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Integrate phone number to country lookup functionality into the ever-popular Countries gem using the excellent Phony gem. This lets you find the country for a given phone number quickly and easily.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'countries-phone_numbers'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install countries-phone_numbers

By default the fancy new phone number methods won't be added to the base Country object, so as not to pollute the namespace too much. You can always use the Countries::PhoneNumbers module to query for countries by phone numbers, as well as use the phone number formatters.

To add the finders to the Country object, require the ext_finders file like so:

require countries/phone_numbers/ext_finders

To add the formatters to the Country object, require the ext_formatters file like so:

require countries/phone_numbers/ext_formatters


It's easy. Just use the Country.find_country_by_phone_number(number) or Country.find_by_phone_number(number) methods just like you would for any other Country search. And just like with default Country search methods, it will return either an array of data or a Country object.

Time for some examples. Let's say you need to call your best pal, President Obama in the US White House.

country = Country.find_country_by_phone_number( '+1 202-456-1111' )
=> #<Country:0x007febbac72ad8 @data={"continent"=>"North America", "address_format"=>"{{recipient}}\n{{street}}\n{{city}} {{region}} {{postalcode}}\n{{country}}", "alpha2"=>"US", "alpha3"=>"USA", "country_code"=>"1", "currency"=>"USD", "international_prefix"=>"011", "ioc"=>"USA", "latitude"=>"38 00 N", "longitude"=>"97 00 W", "name"=>"United States", "names"=>["United States of America", "Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "États-Unis", "Estados Unidos", "アメリカ合衆国", "Verenigde Staten"], "translations"=>{"en"=>"United States of America", "it"=>"Stati Uniti D'America", "de"=>"Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika", "fr"=>"États-Unis", "es"=>"Estados Unidos", "ja"=>"アメリカ合衆国", "nl"=>"Verenigde Staten"}, "national_destination_code_lengths"=>[3], "national_number_lengths"=>[10], "national_prefix"=>"1", "number"=>"840", "region"=>"Americas", "subregion"=>"Northern America", "un_locode"=>"US", "languages"=>["en"], "nationality"=>"American"}> 

This gives you the normal country object. Treat it like you would any other search from the Country gem.
=> "United States"

=> "US"

What about countries that share the same Country Code?

When multiple countries share a single country code - for instance, the North American Number Plan (NANP) - CountryDetectors are employed to provide additional intepretation. These detectors are not perfect, but they should catch many ambiguous situations.

The detectors are configured in country_detectors.yaml.

Why are there a boatload of pending specs?

Any entries in the Country gem that do not have test cases will appear as pending specs. This is to help track which countries still need solid tests. If you can help by offering some numbers to validate, please contribute!


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Extention of Countries gem to include phone number identification functionality.







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