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Releases: icdev2dev/bachao


30 Nov 05:18
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MVP Pre-release


Internet Computer's Internet Identity ( provides a mechanism to create an internet identity. Additionally it provides a mechansim to recovery my internet identity through a 'recovery phrase'. The objective of the MVP is to take that recovery phrase and translate that into a set of tokens; which can be distributed to my trusted friends and family. I would not have the 'recovery phrase'. When I need to recover my lost identity (which hopefully is never), I can ask my friends and family to vouch for my identity through those distributed tokens. I can use that "proof" to recover my recovery phrase permissionlessly. Obviously there are many nuances that needs to be explained; which will the subject of next sections.

Generate Tokens Test Tokens Recover Secret
Step 1 of 3 Step 2 of 3 Step 3 of 3