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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 16, 2018. It is now read-only.


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This project is no longer used and maintained as it was ported over to Java. Please add new tests over there, not here.








Selenium tests for Jenkins

This is a project to flesh out some of the manual test cases for Jenkins LTS in an automated fashion.

master stable
Build Status of master branch Build Status of stable branch

Right now the project is in a very early state, and is in dire need of some Page Objects for the more standard components of Jenkins such as the:

  • Root actions link listing (top left sidebar)
  • New Job control
  • Various plugin configuration sections on the job/configure page
  • Node configuration
  • etc


On Ubuntu you may need to install: libxslt1-dev, libxml2-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev

Running tests

First, run bundle install to install required dependencies, or bundle update if you are updating sources of this repository.

To run the test, JENKINS_WAR=path/to/your/jenkins.war bundle exec rake. This runs the entire test suite, so it might take a while.

Set BROWSER=chrome and install in $PATH if desired. (But tests may fail.)

There is a bit of a delay since we bring up Jenkins for every single test, with it's own sandboxed workspace.

Common environment variables

  • BROWSER browser to be used to run the tests. Default firefox.
  • STARTUP_TIMEOUT Timeout in seconds for Jenkins to start. Default 100.

Choosing the JenkinsController

This test harness has an abstraction called JenkinsController that allows you to use different logic for starting/stopping Jenkins. We use this to so that the same set of tests can be run against many different ways of launching Jenkins, such as java -jar jenkins.war, Jenkins on JBoss, Jenkins via debian package, etc.

See the source code for the list of available controllers. If you see a line like register :remote_sysv, that means the ID of that controller is remote_sysv.

To select a controller, run the test with the 'type' environment variable set to the controller ID, such as: type=remote_sysv bundle exec rake. Controllers take their configurations from environment variables. Again,

Winstone controller (type=winstone)

This controller runs Jenkins via java -jar jenkins.war on the same host where the test is run. The behaviour of this controller can be customized through the following environment variables.

  • JENKINS_WAR the path to jenkins.war to be tested.
  • INTERACTIVE keep browser session opened after failed scenario for interactive investigation.
  • PLUGINS_DIR a directory of plugins to be loaded on Jenkins startup
  • PRELAUNCH when set, Jenkins will launch multiple Jenkins instances in advance to speed up test execution.

Tomcat controller (type=tomcat)

This controller deploys Jenkins inside Tomcat and run the test with it. This controller requires a functioning Tomcat installation listening on port 8080, on the same system that the tests run. During the test, Jenkins is deployed here, and Tomcat gets started/stopped.

The behaviour of this controller can be customized through the following environment variables.

  • JENKINS_WAR see above
  • INTERACTIVE see above
  • PLUGINS_DIR see above
  • CATALINA_HOME The directory in which Tomcat is already installed.

JBoss controller (type=jboss)

Similar to the above Tomcat controller except it uses JBoss.

The behaviour of this controller can be customized through the following environment variables.

  • JENKINS_WAR see above
  • INTERACTIVE see above
  • PLUGINS_DIR see above
  • JBOSS_HOME The directory in which JBoss is already installed.

Ubuntu controller (type=ubuntu)

This controller uses Vagrant to run Ubuntu, then deploy Jenkins from an APT repository as a debian package. (This controller is not yet capable of testing individual *.deb file.)

  • REPO_URL The location of APT repository in the format of /etc/apt/sources.list, such as binary/

CentOS controller (type=centos)

This controller uses Vagrant to run CentOS, then deploy Jenkins from an RPM repository. This controller is not yet capable of testing individual *.rpm file.

  • REPO_URL The location of RPM repository, such as

OpenSUSE controller (type=opensuse)

This controller uses Vagrant to run CentOS, then deploy Jenkins from an RPM repository. This controller is not yet capable of testing individual *.rpm file.

  • REPO_URL The location of RPM repository, such as

Common characteristics of all the Vagrant-based controllers

When run for the first time, this test harness will create a virtual machine. To make repeated tests fast, the VM won't get shut down automatically at the end of a run. To do so, cd vagrant/* and run vagrant halt. You can run any other vagrant commands in this manner, which is useful for debugging.

You can also create and/or in the current directory as needed to customize how the Vagrant VM is initialized. These scripts are copied into the VM and then executed:

  • runs before the controller attempts to install Jenkins
  • runs after the controller finished installing Jenkins

Running one test

You can run a single cucumber test by pointing to a test scenario in terms of its file name and line number like bundle exec cucumber features/freestyle_build.feature:6 or bundle exec rake FEATURE=features/freestyle_build.feature:6. Line number can be omitted.

Describing features

New feature definitions can take advantage of existing step definitions as well as introduce its own. It is desirable to reuse steps that already exists and keep feature specific steps separated at the same time.

While creating new features you can check whether all steps are declared and unambiguous using bundle exec rake cucumber:dryrun as it is considerably faster that actually running the scenarios.


All features are located in features directory and the filenames are suffixed with .feature or _plugin.feature provided the feature describes functionality of a plugin.


Step definitions

All step definitions are located in features/step_definitions directory or features/step_definitions/plugins provided the feature describes functionality of a plugin. Filenames are suffixed with _steps.rb.


Page objects

All page object resides in lib directory or lib/plugins/.


Special kind of page object, PageArea, can be used to represent several controls within a page object (one buildstep for instance).


Features might need specific resources as a fixture. Directory resources is dedicated for that purpose.
