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Personal Website

Codebase for

Required Tooling

To install everything locally, you'll need the following:


Homebrew is a package manager for OSX. To install it, run the following from the command line:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


Asdf is a tool version manager. The easiest install method is using homebrew:

brew install asdf

Node & Ruby via Asdf

Next, install the plugins for node and ruby:

asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf plugin add ruby

The versions for each language are stored in .tool-versions. To install both node and ruby, go into the root directory of the project and run:

asdf install

The final step is installing packages for node and ruby:

yarn install
bundle install

Development Tools

Local Website

To run a local version of the site, run the following:

bundle exec jekyll serve

For Live reload, add the argument --livereload.


To build the website for a production deployment, run the following command:

JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build