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Build instruction:

  1. Check that JDK8 is installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable is properly set.

  2. Install maven3 from

After that, type in command-line (or in Cygwin prompt window) from the directory that contains this file (let it be $JINTERVAL)


mvn clean install

Find file $JINTERVAL/p1788-launcher-java/target/p1788-launcher-java-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Run instruction (Linux).

  1. Create working diredctory if necessary

    mkdir $WRK

    cd $WRK

  2. Prepare .so file with adapter of interval library under test.


cp $JINTERVAL/p1788-launcher-java/src/main/resources/net/java/jinterval/p1788/testBoost.cpp .

g++ -shared -m64 -fpermissive -frounding-math -fPIC -O2 -o testBoost.cpp


cp $JINTERVAL/p1788-launcher-java/src/main/resources/net/java/jinterval/p1788/testFilib.cpp .

g++ -shared -m64 -frounding-math -fPIC -O2 -I$FILIBDIR/include -L$FILIBDIR/lib -lprim -o testFilib.cpp


cp $JINTERVAL/p1788-launcher-java/src/main/resources/net/java/jinterval/p1788/testLibMoore.cpp .

g++-6 -std=c++1z -shared -m64 -pipe -fconcepts -frounding-math -mfpmath=sse -msse2 -fsignaling-nans -Wall -W -fPIC -I$LIBMOOREDIR/include -o testLibMoore.cpp -Wl,--whole-archive $LIBMOOREDIR/lib/libmoore.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive

  1. Copy test files to the working directory

cp $JINTERVAL/p1788-launcher-java/src/main/resources/net/java/jinterval/p1788/dat/testDemo.dat .

  1. Run tests


java -jar $JINTERVAL/p1788-launcher-java/target/p1788-launcher-java-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -l./ -ptest_boost_ -rnan -b *.dat

The expected output is:

# testDemo.dat
* atan2
Library has no Operation "atan2" in line 1 : * atan2
* sqr
* div
* sqrt
* pown
[0,0] | 0
!!0  CONTAINMENT FAILURE !!! i= []_trv ti=[1,1]_com
* sign
Library has no Operation "sign" in line 13 : * sign
* sin
!!0  NOT ACCURATE ! i= [-0x1.91a62633145cp-50,0x1.dcb3b399d747fp-51]_com ti=[0,0]_com ai=[-0x1p-1073,0x1p-1073]_com
!!0  NOT ACCURATE ! i= [-0x1.91a62633145cp-50,0x1.ee59d9cceba4p-50]_com ti=[0,0x1p-1074]_com ai=[-0x1p-1073,0x1.8p-1073]_com
!!0  NOT ACCURATE ! i= [-0x1.91a62633145cp-50,0x1.dcb3b399d747fp-51]_com ti=[-0x1p-1070,0]_com ai=[-0x1.2p-1070,0x1p-1073]_com
!!0  NOT ACCURATE ! i= [-0x1.91a62633145cp-50,0x1.ee59d9cceba4p-50]_com ti=[-0x1p-1074,0x1p-1074]_com ai=[-0x1.8p-1073,0x1.8p-1073]_com
!!0  NOT ACCURATE ! i= [-0x1.3dcb3b399d748p-47,0x1.611a62633145cp-46]_com ti=[-0x1.6d61b58c99c43p-60,-0x1.6d61b58c99c42p-60]_com ai=[-0x1.0005b586d6328p-46,0x1.fff494f2539b5p-47]_com
* tan


java -jar $JINTERVAL/p1788-launcher-java/target/p1788-launcher-java-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -l$FILIBDIR/lib/ -l./ -ptest_filib_ -rnan -b *.dat

The expected output is:

* atan2
Library has no Operation "atan2" in line 1 : * atan2
* sqr
* div
* sqrt
* pown
* sign
Library has no Operation "sign" in line 13 : * sign
* sin
* tan

or check if Filib returns tightest intervals

java -jar $JINTERVAL/p1788-launcher-java/target/p1788-launcher-java-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -l$FILIBDIR/lib/ -l./ -ptest_filib_ -rnan -b -t *.dat

The expected output is:

* atan2
Library has no Operation "atan2" in line 1 : * atan2
* sqr
* div
[1,2] | [0,0]
!!0  NOT TIGHT ! i= [0x1.fffffffffffffp1023,Infinity]_dac ti=[]_trv ai=[-Infinity,Infinity]_trv
* sqrt
!!0  NOT TIGHT ! i= [-0x1p-1074,Infinity]_dac ti=[0,Infinity]_trv ai=[-0x1p-1074,Infinity]_trv
* pown
* sign
Library has no Operation "sign" in line 13 : * sign
* sin
!!0  NOT TIGHT ! i= [-0x1.6d61b58c99c4ep-60,-0x1.6d61b58c99c3ap-60]_com ti=[-0x1.6d61b58c99c43p-60,-0x1.6d61b58c99c42p-60]_com ai=[-0x1.0005b586d6328p-46,0x1.fff494f2539b5p-47]_com
!!0  NOT TIGHT ! i= [-1,1]_com ti=[0x1.195b6d2ff4c2cp-50,0x1.195b6d2ff4c2dp-50]_com ai=[-0x1.0000000000001p0,0x1.0000000000001p0]_com
* tan
!!0  NOT TIGHT ! i= [-Infinity,Infinity]_dac ti=[-134118393330558800,-134118393330558784]_com ai=[-Infinity,Infinity]_trv


java -jar $JINTERVAL/p1788-launcher-java/target/p1788-launcher-java-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -lmpfr -ltestmoore -ptest_moore_ -rneg -b -t *.dat

The expected output is:

# testDemo.dat
* atan2
* sqr
* div
* sqrt
* pown
* sign
* sin
  1. Copy more test files and test them

cp $JINTERVAL/p1788-launcher-java/src/main/resources/net/java/jinterval/p1788/dat/*.dat .

java -jar $JINTERVAL/p1788-launcher-java/target/p1788-launcher-java-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ......

Develop instruction (Netbeans)

  1. Install Netbeans-8.1
  2. Create directory $JINTERVAL/wrk. The Netbeans project will use it as $WRK.
  3. In Netbeans open project $JINTERVAL
  4. Clean and Build all
  5. In Project tab click on jinterval then on Modules then on p1788-launcher-java Netbeans will open the p1788-launcher-java. Set it as main project
  6. In project tab click on p1788-launcher-java, then on Source packages, then on, then
  7. This file contains paths to a few interval C libraries and tries to compile adapters for them. Uncomment the desired adapter. Fix paths to those on your machine
  8. Debug project The expected result is .so files with adapters in $JINTERVAL/wrk.

Good luck!!!