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Python client for the OBIS xylookup API

Source on GitHub at iobis/pyxylookup

Documentation at Read the Docs

Other OBIS xylookup clients:


pip install git+git://

Example usage

# nested list of longitude/latitude
import pyxylookup as xy
xy.lookup([[120,0], [-170,1]])

# numpy 2d array
import numpy as np
points = np.asarray([[120,0], [-170,1]])

## pandas DataFrame
import pandas as pd
points = pd.DataFrame({'x': [120,-170], 'y': [0,1]})
## retrieve results as a pandas DataFrame
xy.lookup(points, asdataframe = True)

Development environment installation

pipenv --three
pipenv install vcrpy
pipenv install tox
pipenv install nose
pipenv install requests
pipenv install u-msgpack-python
pipenv install pandas
pipenv install sphinx sphinx-autobuild sphinx_rtd_theme
# enter virtual evironment
pipenv shell
# run tests
pipenv run tox
