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social science data creator for reddit data.


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reddit_data = social science data creator for reddit data.

This code interacts with data from reddit in a database to build data that can be used for social science analysis.


  • install pip

      (sudo) easy_install pip
  • install django

      (sudo) pip install django
  • install South (data migration tool), if it isn't already installed.

      (sudo) pip install South
  • in your work directory, create a django site. startproject <site_directory>
  • cd into the site_directory

      cd <site_directory>
  • pull in reddiwrap

      git clone
  • add empty file named "" to the reddiwrap folder, so it can be accessed as a python module.

      touch reddiwrap/
  • pull in python_utilities

      git clone
  • pull in the python reddit_collect code

      git clone
  • pull in the python django_time_series code

      git clone
  • pull in the python django_reference_data code

      git clone
  • pull in the python reddit_data code

      git clone


  • To start, setup and configure reddit_collect, using the instructions in its file.

  • from the site_directory, cd into the site configuration directory, where is located (it is named the same as site_directory, but nested inside site_directory, alongside all the other django code you pulled in from git - <site_directory>/<same_name_as_site_directory>).

      cd <same_name_as_site_directory>
  • in, set USE_TZ to false to turn off time zone support:

      USE_TZ = False
  • configure the database in - for database configuration, this code assumes that you set up the database as directed in reddit_collect's file.

  • in, add 'django_time_series', 'django_reference_data', and 'reddit_data' to the INSTALLED_APPS list. Example:

          # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin:
          # 'django.contrib.admin',
          # Uncomment the next line to enable admin documentation:
          # 'django.contrib.admindocs',
  • once you get configured, then run the following in your site directory to create database tables, set up indexes, etc.:

      python migrate django_time_series
      python migrate django_reference_data
      python migrate reddit_data


Getting started and initialization

The easiest way to run code from a shell is to go to your django sites folder and use to open a shell:

python shell

If you choose, you can also just open the base python interpreter:


Or you can install something fancier like ipython (pip install ipython. or install it using your OS's package manager), and then run ipython:


If you don't use to open a shell (or if you are making a shell script that will be run on its own), you'll have to do a little additional setup to pull in and configure django:

# make sure the site directory is in the sys path.
import sys
site_path = '<site_folder_full_path>'
if site_path not in sys.path:
    sys.path.append( site_path )
#-- END check to see if site path is in sys.path. --#

# if not running in django shell (python shell), make sure django
#    classes have access to
# set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable = "<site_folder_name>.settings".
import os
os.environ[ 'DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE' ] = "<site_folder_name>.settings"

Then, there are numerous examples in /examples you can use to try out different ways of making reddit data:

  • - create domain instances from posts, then put domain model instance IDs back into the posts so the relations are available to django.
  • - uses django_reference_data's ReferenceDomain model, populated with news domains from fixture django_reference_data/fixtures/reference_domains_news.json
  • - create per-domain time series data from a set of reddit posts.
  • - basic - how to use mysql_helper.
  • - filters time series data based on a text match, then updates filter flag on time series records to record the filter matches.
  • - basic - lookup subreddit time series data using django.
  • - create subreddit instances from posts, then put subreddit model instance IDs back into the posts so the relations are available to django.
  • - create per-subreddit time series data from a set of reddit posts.

Mark reddit posts as news or not

  • make sure to install the django_reference_data application.

  • clear out the django_reference_data_reference_domain table, then load the fixture django_reference_data/fixtures/reference_domains_news.json:

      python loaddata django_reference_data/fixtures/reference_domains_news.json
  • create reddit_collect Domain rows for all domains in your posts (see django_reference_data/examples/

    • this doesn't happen automatically when you collect reddit posts (to maximize performance).
    • this process creates the Domain records, then associates them with Reddit Posts and time series data that reference each domain.
    • this process can be re-run multiple times
  • per the file reddit_data/examples/, run the mark_domains_as_news() method to match reddit_data Domains with news domains in reference data, and mark matches in the reddit_data Domain set as is_news = True.

  • now to update posts that have URLs that reference news domains. To start, if you are making iterative changes to your domains, before you filter posts, clear out the flag you are setting each time you set flags, in case you changed the classification of any domains in such a way that posts that matched before will no longer match.

      UPDATE reddit_collect_post SET filter_2 = 0 WHERE filter_2 = 1;
  • update one of the filters on each post (filter_2 is updated below) based on the is_news flag of its associated domain. SQL:

      /* first, run SELECT to see how many matches there are */
      /* SELECT * */
      SELECT COUNT( * )
      FROM reddit_collect_post rcp, reddit_collect_domain rcd
      WHERE rcp.domain_id =
          AND rcd.is_news = 1;
      /* more detailed spot-check */
      SELECT, rcp.domain_name, rcp.domain_id,,
      FROM reddit_collect_post rcp, reddit_collect_domain rcd
      WHERE rcp.domain_id =
          AND rcd.is_news = 1
      LIMIT 25000, 100;
      /* if all looks OK, update */
      UPDATE reddit_collect_post rcp, reddit_collect_domain rcd
      SET rcp.filter_2 = 1
      WHERE rcp.domain_id =
          AND rcd.is_news = 1;

Create time series data tracking traits of subreddits over time

The basic steps for creating subreddit time series data:

  • Clear out existing subreddit rows? - If you have generated subreddits for a subset of your posts before and want to start from scratch:

