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More doc updates, messaging in particular [IMMUTANT-538]
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jcrossley3 committed Mar 31, 2015
1 parent 5fa6108 commit e48701a
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Showing 4 changed files with 111 additions and 44 deletions.
133 changes: 99 additions & 34 deletions docs/guides/
Expand Up @@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ out the notable API changes as we go.

## The API

The messaging [API] is backed by
[HornetQ], which is an implementation of [JMS]. JMS provides two
primary destination types: *queues* and *topics*. Queues represent
point-to-point destinations, and topics publish/subscribe.
The messaging [API] is backed by [HornetQ], which is an implementation
of [JMS]. JMS provides two primary destination types: *queues* and
*topics*. Queues represent point-to-point destinations, and topics

To use a destination, we need to get a reference to one via the
[[queue]] or [[topic]] functions, depending on the type required. This
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,7 +148,56 @@ dereference:
The responder is just a fancy listener, and can be deregistered the
same way as a listener.

## Remote contexts
## Durable Topic Subscriptions

Typically, messages published to a topic are only delivered to
listeners connected to the topic at that time. But it's possible to
[[subscribe]] to a topic with a unique name, so that the broker will
accumulate messages for that client when it's disconnected and deliver
them in the proper order when the client reconnects.

Use the [[subscribe]] function to create a "durable topic subscriber".
Like [[listen]] it expects a callback function. Unlike [[listen]], the
destination *must* be a topic, and a unique `subscription-name` is
required. If the resulting client gets disconnected for any reason,
simply call [[subscribe]] again with the same `subscription-name` and
any messages published to the topic in the client's absence will be
mapped to the callback function.

## Contexts

Immutant borrows the `Context` abstraction introduced in [JMS] 2.0,
which is essentially a mashup of `Connection` and `Session`.

Most of the messaging functions accept a `:context` option. If
omitted, one is automatically created on the caller's behalf, used,
and then disposed of. This is fine for most use cases, but some will
require you to manage the lifecycle of one or more `Contexts`
yourself. Two cases, in particular:

* Remote destinations, discussed in the next session
* Publishing or receiving a batch of messages

When publishing a batch of messages, it's more efficient to create a
single [[context]] and pass it to each [[publish]] or [[request]]
call. Otherwise, a new one is created and torn down for every message
in the batch. Of course, you're responsible for closing any `Context`
you create so `with-open` is your friend:

(with-open [ctx (context)]
(let [q (queue "foo")]
(dotimes [n 10000]
(publish q n :context ctx))))

This is not a problem for [[listen]], [[subscribe]] or [[respond]]
since each only requires a single `Context` no matter how many times
their callback function is invoked. It is potentially an issue for
[[receive]], but if you're receiving a batch of messages, you should
consider using [[listen]] instead.

## Remote Destinations

To connect to a remote HornetQ instance, you'll need to create a
remote context (via the [[context]] function), and use it when getting
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,45 +253,29 @@ destination, the Immutant client ignores it: the name you pass to
[[queue]] or [[topic]] directly corresponds to the `name` attribute of
`<jms-queue>` or `<jms-topic>`, respectively.

## Reusing contexts

By default, Immutant creates a new context object for each `publish`,
`request` or `receive` call. Creating a context isn't free, and incurs
some performance overhead. If you plan on calling any of those
functions in a tight loop, you can gain some performance by creating
the context yourself (via the [[context]] function):

(with-open [context (context)]
(let [q (queue "foo")]
(dotimes [n 10000]
(publish q n :context context))))

## Context modes

When creating a context, you can pass a `:mode` option that controls
how messages will be acknowledged and delivered.

Immutant provides three modes:

* `:auto-ack` - when this mode is active, receipt of a message is
automatically acknowledged when a `receive` call completes. This
mode doesn't affect publication - `publish` calls will complete
immediately. This is the default mode for contexts.
* `:auto-ack` - *the default for contexts*, when this mode is active,
receipt of a message is automatically acknowledged when a `receive`
call completes. This mode doesn't affect publication - `publish`
calls will complete immediately.

* `:client-ack` - when this mode is active, you are responsible for
acknowledging the message manually by calling `.acknowledge` on the
Message object. This means you need to get the raw message (by
passing `:decode? false` to `receive`). This mode doesn't affect
publication - `publish` calls will complete immediately.

