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File Locations

Eric Harris-Braun edited this page Apr 11, 2017 · 14 revisions

So what junk does holochain put on your computer and where does it put it?


Go: When we have an automated holochain installer, this manual go installation process should disappear, but until then, you will need to install the Go Language, including setting your $GOPATH, and then add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH.

This should set up a directory for go programs at ~/go and when you install the holochain program by typing go get it will automatically install in subdirectories of the same name. It will also automatically grab other dependencies and install them in their respective paths under ~/go.

There will be a subdirectory for the command line shell for interacting with the holochain program at cmd/hc. If you're an early stage user of holochain, you may need to update your hc command by changing to this subdirector and typing: go install. This should rebuild the hc command and install it in the path for go executables at ~/go/bin.

Holochain: In your user directory a new (invisible) directory should have been created called .holochain. You can go to it by typing cd ~/.holochain

Subdirectory for each holochain named with the chain name with these contents:

Name Description
dna This directory contains the DNA that defines your application
dna/dna.json The DNA configuration file which specifies the application code (zome files) and holochain name and identifiers
dna/<zome_name>/ Directory contains the zome specific application files. They will end in .zy if they're zygomys/Lisp files, .js if they're JavaScript, etc.
db This directory contains chain and DHT data
db/chain.db This is your local hashchain that you sign new entries to as you commit changes to your state in this holochain.
db/dht.db This is your node's DHT store. It is a key-value store powered by buntdb
ui This is the directory where you'll find user interface files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) You can install additional UX/UI systems or components by dropping them into sub-directories here.
test This directory contains your application tests.


Probably same as Linux... We'll need to check and update this. Can someone help us out here? @haizop ? @matthewjosef ?


We haven't set up a Windows installation and tried it yet... I think we'll need an installer which to throw our mutable files into the installing user's Virtual Store at:


Meanwhile you'll need to install Go manually and things will end up wherever Go puts programs.