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What is it?

Imagecraft lets you sandwich images together to create a final graphic. This is
particularly useful for doing "just-in-time" skin customizations for web
applications, particularly for branding purposes.

What do I need?

Python, obviously. You'll also need PIL (the Python Imaging Library) to read
and manipulate the source images to create the desired output. You'll also
need to get your hands dirty and write a little Python to explain how to 
generate your output images.

This application isn't designed for standalone execution today -- so you'll 
either have to write a simple implementation of that yourself, or more likely, 
integrate into some existing software.

Finally, although it is not at all required for correct operation, usefulness
will be dramatically improved if your colours are being defined somewhere 
else entirely and simply being passed as a dictionary from your application.
This is a very convenient and powerful way of generating images, as the same
color variables that populate your CSS can be used to generate images used
as well.

How does it work?

It takes a set of images you provide and combines them together in order
according to a small bit of programming, optionally colorizing each layer as
it is processed.

A typical use case might be creating a gradient from a dark colour to a
lighter colour. Let's see how we would achieve that by walking through the

1. Create some source images

All the source images for a single destination graphic must be the same size
or else you'll run into problems. You may wish to create a template rectangle
for your output image and place it on the "ruler" layer, or use a new layer
for each layer to composite in bitmap-based graphic software.

Each layer can contain effectively two kinds of data:

* Black pixels with varying levels of alpha-transparency/opacity, which are
  designed to be colorized with a specific colour at generation time, OR

* RGB pixels with varying levels of alpha-transparency/opacity, which will
  be sandwiched into the final image but whose colour will not be modified

For this case, we want to define one solid black rectangle to assign to the 
darker of the two colours, and another black rectangle that fades from black
to transparent to assign the lighter colour. When you blend the two together,
you will see a smooth transition from the light colour to the darker one
behind it.

Don't use colours besides black for your image unless you know what you're 
doing; it will produce a tint of the generated colour when you build it which
is probably not what you're after. For now, just stick with solid black and

I also strongly recommend always working with PNG to preserve image quality and
alpha-transparency information.

2. Write a subclass of the ImageGenerator class

The ImageGenerator class is set up in such a way that you just need to 
subclass it and provide a few constants that serve as instructions on what to 

Our example code might look like this:

from imagecraft import ImageGenerator

class MyGradient(ImageGenerator):
    """Creates a gradient from dark to light"""
    image_format = "PNG"
    output_filename = "my_gradient.png"
    _default_input_path = "/path/to/my/source/images"
    layers = (
        {'dark_color': 'solid_rectangle.png'},
        {'light_color': 'gradient_rectangle.png'},

3. Write a name-to-value dictionary for colours

The whole point of the excercise is that you are using variable names to
represent the colour that will be applied to each layer -- not a literal color
value itself; otherwise the reusability of the code is dramatically reduced. 
You do this by providing a dictionary of named colors to the values they should
use, and pass that to the constructor of your class when you want to render
the final product out.

If our example assumed we wanted to use dark and light blues for our 
gradient, our dictionary might look like this:

color_dict = {
    'dark_color': '#227',
    'light_color': '#77A',

The format is simple: you create a dictionary-like object where each key is
the variable name for the colour, and each corresponding value is the RGB color
you'd like to use. RGB colors can be in the following formats:

* 12-bit hexadecimal RGB (e.g. "#F00")
* 24-bit hexadecimal RGB (e.g. "#FF0000")
* CSS named colors (e.g. "red")
* CSS RGB integer triplet (e.g. "rgb(255, 0, 0)")
* RGB integer triplet as a tuple of integers (e.g. (255, 0, 0) )

There are also two special values that can be passed for colors:

* CSS transparency string (e.g. "transparent")
* The Python null object, None

In the latter two cases, the images will not be colorized at all, but will 
still be composited according to their alpha transparency information. This
is helpful for combining rich-color images with other colourized layers. 

4. Create an instance of your Generator subclass and call the render method

Now that we have MyGradient defined (our instruction set) and color_dict (the
colours we wish to apply for this round of generation) we want to output the
result. We're also going to provide an explicit path where we want the output
to go.

output_path = '/tmp'
MyGradient(color_dict, output_path=output_path).render()

That's it. Your output file will now be at '/tmp/my_gradient.png'.

If you want to see a few more examples, look in the tests directory. You can
execute the tests to see what the generated output looks like.


Simple framework that uses PIL to colorize and sandwich images together to quickly create colorized graphics






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