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Squarespace SEO Tools

Tools that use OpenAI to help improve SEO for a Squarespace-hosted Blog


This was an experiment to use OpenAI to generate JSON-LD FAQ from blog posts.

I had a blog hosted on Squarespace that I wanted JSON-LD entries for SREP FAQs and there is no automated way to do this. I'd originally set out to have OpenAI convert the HTML into JSON-LD, but that was using an LLM to solve the wrong problem.

The codebase has evolved into a few tools that use OpenAI to help improve SEO for a Squarespace-hosted Blog:

  • blog_post_scrapper - Gently scrapes the blog posts and saves them locally
  • blog_post_seo_tools - Uses the local cahce of blog posts and uses OpenAI to suggest better titles and descriptions
  • blog_post_to_json_ld - Converts the blog posts into JSON-LD FAQ files and optionally can optimize the answer with OpenAI

Note that these tools make the following huge assumptions:

  • The blog is hosted at /blog
  • Each blog is structured to use h2 and p for questions and answers respectively
  • The local directory ./blog is the local cache of all blog posts (this is what blog_post_scrapper sorts)

To Do

  • Test coverage everywhere
  • Moving share logic into services
  • blog_post_seo_tools still needs work and ideally would use a more sophistcated prompt rather than multiple calls to OpenAI
  • blog_post_scrapper should take a date as input and only scrape posts that are newer than that date



To install everything locally, you'll need the following:

  • Ruby 3.1.x


You can install and manage your rubies using any tool you want. The following describes how to manage it with Homebrew and asdf.

First, install Homebrew:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Next use, homebrew to install asdf:

brew install asdf

For zsh users (macOS default as of 10.5+), load asdf automatically by appending the following to your shell configuration (~/.zshrc):

echo -e "\n. $(brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zshrc

Clone the latest code from github

git clone

Change to the source directory

cd squarespace_seo_tools

Run bundle to install the required gems:

bundle install

Development Tools

To run the test suite, execute:

bundle exec rspec

To look for code and linting issues, run the following:

bundle exec rubocop


Tools that use OpenAI to help improve SEO for a Squarespace-hosted Blog





