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Plugin Attributes Reference

Jeffrey Kemp edited this page Apr 17, 2020 · 11 revisions

Application-level Attributes

Component-level Attributes

  • Initial Map Position (required)

    Set the latitude and longitude as a pair of numbers to be used to position the map on page load, if no pin coordinates have been provided by the page item.

  • Initial Zoom Level (required)

    Set the initial map zoom level on page load, to be used if the page item has no coordinates to show.

  • Min. Map Height (required)

    Desired height (in pixels) of the map region. Note: the width will adjust according to the available area of the containing window.

  • Synchronize with Item

    Position of the marker will be retrieved from and stored in this item as a Lat,Long value. Also, if the item value is changed, the marker will be moved on the map.

  • Marker Zoom Level

    When the user clicks on the map, zoom the map to this level. Set to blank to not zoom on click.

  • Marker Icon

    URL to the icon to show for the marker. Leave blank for the default red Google pin.

  • Geocode Item

    Set to a text item on the page. If the text item contains the name of a location or an address, a Google Maps Geocode search will be done and, if found, the map will be moved to that location and a pin shown.

  • Restrict to Country code

    Leave blank to allow geocoding to find any place on earth. Set to country code (see for valid values) to restrict geocoder to that country.

  • Map Style

    The default map is styled as per the normal Google maps. You can generate map styles using this tool. Another way is to copy one from a site like - just click the "Copy" button on the style you like, and Paste into the plugin attribute. Refer to the Attribute help for a sample.

  • Address Item

    When the user clicks a point on the map, a Google Maps reverse geocode will be executed and the first result (usually the address) will be copied to the item you specify here.

  • Geolocate

    If set to Yes, on load the map will attempt to determine the user's location (it will probably ask the user for permission first) and pan to that location. If successful, the geolocate event will be triggered. For example, you could then put a marker at that location with some Dynamic Action javascript, e.g.: click_mymap(, (assuming your region static id is mymap).

  • Zoom on Geolocate

    If Geolocate is Yes, if the map is able to determine the user's location it will zoom to this level.

  • Read-only

    By default, this plugin allows the user to click the map to move the marker. To make the map "readonly" (i.e. disallow the user from moving the marker), set this to a PL/SQL expression that evaluates to TRUE.

  • Zoom enabled

    By default, the plugin allows the user to zoom the map interactively. To fix the map to the initial zoom level, set this attribute to a PL/SQL expression that evaluates to FALSE.

  • Pan enabled

    By default, the plugin allows the user to pan (move) the map view to different points interactively. To fix the map to the starting location, set this attribute to a PL/SQL expression that evaluates to FALSE.

  • Gesture Handling

    This attribute allows you to select how the map responds to touch gestures on a mobile device. Mobile web users often get frustrated when trying to scroll the page, but an embedded map captures their swipe and pans the map instead. This can even lead to users getting stuck on the map and having to reload the page in order to get back to the rest of the page. This option allows you to make scrolling more intuitive and less frustrating map interaction experience on mobile browsers. This may be set to one of the following values:

    • "cooperative": Two-finger touch gestures pan and zoom the map, as do all mouse gestures. One-finger touch gestures are ignored by the map. In this mode, the map cooperates with the page, so that one-finger touch gestures can pan the page.
    • "greedy": All touch gestures pan or zoom the map.
    • "none": The map cannot be panned or zoomed by user gestures.
    • "auto" (default): Gesture handling is automatically set to either cooperative or greedy, depending on whether the page is scrollable or not (defined by a comparison of the page body dimensions and the window dimensions).

    If the page is scrollable, "auto" sets the gesture handling mode to cooperative. If the page is not scrollable, "auto" sets the gesture handling to greedy. If the map is in an iFrame, "auto" sets the gesture handling to cooperative because the API can't determine whether the page is scrollable.

Deprecated / Removed Attributes

These attributes are deprecated and will be removed in a future version (if not already).

  • Enable Google Sign-In - used to enable Google sign-in on the map. This feature was deprecated by Google Maps some time ago and is now simply ignored.