default is "jw" for Jaro-Winkler
  • cut.a: a numeric between 0 and 1 that marks the lower bound for a full string-distance match. Default is 0.94
  • cut.p: a numeric between 0 and 1 that marks the lower bound for a partial string-distance match. Default is 0.88
  • jw.weigh: weight parameter for the importance of the first characters of a string. Only applicable for the Jaro-Winkler string distance. Default is 0.10
  • cut.a.num: a numeric between 0 and 1 that marks the lower bound for a full numeric match. Default is 0.94
  • cut.p.num: a numeric between 0 and 1 that marks the lower bound for a partial numeric match. Default is 0.88
  • ordered.lim: a positive integer that marks the upper bound for when an ordered factor variable is treated as an ordered factor variable versus a numeric variable. Default is 8
  • cut.a.ord: a positive integer that marks the lower bound for a full ordered match. Default is 0
  • cut.p.ord: a positive integer marks the lower bound for a partial ordered match. Default is 1
# specifying backchecking variables
backcheck_vars <- c("d8", "d12", "e3", "e7_b", "tc2", "ms10")

# getting agreement Matrix
agreements <- getGamma(vendor_end_orig %>% select(any_of(backcheck_vars)), 
                       vendor_end_long_bc %>% select(any_of(backcheck_vars)), 
                       varnames = backcheck_vars,
                       stringdist.match = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  
                                            TRUE, FALSE, FALSE),
                       numeric.match = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
                       partial.match = rep(TRUE, length(backcheck_vars)))
# looking at first six agreement vectors
  gamma.1 gamma.2 gamma.3 gamma.4 gamma.5 gamma.6
1       2       2       2       2       2       2
2       2       2       2       2       2       1
3       2       2       2       0       2       2
4       2       2       2       0       0       1
5       2       2       1       2       0       1
6       2       2       1       2       2       2

We use the to_multinomial() function to turn agreement vectors into agreement- summary vectors, which become the inputs to the QualMix model. For this application we turn NA’s into complete disagreements.

# turn all NAs into complete disagreements (0s)
agreements[] <- 0

# forming agreement summary vectors
Nu <- agreements %>% to_multinomial()

# printing first six agreement summary vectors
     0 1 2
[1,] 0 0 6
[2,] 0 1 5
[3,] 1 0 5
[4,] 2 1 3
[5,] 1 2 3
[6,] 0 1 5


The getComparisons() function, which takes the same arguments as getGamma(), allows users to print out the underlying comparison values used to determine complete and partial agreement or complete disagreement.

# getting underlying comparison values
comps <- getComparisons(vendor_end_orig %>% select(any_of(backcheck_vars)), 
                        vendor_end_long_bc %>% select(any_of(backcheck_vars)), 
                        varnames = backcheck_vars,
                        stringdist.match = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,  
                                             TRUE, FALSE, FALSE),
                        numeric.match = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
                        partial.match = rep(TRUE, length(backcheck_vars)))

# printing first 6 comparisons
  d8 d12 e3      e7_b tc2 ms10
1  1   1  0 1.0000000   2    0
2  1   1  0 1.0000000   2    1
3  1   1  0 0.3215054   2    0
4  1   1  0 0.7644360   0    1
5  1   1  1 1.0000000   0    1
6  1   1  1 1.0000000   2    0

Please see Appendix A of the Supplementary Materials for more discussion of the comparisons and the impact of the decisions researchers must make when implementing them.

Fitting Model


The {cmdstanr} package is used to fit the model. Please see here for more information on this package. Please note that it uses the R6 OOP system (see Chapter 14 of Advanced R, Second Edition by Hadley Wickham for more information on this system).

To fit the model, we must first gather the data into a list, the format required by Stan. Please note that we must specify priors; the ones below are the ones used in the paper. Please see Appendix F.1 of the Supplementary Materials for the full model specification.

# gather data together for Stan model fitting
model_data <- list(N = nrow(Nu),
                   K = ncol(Nu),
                   agreements = Nu,
                   alpha_1 = c(1, 2, 3),
                   alpha_0 = c(1, 2, 3),
                   mu_beta_0_p = gtools::logit(.5),
                   sigma_beta_0_p = .1,
                   E = length(unique(vendor_end_orig$enum_id)),
                   id_E = vendor_end_orig$enum_id)

We then compile the Stan model (if we have the pre-compiled .exe file, the model is not actual compiled, but this step is still required). Next, we fit the model. Finally, we convert the cmdstanr object to an rstan object, as {rstan} has useful functions for extracting parameters.

