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A generator used to generate page for Hexo from your exists Github project file.


$ npm install hexo-generator-github --save


hexo-generator-github can be used as helper/generator/console plugin. hexo server and hexo generate will call the generator of this plugin; A console command is provided to run this generator.

$ hexo github [-r --replace]

If -r or --replace option assigned, the generator will call github api and replace the existing github contents cache.


  debug: true # enable debug to log github api request/response
  user: Jamling # your github user name
  timeout: 60000 # set the github api request timeout
  token: your_token # enable Authorization for github api request, the api request limit will grow up from 60 to 5000
  cache_dir: gh_cache # the response of github api will store under the directory.
  repos: # request following repositories, otherwise, all repositories (limit 100) of user will be requested.
    - SmartIM4Eclipse
    - SmartIM4IntelliJ
    - hexo-theme-nova
    - hexo-generator-i18n
    - hexo-generator-github
    - hexo-generator-index2
    - hexo-filter-highlight
    - Android-ORM
    - eclipse-explorer
    - QuickAF
  navs: # project page left default nav menu, you can config for each project in ${blog}/_data/projects.yml
    overview: index.html
    index: index.html
    start: start.html
    release: release.html
    download: download.html
    userguide: userguide.html
    change: change.html
  • debug: Whether print debug info
  • cache_dir: Github response cache dir, you can run hexo github -r to remove all cache or remove files in cache manually to refresh cache again
  • user: Github user name
  • repos: Result repositories, return all(limit 100) repositories of user if undefined in _config.yml
  • token: See New token to generate token to grown up github api request limitation


A gh front-matter is nessary in your page to generate github response.

  • gh.user the github user, default is github.user in _config.yml, see gh_opts
  • gh.repo the github repo, default is fetched from url, see gh_opts
  • gh.type
    • get_repos get repositories from github, see gh_repos
    • get_contents get markdown file under repository, see gh_contents
    • get_releases get releases under repository, see gh_releases



Return full If no user assigned in page gh front-matter, the user will set from hexo.config.github.user If no repo assigned in page gh front-matter, the repo will set from page.path Sample:

  • page.path = p/Android-ORM/ => gh.repo = Android-ORM
  • page.path = en/p/Android-ORM/ => gh.repo = Android-ORM (The hexo.config.language must contains en in _config.yml)


Return array of github user's repos

  {%- for p in gh_repos() %}
    <!--<div class="col-sx-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6">-->
      <div class="panel panel-default project">
        <div class="panel-heading">
            <span class="icon nova-repo black-text"></span>
            <a href="./{{ }}" target="_blank" title="{{}}"> {{ }}</a>
            <a href="{{p.owner.login}}/{{}}" target="_blank" title="view on github"><span aria-hidden="true" class="icon nova-github right black-text"></span></a>
        <div class="panel-body">
          <p>{{ p.description }}</p>
        <div class="panel-footer">
          <iframe src="{{p.owner.login}}&repo={{}}&&type=star&count=true" class="github-iframe" height="20" width="110"></iframe>
          <iframe src="{{p.owner.login}}&repo={{}}&&type=fork&count=true" class="github-iframe" height="20" width="110"></iframe>
  {% endfor %}
Option Description Default
user Github user config.github.user


Return github (markdown file) contents of repository

{% set page.content = gh_contents() %}

So the page content will be replaced of content of github.

Option Description Default
user Github user config.github.user
repo Github repo
path Github content path README
ref Github reference master


Return array of github repo releases

{% for p in gh_releases() %}
<div class="release">
  <div class="header">
    <a href="{{p.html_url}}">{{}}</a>
    <a href="{{}}">{{}}</a> released this on {{gh_time(p.published_at)}}
  <div class="markdown-body">
  <h2 class="release-downloads-header">Downloads</h2>
  <ul class="release-downloads">
    {% for d in p.assets %}
    <li><a href="{{d.browser_download_url}}">
      <strong>{{}}</strong> ({{d.download_count}} downloads)</a>
    {%- endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Option Description Default
user Github user config.github.user
repo Github repo


Return edit link string of github contents

{{ gh_edit_link() }}


Return project content navigator tree

        enableLinks: true,
        color: '#428bca',
        expandIcon: 'icon nova-arrow-right2',
        collapseIcon: 'icon nova-arrow-down2',
        //levels: 3,
        //node-icon: '',
        //selectedColor: '#ff0000',
        onNodeSelected: function(event, data) {
          if (data.state.selected){
        data: {{ gh_aside_nav({parent_color:'#337ab7'}) }}
Option Description Default
user Github user config.github.user
repo Github repo
path Github content path README
ref Github reference master

