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Flask-Access CircleCI

Simple protection of Flask endpoints.

Integrates well with Flask-Login.

Protect endpoints

Here the endpoint "/secret-code" requires a user to have "admin" rights:

def secret_code():
    return "1234"

You could have other requirements:

@flask_access.require("boss", 7, funny=True, bald=None)

Register a user loader

Flas-Access needs to associate the current request with a user that has permission or not. Flask-Access will look for the current user in app.config[flask_access.CURRENT_USER], here you can assign a function that returns the current user.

app.config[flask_access.CURRENT_USER] = my_current_user_func

The type of the returned user can be whatever you are using in your application to model users already, the only condition is that the user class implements a method has_access. If the user has no account return True to allow access. Anything other than True or an instance of a class implementing has_access will have access denied.

If you are also using Flask-Login you can simply apply the assignment below 👏

app.config[flask_access.CURRENT_USER] = flask_login.current_user

User access logic

In short, implement has_access(self, rights) -> bool on your user class.

When a user attempts to access an endpoint, Flask-Access will load the current user object user and run user.has_access(rights), the rights that get passed in are the "boss", 7, funny=True, bald=None from above.

If a user doesn't have an has_access method, or the method doesn't return True, then access is denied 🙊

Access denied handler

The default access denied handler calls flask.abort(403)

To set a custom access-denied handler:

app.config[flask_access.ABORT_FN] = my_custom_abort_func

Login required

If you are using flask_login.current_user as your user loader then flask_access.require implies flask_login.login_required, so no need to also specify the latter.

Why? Well, if a user is not logged-in, flask_login.current_user will return a flask_login.AnonymousUserMixin which does not have has_access implemented, hence no access for the user.


An example with a primitive login/out system.