Please note that the show_messages and show_exceptions arguments for the $sample() method are set to FALSE. This is to prevent a lot of output from being included in this README file. However, if applying this model to your own work, you should keep these set to TRUE to avoid silencing very helpful diagnostic output.

# compiling stan model
bc_mod <- cmdstan_model("stan_models/MM_SQ_backchecking.stan")

# sampling
# Note: you may get warnings about pi_k_0 not being a valid simplex. These are
#       safe to ignore if they disappear after the first few iterations.
bc_fit <- bc_mod$sample(
  data = model_data,
  seed = 123,
  chains = 4,
  parallel_chains = 4, # may have to change depending on computer core counts
  iter_warmup = 1500,
  iter_sampling = 1500,
  refresh = 500,
  show_messages = FALSE,
  show_exceptions = FALSE

# convert to rstan object (for ease of use)
bc_stanfit <- rstan::read_stan_csv(bc_fit$output_files())


We can treat bc_stanfit as a regular rstan object.

Summarizing Distributions

We can plot the probability of seeing each of agreement values for the two estimated components of the mixture. We can use the get_pi_k_1_probs_summary() and get_pi_k_0_probs_summary() convenience functions to help with this.

# specify 95% credible intervals
probs <- c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)

# create data frames for each of the parameters 
pi_k_1 <- get_pi_k_1_probs_summary(bc_stanfit, probs)
pi_k_0 <- get_pi_k_0_probs_summary(bc_stanfit, probs)

#combine for plotting
pi_k <- rbind(pi_k_0, pi_k_1)

# Pi_K plots (like figure 3 in paper)
ggplot(pi_k, aes(y = `50%`, x = Cat, color = Distribution)) +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = .5)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = `2.5%`, ymax = `97.5%`),
                width = .25,
                position = position_dodge(0.5)) +
  labs(x = "Agreement Categories", y = "Posterior Probability") +
  theme_bw() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:2,
                     labels = c("Complete Disagreement", 
                                "Complete Agreement")) + 

Jensen-Shannon Distance

We can use the get_JSD_summary() convenience function to get a quick summary of the Jensen-Shannon Distance (JSD) for the two estimated distributions.

get_JSD_summary(bc_stanfit, probs)
     2.5%       50%     97.5%      mean 
0.6533192 0.7123503 0.7615031 0.7111271 

Estimating Measurement Error

As explained in the paper, we can estimate the level of measurement error in a survey based on the reinterview data by first estimating the posterior probability that each observation chosen for the reinterview is high quality (HQ) or not. We can extract the samples from this distribution using the get_post_prob_HQ() helper function.

post_prob_HQ <- get_post_prob_HQ(bc_stanfit)

Overall Survey Quality

We can then use the get_surv_qual_summary() function to get a summary of the distribution of the overall survey quality (see Section 3 of the paper for information on how this quantity is defined.)

get_surv_qual_summary(post_prob_HQ, probs = probs)
     2.5%       50%     97.5% 
0.8144216 0.8262240 0.8393996 

Enumerator Data Quality

We can also estimate the level of measurement error associated with each of the enumerators who helped field the survey, if we have this information. To do this we use the convenience function get_post_enum_qual(), which extracts the samples from the joint posterior enumerator quality distribution – note that we must provide the output of get_post_prob_HQ() and the enumerator IDs. Next, we use get_post_enum_qual_summary, which summarizes this distribution within enumerators.

post_enum_qual_summary <- get_post_enum_qual(post_prob_HQ, 
                                             vendor_end_orig$enum_id) %>% 

# first six enumerators
  enum_id       Low    Median      High           sd      mean
1       1 0.8388140 0.8453426 0.8461702 2.138440e-03 0.8446290
2       2 0.8967524 0.9077564 0.9090867 3.883371e-03 0.9064978
3       3 0.9998587 0.9999935 0.9999999 5.819644e-05 0.9999777
4       4 0.8534200 0.8568774 0.8572109 1.190697e-03 0.8565065
5       5 0.8261595 0.8327681 0.8333908 2.600823e-03 0.8319963
6       6 0.8333409 0.8333648 0.8334886 8.334336e-05 0.8333776

