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Stereo Vision Toolkit

Software Website

Latest Release

Download the latest release here

For detailed instructions see the User Guide


Build Release


I3DR's stereo vision toolkit is an application provided for testing of stereo cameras and gathering of 3D data.

You can calibrate stereo cameras, acquire images and perform matching and 3D reconstruction. You can save raw stereo video to capture a scene and then replay it in the software to fine tune matching parameters.

SVTK is under active development. At the moment the software only officially supports the i3DR Deimos and Phobos cameras, but in principle any usb camera pair or pre-rectified stereo video of the correct format (side-by-side) will work.


Currently SVTK is a useful and functional tool for exploring stereo imaging, and allows you to get going with your I3DR stereo camera quickly. There are a number of features/improvements in development including:

  • Live camera calibration (currently in beta)
  • Automated calibration correction
  • Linux support
  • ROS support
  • Unit tests and other deployment improvements

See issues for details on known bugs and future enhancements

Stereo matching support

We have included support for two of OpenCV's matchers: the basic block matcher and semi-global block matching. The block matcher will run at over 60fps on a fast CPU (e.g. i5.) SGBM should provide better results, but will run around a factor of five slower.

I3DR's own 3D matching algorithm (I3DRSGM) is also built into this application by default however a license is required to be able to run it. Please contact for requesting a license.


Download and install the windows installer for the latest release here.

See the User Guide for details on using the software as well as building from source.


This code is provided under the MIT license, which essentially means it's open source, but we require you to add our copyright if you distribute it elsewhere.

Previous Releases

See release for previous builds.

Developer zone

See User Guide for details on building from source.

Documentation can be found here.

This application is under active development and it is likely that in the short term there may be breaking changes to classes, or significant changes to the GUI.

Please read the guides for contributors and maintainers using this repository.

Please read the guide for branches and how they are used in this repository.

To clone the repository, make sure the clone with recurrsive to also include the sub-modules.

Using the follow command:

git clone --recursive

3rd Party Content

This repository is used for internal development and so we include both debug and release libraries and DLLs. This makes for quite a large repository for a rather small codebase (around 500MB), so be warned.

The project uses OpenCV for image processing, PCL and VTK for point cloud visualisation and hidapi for camera control. PCL requires Boost and Eigen which are included here. These dependencies are provided in accordance with their respective licenses which may be found in the license folder. We also use FontAwesome for icons via QtAwesome, along with QDarkStyle.

Automatic install

Some libraries have been moved to be externally downloaded to reduce the repostiory size. To download these libraries use the '3rdparty.bat' script provided in 'scripts'. This will download the libraries of the correct versions to the correct folders.
Note: This process builds boost with the required boost libraries so will take some time to complete.
Note: These scripts use command line features that are only avaiable in Windows 10 'curl' and 'tar'. If you are on a Windows 8 or lower machine you will need to install the Windows version of these commands and add them to your PATH variable.

cd PATH_TO_REPO/scripts


Boost requires Visual Studio 2017, and needs cl.exe to be in the system PATH variable or to run '3rdparty.bat' in a Visual Studio command prompt.


Tested with QT 5.14.2 with Visual Studio 2017.
Requires QT Webengine module for use in Fervor.

OpenCV Contrib & CUDA

There is limited usage of CUDA for certain image processing steps (e.g. rectification) and neural network support and OpenCV's ximageproc from contrib modules for WLS filter.


There is an issue where QT doesn't use the generic vc redist package and instead pulls from the system. Therefore the generic 2015-2019 vc redist is provided in this repository and can be updated using the script in '3rdparty/vcredist'.

Phobos control

Arduino code for controlling Phobos cameras is provided in src/camera/camera_control. This is for the serial communication between the arduino and this toolkit. See issue for more information.