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MissionControl Core Plugin

This is a plugin for the MissionControl CMS. Whilst it is fairly self-contained it is really designed to be used in that context and probably won't work anywhere else.


All MissionControl sites require this core plugin which takes care of the following:

  • Pages - these represent the main pages of the site. The core plugin takes over the standard CakePHP /pages/* route.

  • Layouts - Each page uses a certain "layout", which contains the outer markup of the finished page, e.g. HTML <head>, plus usually the header, main menu and footer of a page. These should be placed in {APP}/views/layouts/ and named with a .ctp extension. They should contain the following line to output the inner "template" content in the right place:

    <?php echo $content_for_layout ?>
  • Templates - These contain the main markup of each page, and, like layouts, can be shared between as many pages as you like. They live in {APP}/views/pages/, and should be named with a .ctp extension.

  • Content Areas - these are marked parts of a page layout or template that can have content added in the CMS. They are defined by a call to the content_area element and given a unique (within the page) name called a "slug", like so:

    <?php echo $this->element('content_area', array('slug' => 'callout')); ?>
  • Blocks - All content lives within a "block", which can be placed inside any of the available Content Areas of a page. NOTE: Blocks were conceived to allow different types of content to be inserted into a Content Area, e.g. A text block and then a contact form block, but at present only "text" blocks are available so you wouldn't usually bother to place more than one block in each content area.

  • Custom Fields - these are like Wordpress's custom fields, and let you create arbitrary name-value pairs of data that will be passed to the view and can be used in the template like so:

    <?php echo $layout->getCustomField($data,'box4_title') ?>
  • Search - I'm not sure how 'finished' this is, but the idea is that (via the Searchable plugin) any record can be indexed into a search index table which has a fulltext index for searching.

  • Email-sending via the SwiftEmail library via a component which extends the cake standard Email library which wasn't able to communicate with secure email servers (e.g. Gmail).

  • Rich-text editing via the jQuery version of TinyMCE which has to be present in the webroot/js/tiny_mce directory.

  • Menu construction Pages exist within a single hierarchical, ordered list and can be set to be visible or invisible within the main menu. A limitation of MissionControl is that there is only one master menu/page structure unlike Drupal for instance where menus are independent from pages.

  • Developer command-line tools for managing ACLs and fixtures.

  • CoreAppController - the class inside core_app_controller.php holds some logic that is necessary for almost all requests in a MissionControl site, and therefore all other plugin controllers extend this controller (and are therefore dependant on it). It extends AppController so will inherit any Application-specific code. You may wish any new application-specific controllers to extend CoreAppController rather than AppController directly, especially if they should be subject to access control.

Access Control

MissionControl uses CakePHP's standard Auth and ACL components which use a list of ACOs, AROs and a linking table.

  • ACOs represent controllers and their actions as children. If you enable access to a whole controller node, permission to access all its children is implied.

  • AROs represent User Groups. There are six pre-defined groups in MissionControl (managed by the users plugin): Guest, User, Contributor, Editor, Administrator and Superadministrator. Each inherits permissions from the previous, (except Superadministrator can always do anything). "Guest" is supposed to represent a non-authenticated anonymous user, but usually Authentication is just turned off for public actions ($this->Auth->allow(XXX))

Because the acos, aros and aros_acos tables are MPTT trees, this means they can't be edited manually in the database because the lft and rght fields will become invalid. Instead there are a couple of console shell commands that should be used to manage permissions. Before running them please cd to the application directory (the one that contains webroot etc).

Managing AROs (which represent user groups)

There is a permissions shell in vendors/shells/permissions.php. When run on the command-line, it will allow you to perform the following action:

cake permissions rebuild_aros

This will empty the aros table, run through the available user Group records and create corresponding AROs for each. Note that individual Users are not represented with AROs, only Groups are, so it is not possible to assign individuals unique permissions.

Managing ACOs (which represent controller actions)

You should use Mark Story's excellent acl_extras plugin shell for managing ACOs. When adding new controller actions, the ACO table will need to be updated to include the new action(s) at the correct point in the tree. You can do so by running:

cake acl_extras aco_update


cake acl_extras aco_sync

The latter also removes dead entries caused by deleting or renaming controller methods.

Managing aros_acos linking records (which represent permissions)

The permissions shell will also let you do:

cake permissions reset

This will look for and execute available CakePHP shell tasks (named what ?) inside each plugin (plus one for the app itself) which set permissions for their own area of responsibility. e.g.:

  • {APP}/vendors/shells/tasks/app_permissions
    • this shell contains commands to create any application-specific permissions that are not covered by the plugin permissions already. You should customise this if you add your own controllers to the app.
  • {APP}/plugins/core/vendors/shells/tasks/core_permissions.php
    • this contains most of the core permissions for MissionControl, essentially gives "Contributor" and above users access to all main page editing actions.
  • {APP}/plugins/file_library/vendors/shells/tasks/file_library_permissions.php
    • as above, but for the file library plugin.
  • {APP}/plugins/news/vendors/shells/tasks/news_permissions.php
    • as above but for news
  • {APP}/plugins/file_library/vendors/shells/users/users_permissions.php
    • this gives administrators access to user-management actions, and all users access to change their password and view their profile etc.

Adding/Modifying Group IDs:

If you add new Groups, the constants that hold the group IDs will become invalid, and therefore the permission update console tasks that use them will also be broken... This needs work!

More Info

Please see the readme file inside the other plugins for more info.

Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Jamie Mill - jamiermill/a/


A CakePHP plugin that provides the core functionality of the MissionControl CMS







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