Plotting Enumerator Data Quality

We can easily plot enumerator data quality using the output of get_post_enum_qual_summary().

       aes(y = Median, x = enum_id)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High)) +
  labs(x = "Enumerator", y = "Average Posterior Probability\nof Belonging to High-Quality Distribution") +
  theme_bw() +


Please note that if you want to apply one of the various model extensions to the QualMix model discussed in the supplementary materials, you will need to modify and then re-compile the Stan code found in stan_models/MM_SQ_backchecking.stan.

It is also possible to apply this model to different kinds of data, such as panel data, with the goal of estimating the probability that individuals interviewed over waves are actually the same. However, there is currently no example of this ready.

File Descriptions

This file breakdown follows the repo structure and list folders and files in alphabetical order:

  • analysis/
    • backcheck_sim_analysis_extended.R: script that performs analysis and makes figures for the simulation presented in the paper and appendix
    • backcheck_empirical_app.R: script that performs analysis and makes figures for the empirical application presented in the paper and appendix.
  • data/
    • MC_Output/
      • Instructions for copying and pasting simulation results data into this folder.
      • unzip the MC_Output/ folder from Dropbox into this folder
    • surveys/
      • backcheck_survey.RData: cleaned version of vendor_end_nopid.RData used for simulations.
      • vendor_end_long_bc_nopid.RData: RData file containing the backcheck data for the long version of the survey
      • vendor_end_nopid.RData: RData file containing the original data for the empirical application
      • vendor_end_short_bc_nopid.RData: RData file containing the backcheck data for the short version of the survey.
    • mc_params.csv: csv file containing simulation parameters created by backcheck_setup.R when replicating the simulation on a cluster or by backcheck_sim_personal when replicating the simulation on a personal computer. Included here to make it replicators are not using a cluster
  • install_packages/
    • install_packages_qualmix_app.R: script that installs all packages necessary for the empirical application portion of the project
    • install_packages_qualmix_common.R: script that installs all packages necessary for both simulation and empirical application portion of the project.
    • install_packages_qualmix_app.R: script that installs all packages necessary for the empirical application portion of the project
  • scripts/
    • convenience_functions.R: functions to help with analysis, including getGamma() and getComparison(), which help create agreement-summary vectors.
    • remove_data_pid: script that removes personal identifying information from data sets used in project; included for transparency reasons, but not runnable with data in data/ folder (from which PID has already been removed)
    • simulate_Ra_Rb.R: functions to help with simulation of original data-backcheck dataset
    • typos.R: functions to help with simulation (adding typos to mimic data entry errors)
  • simulation/
    • cluster/
      • SLURM job submission script for simulation (spawns 12 other job submissions)
      • backcheck_setup.R: script that creates a data frame with simulation parameters to make them accessible to all jobs
      • backcheck_sim_cluster.R: script performing simulation and preliminary analysis for a specific combination of simulation parameters intended to be run on a computing cluster using a SLURM job scheduler
      • SLURM job submission script used for each combination of simulation parameters (called by
    • personal/
      • backcheck_sim_personal.R: a NOT RUN version of the simulation script that should work (slowly) on a personal computer
  • stan_models/
    • MM_SQ_backchecking.exe: pre-compiled version of the QualMix model
    • MM_SQ_backchecking.stan: underlying Stan code for QualMix model
    • receipts_qual_model.exe: pre-compiled version of the poorly performing receipts validation model
    • receipts_qual_model.stan: underlying Stan code for poorly performing receipt model
    • receipts_qual_model_simple.exe: pre-compiled version of receipt model used in paper
    • receipts_qual_model_simple.stan: underlying Stan code for receipt model used in paper
  • .gitignore: gitignore file for repository
  • GPL 3.0 license
  • QualMix.rproj: R project file associated with repo
  • this repo description and help guide
  • README.qmd: file that creates this repo description and help guide.


Replication materials for Hoellerbauer's "A Mixture Model Approach to Assessing Measurement Error in Surveys Using Reinterviews". Includes information for applying model to novel data.







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