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Releases: imanuelcostigan/RSQLServer

Version 0.3.0

17 Jun 20:13
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DBI backend

A number of changes have been made to improve DBI compliance as specified by tests in the DBItest package (#60):

  • fetch() on non-query statements return an empty data frame
  • Nested transactions throw errors with related change of dbWriteTable() code now being wrapped in dbWithTransaction()
  • dbDataType() works for AsIs objects and returns NVARCHAR and VARBINARY SQL types with lengths of at least one
  • dbHasCompleted() returns TRUE for empty ResultSets
  • dbDisconnect() returns a warning if called on a connection that is already closed and otherwise closes the connection and returns TRUE.
  • dbGetInfo() for SQLServerConnection now complies with DBItest expectations
  • dbGetInfo() for SQLServerDriver returns the JDBC driver version (3.0) as driver.version and jTDS verion as client.version instead of the jTDS client version and NA respectively.
  • SQLServer() no longer accepts arguments
  • Bumped DBI requirement

A number of other changes have been made to the DBI backend:

  • Implemented dbBegin(), dbCommit(), dbRollback() methods for DBI generics
  • dbWriteTable() is faster by always using transactions (BEGIN before and COMMIT after), and optionally much faster by way of the batch option.
  • Changed API for dbWriteTable() to match generic documented in the DBI package. It also now returns TRUE invisibly.
  • dbWriteTable() now fails when attempting to append to a temporary table (#75)
  • Implemented dbSendStatement() method which required the extension of SQLServerResult to SQLServerUpdateResult the latter of which is used to dispatch the dbGetRowsAffected() method (#95). Added batch option to both dbSendStatement() and dbSendQuery() for insert/update speedup (#69, #90, #106, @r2evans).
  • Implemented dbBind() method to replace the internal .fillStatementParameter() method which required the extension of SQLServerResult to SQLServerPreResult the latter of which allows statements with bindings to present a ResultSet interface to DBI (ResultSets are only created after values are bound to parameterised statements in JDBC). (#88)
  • dbBind() now supports multi-row binding (e.g., for INSERT and UPDATE)
  • Implemented sqlCreateTable() for SQLServerConnection which is called by db_create_table(). (#76)
  • dbDataType maps R character objects of sufficiently long length to VARCHAR(MAX) on newer version of MSSQL rather than TEXT as the latter is being deprecated.
  • Arguments of dbConnect() are now NULL where other default values were assigned. This does not change the behaviour of the method.
  • Introduced pattern argument to dbListTables() which allows you to list all tables matching a pattern.
  • dbExistsTable() now passed table name to dbListTables() as a pattern to be matched which should improve its performance.
  • dbColumnInfo() succeeds in running (#96, @r2evans)
  • dbGetInfo() method for SQLServerResult has been removed and calls the default DBI method which calls dbHasCompleted(), dbGetRowCount() etc. The latter methods have been implemented for SQLServerResult and are exported.
  • dbIsValid() implemented for SQLServerDriver and always returns TRUE.
  • Now rely on DBI supplied show() methods

dplyr/dbplyr backend

A number of changes were made to dplyr backend including a refactoring of its code across to the newer dbplyr package. As a result, dplyr >= 0.7.0 is required:

  • src_desc() defunct in favour of db_desc()
  • Implemented db_create_table(), db_write_table() and db_insert_into()for SQLServerConnection
  • db_drop_table() supports the IF EXISTS SQL clause if supported by SQL Server (#75)
  • New temporary argument to db_insert_into() which overwrites existing table if set to TRUE and if necessary.
  • sql_select() method supports the DISTINCT keyword and includes TOP keyword when query results are ordered.
  • compute() and copy_to() implementations are replaced by db_compute() and db_copy_to() implementations
  • db_explain() is more informative (e.g. prints relative cost of operations)
  • db_analyze() unsupported and simply returns TRUE.
  • db_query_fields() method for SQLServerConnection removed in favour of default dplyr method. The latter better handles sub-queries.
  • intersect() and setdiff() methods are removed in favour of default dplyr methods.
  • as.numeric() and as.character() calls now cast scalar input values to SQL types FLOAT and NVARCHAR(4000) respectively rather than NUMERIC and TEXT respectively (default in dplyr).
  • Added basic testing of dplyr backend (#81)


This package no longer depends on RJDBC. As such a number of user visible changes have been made:

  • dbSendQuery() only executes queries rather than other arbitrary SQL statements. See rstats-db/DBI#20. It also no longer supports calling stored procedures (callable statements).
  • dbSendQuery() can execute parameterised queries. See ?DBI:dbBind for more details on parameterised queries.
  • dbSendUpdate() which was based on RJDBC's method and which executes non-query SQL statements will be deprecated in favour of the more descriptive dbExecute() which has been implemented upstream in DBI (the latter of which calls dbSendStatement()). See rstats-db/DBI#20. Unlike RJDBC's dbSendUpdate(), dbExecute() does not yet support calling stored procedures as these do not seem to be explicitly supported by any other DBI backend.
  • dbExecute() arguments have been changed to reflect the DBI generic.
  • Implemented dbUnloadDriver() which returns TRUE in all instances rather than FALSE as was the case in RJDBC.

A number of previously imported RJDBC methods have now been reimplemented in this package with no user visible changes.

Other changes

  • Added Travis-CI (#83, #84) and Appveyor support (#80, @Hong-Revo)
  • Correctly determine major version of SQL Server DB backend (#122)
  • dplyr's arrange() method now returns whole result rather than top 100 rows (#124). This was implemented by changing the default behaviour of sql_select() method and may result in breaks to existing code.

Version 0.2.0

22 Mar 20:54
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Major changes

  • Implements a SQL backend to dplyr (#4) including SQL translations for as.POSIXct and as.Date (#43)
  • dbConnect() interface has been enhanced but breaks backward compatibility consequently enhanced. Server details can be specified in a YAML file which are passed to dbConnect. See ?SQLServer (#8)


  • fetch() now processes the data frame returned by RJDBC::fetch() to better map database field types to their equivalents in R such as integer, logical, Date, POSIXct and raw. (#31, #47)
  • dbWriteTable() can now write Date, POSIXct and other non-character and non-numeric field types to equivalent SQL representations (#32)

Other changes

  • Azure hosted SQL Server support (#3)
  • Downgraded bundled jTDS from 1.3.1 to 1.2.8 (#9)
  • Improved DBI compliance (#35).
  • Untested supported for Sybase in jtds_url()
  • NEWS now in markdown (

Version 0.1.1

22 Mar 09:07
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  • implemented and exported dbIsValid methods for SQLServerConnection and SQLServerResult (#1)

Version 0.1

22 Mar 09:08
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  • Initial release