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hc Command

Eric Harris-Braun edited this page Jul 18, 2017 · 7 revisions

hc command line holochain service app reference

This command has been deprecated

hc --help

To get help from the command line, type $ hc --help

You'll see this response:

   hc - holochain peer command line interface

   hc [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   0.0.6 (holochain 12)

     init, i           bootstrap the holochain service
     clone, cl, c      clone a holochain instance from a source
     test, t           run validation against test data for a chain in development
     genesis, gen, g   generate genesis entries or keys for a cloned holochain
     web, serve, w     serve a chain to the web on localhost:<port> (defaults to 3141)
     call, ca          call an exposed function
     dump, d           display a text dump of a chain
     dht               display a text dump of an app's dht
     join, c           joins a holochain by copying an instance from a source and generating genesis blocks
     reset, r          reset a chain. Warning this destroys all chain data!
     seed              seed calculates DNA hash and builds DNA file without generating genesis entries.  Useful only for testing and development.
     status, s         display information about installed chains
     template, dev, t  generate a configuration file template suitable for editing
     help, h           Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --debug        debugging output
   --path value   path to holochain directory (default: ~/.holochain)
   --verbose, -V  verbose output
   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version

You can also get help on any of the sub-commands by calling hc help structured like this: hc <command> help

hc init <id_string>

This command initializes the system with a default identity and generates default public/private keys for interacting with other networked peers. You provide a single string of identifying information which will be visible as your _agent_name. This is often an email address.

Usage: hc init `'

hc join <Source_Holochain>

This is how you join with an existing holochain that has already been created. You can specify a source by its unique DNA hash identifier (A string of characters that looks something like this: QmeHrPW2Y2xGeTLWv7vTYHNr9ViV1LYE3cFKgY2kskUf7G) to retrieve it from the holochain of holochains (assuming it has been shared there by its original author). You can also point to a local file you've gotten from someone you trust.

hc clone <Source_location> <New_Holochain_Name>

As a developer who is building or modifying a holochain application, you can clone a pre-existing holochain application configuration by specifying existing application files.

You can source from files anywhere such as from a git repo you've cloned, from a live chain you're already running in your .holochain directory, or one of the examples included in the holochain repository.


For example: hc clone ./examples/sample sample

Before you launch your chain, this is the chance for you to customize the application settings like the Application NAME, for example.

If you are developing a holochain application and need to destroy your running version of that holochain to test your new code, you can force it to overwrite with hc clone --force /programming/source/directory target-name

hc gen chain

Builds your genesis entries for starting your new local chain. It can also be used to generate new keys.

hc gen chain <name> Creates genesis entries launching your new local chain hc gen keys <name> Creates new keys on this holochain

hc status

To see what holochains are installed on your system, just type hc status. You'll get a result showing each chain name and the the ID/hash of the DNA of the chain.

For example, results should look something like this:

installed holochains:
     escrow <not-started>  
     flack Qm9yPX4cX3hA9DNkx6kNjdKRmPLdDZeJrPcWChpLv6X7PG

hc test <HOLOCHAIN_NAME> (deprecated: will be moved to hcdev command)

This command runs the test harness for the specified holochain


hc serve

Launch UI services via web socket to exposed application functions. By default, the browser services are only available via localhost.

hc call <fn_name> (deprecated: will be moved to hcdev command)

Call an exposed function from the hc command line instead of a web socket / browser UI.

hc bs

Contact a bootstrap server specified in the chain's DNA to notify of your existence and search for peers to communicate with.

hc dump <chain_name>

Display all the contents of the specified personal chain

hc dev (deprecated: will be moved to hcdev command)

Secret undocumented developer feature which generates a skeletal holochain app to start developing with.

Please see our new documentation site at


External Links

Holochain Core Development

Dev pages, need integrating into the wiki

Docker install for Devs

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