* `:transacted` - when this mode is active, you are responsible for
committing or rolling back (by calling `.commit` or `.rollback` on
the context, respectively) any actions performed on the
context. This applies to publishes *and* receives.

:auto-ack is the default for contexts, :transacted for listeners.
* `:transacted` - *the default for listeners*, when this mode is
active, you are responsible for committing or rolling back (by
calling `.commit` or `.rollback` on the context, respectively) any
actions performed on the context. This applies to publishes *and*

If a context is created with `:xa? true`, the `:mode` option is
ignored. See the [Transactions Guide] for more details.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,11 +333,43 @@ Note that any custom xml or system properties will be ignored when
running inside WildFly - you'll need to make adjustments to the
WildFly configuration to achieve similar effects.

## More to come
In addition, it is possible to override many HornetQ configuration
settings at runtime using

## Transactions

When the messaging operations are left to create their own `Context`,
they check to see whether an XA transaction is active. If so, an XA
context is created and automatically enlisted as a resource in the
active transaction. Otherwise, a more efficient non-XA `Context` is

So you only pay for transactions if you need them.

However, the default value for the [[context]] function's `:xa?`
option is `false`, so if you're managing `Context` instances yourself,
you must set `:xa?` to true if you need that `Context` to be part of a
distributed XA transaction.

### Listeners

In Immutant 1.x, message listeners were automatically enlisted
participants in an XA transaction, but that is not the case with
Immutant 2.x. Within the listener function, you must now explicitly
define a transaction using one of the macros in
[[immutant.transactions]]. If an exception escapes its body, the
transaction will be rolled back, and if the exception bubbles out of
the listener function, the message will be queued for redelivery.

But the rollback of the transaction has no relationship to message
redelivery, which is only triggered by the exception. The transaction
*could* be rolled back as a result of calling
[[immutant.transactions/set-rollback-only]], in which case no
exception would be thrown. Hence, rollback would occur, but not

That was just a brief introduction to the messaging API. There are
features we've yet to cover (durable topic subscriptions,
transactional sessions)...
See the [Transactions Guide] for more details.

[API]: immutant.messaging.html
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/guides/
Expand Up @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ redelivery. But the rollback of the tx has no relationship to
redelivery, which is only triggered by the exception.

Messaging connections, now called contexts, are no longer XA by
default, so you must set the :xa option to true when you create your
default, so you must set the :xa? option to true when you create your
own contexts to pass to the messaging functions. If you don't pass
your own contexts, those functions will create an XA capable context
only if within an active transaction as defined by the scoping macros.
Expand Down
18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions docs/guides/
Expand Up @@ -29,13 +29,15 @@ single component of an XA transaction fails, all of them rollback.

If you're familiar with [JTA], we make a `TransactionManager`
available via the [[manager]] var, and everything else provided by the
library is mostly a syntactic sugary glaze around that instance. For
example, the [[transaction]] macro will query the manager to see if a
transaction is active. If so, it'll simply invoke its body, relying on
the transactional components within to automatically enlist themselves
as XA resources. Otherwise, it'll start a new transaction, execute its
body, and commit the transaction unless an exception is caught, in
which case the transaction is rolled back. For example,
library is mostly a syntactic sugary glaze slathered on that instance.
For example, the [[transaction]] macro will query the manager to see
if a transaction is active. If so, it'll simply invoke its body.
Otherwise, it'll start a new transaction, execute its body, and commit
the transaction unless either an exception is caught or
[[set-rollback-only]] is called, in which case the transaction is
rolled back. Either way, it relies on the transactional components
within the body to automatically enlist themselves as XA resources.
For example,

(def queue (msg/queue "/queue/test"))
Expand All @@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ single, atomic operation. Either both succeed or neither succeeds.
Note that the cache had to be created with its `:transactional` flag
set. The publish function will detect an active transaction and create
an XA-capable context with which to send the message. If you pass a
context for publish to use, be sure its `:xa` flag is set if you
context for publish to use, be sure its `:xa?` flag is set if you
intend to publish within a transaction.

## Transaction Scope
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion messaging/src/immutant/messaging/hornetq.clj
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@

(defn ^JMSServerManager server-manager
"Retrieves the local JMS server mananger instance."
"Retrieves the local JMS server manager instance."
(if (pu/in-container?)
(throw (IllegalStateException. "immutant.messaging.hornetq functions can't be used in-container"))
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