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Improve clarity of your Behat suites by easily specifying Doctrine2 entities within your feature files instead of in separate fixtures.

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Usage Example

Given a User entity "" with password "12345678"
And I go to "/login"
And I fill in "email" with ""
And I fill in "password" with "12345678"
When I press "Login"
Then I should be on "/"
And I should be logged in

Given no User entity ""
And I go to "/login"
And I fill in "email" with ""
And I fill in "password" with "12345678"
When I press "Login"
Then I should be on "/login"
And I should see "Invalid user or password"
namespace Ingenerator\BeEntity\Factory;

class User extends Ingenerator\BeEntity\Factory {

	protected function _locate($identifier)
		return $this->entity_manager->getRepository('Project\User')->findOneBy(array('email' => $identifier));

	protected function _create($identifier)
		$user = new Project\User;
		return $user;



Add to your composer.json:

	"require": {
		"ingenerator/be_entity" : "dev-master"

Create the BeEntity context as a subcontext of your FeatureContext:

class FeatureContext extends Behat\Behat\Context\BehatContext {

	public function __construct()
		$em = new Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;  // Whatever code you need to get an EntityManager instance in your app

		$this->useContext('be_entity', new Ingenerator\BeEntity\Context\BeEntityContext($em));

Create factory classes for each type of entity you want to use in your features - see the example User factory above. Your factory defines how to use the step argument to search for an entity of that type and declares sensible defaults for a new entity record.

Note that you can have multiple factory classes for each entity type in your application - for example, you might create an Administrator factory that creates Project\User entities with a particular field set or role granted.


  • Generators for sequences of entities - eg user1, user2, user3
  • Entity references - eg Given the Blog entity "My first blog" has author "User:"
  • Wipe db/wipe table hooks for specific scenarios that require an empty database or integration builds
  • Review Entity Manager injection and consider a service container layer

Contributors and Credits

  • Andrew Coulton acoulton [lead developer]

Heavily inspired by thoughtbot's factory_girl ruby gem.


BSD Licence - see LICENSE


Doctrine 2 entity factory and expectation testing helper framework for Behat







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