    • Set the subreddit_id column to NULL in all of your posts, comments, and time-series rows, so there are no foreign-key constraints on subreddit rows:

        /* clean out subreddit IDs. */
        UPDATE reddit_collect_post
        SET subreddit_id = NULL;
        UPDATE reddit_collect_comment
        SET subreddit_id = NULL;
        UPDATE reddit_data_subreddit_time_series_data
        SET subreddit_id = NULL;
    • Delete all records in reddit_collect_subreddit: DELETE FROM reddit_collect_subreddit;

    • Reset the auto-increment value to 1: ALTER TABLE reddit_collect_subreddit AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;

  • Create subreddit rows from posts - Populate the reddit_collect_subreddit table with the subreddits in your posts (see examples/ This process also updates the relations of posts, comments, and time series data so they reference the reddit_collect_subreddit row to which they are related. If subreddits are already present in the reddit_collect_subreddit table, it will use them, not create duplicates, and so this process can be run multiple times without clearing out the subreddit table.

  • Configure time-series parameters - configure variables so you get the time series data you want, and have it categorized and numbered appropriately. You need to know:

    • start and end date: datetime.datetime instances of start and end datetime that bound the range you want to examine time periods within.

    • time-series interval: datetime.timedelta instance that contains the time-series interval (it could be a minute, an hour, or a week, depending on the granularity of your data and what you want to compare).

    • time-series type: easiest is to use this to hold text description of the time-series interval you are using (so, if interval is one hour, say "hourly"). Could also be used for other typologies.

    • time-series label: label to describe the data. For a before and after experiment, you could use "before" and "after", for example.

    • starting aggregate index: If, say, you have before and after, but you also want to keep a running count across labels, you can pass an aggregate index start value to the "after" creation (the next counter after the largest "before" index), and keep a running count across runs of the time-series data creator.

    • Example:

        # set up date range in which we want to gather data.
        boston_date = datetime.datetime( 2013, 4, 15, 18, 49, 0 )
        # create 14-day timedelta
        td_14_days = datetime.timedelta( days = 14 )
        # to start, go from 14 days before Boston to boston.
        start_date = boston_date - td_14_days
        # time-series interval is 1 hour
        time_series_interval = datetime.timedelta( hours = 1 )
        # end date - all time periods up to the bombing
        end_date = boston_date
        # OR, to test, set end date to 2 hours after start date.
        #end_date = start_date + time_series_interval
        #end_date = end_date + time_series_interval
        # time-period type: description of time interval, documentation for someone
        #    just looking at data file.
        time_period_type = reddit_data.models.Subreddit_Time_Series_Data.TIME_PERIOD_HOURLY
        # time-period label: another place to document different parts of time-series
        #    data - in this case, will use to divide between before and after.
        time_period_label = "before"
        # aggregate counter start: you can tell the program to start its time period
        #    counter at other than 0, so you can have a continuous counter even if you
        #    break this processing into multiple stages (if, say, you want "before" and
        #    "after", but want the counter to be continuous across before and after).
        aggregate_counter_start = 0
  • Delete existing time series rows? - Before you run the time-series data creator, consider if you need to wipe existing rows. If you've added posts to or removed posts from the time periods you are studying since doing an initial run of time series data, you might consider doing a fresh creation on a clean database (especially if you've removed posts). To do this, simply delete the rows from the table (DELETE FROM reddit_data_subreddit_time_series_data;) then reset the auto-increment value (ALTER TABLE reddit_data_subreddit_time_series_data AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;).

  • Create time-series data - Run the time-series data creation routine. If a given row already exists in the data set for a given time-series period, if there are posts associated with the subreddit, it will update the row. If not, it will just leave the existing row alone (This is why removing rows could necessitate a full rebuild - if a subreddit had posts, then you removed it, this WILL NOT overwrite the old populated row with a new empty row). If a given subreddit's posts are added to a given time period, then you should be able to re-run the process to just add new subreddits. If a given subreddit's posts are removed from a time period, that time-period's data will, at the moment, either have to be cleaned up manually or wiped and re-generated.

    • Example:

        from python_utilities.database.database_helper_factory import Database_Helper_Factory
        # initialize database
        db_host = "localhost"
        db_port = 3306
        db_username = "<username>"
        db_password = "<password>"
        db_database = "<database>"
        reddit_data.models.Subreddit_Time_Series_Data.db_initialize( Database_Helper_Factory.DATABASE_TYPE_MYSQLDB, db_host, db_port, db_username, db_password, db_database )
        # call make_data.
        reddit_data.models.Subreddit_Time_Series_Data.make_data( start_date, end_date, time_series_interval, time_period_type, time_period_label, aggregate_counter_start, output_details_IN = True )

Create time series data tracking traits of domains over time


  • for detecting if database is mysql or postgresql, assumes that you only have one "default" database in DATABASES in, and that the default database is your main database. If that isn’t the case, database detection will not work and the SQL for mysql will be used (main difference is this assumes that booleans are integers, not a special boolean type). Should make a fancier method somewhere for detecting the database engine of a given database identifier (default to "default").


This work has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant IIS-0968495.


Copyright 2012, 2013 Jonathan Morgan

This file is part of

reddit_data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

reddit_data is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with If not, see


social science data creator for reddit data.



GPL-3.0, LGPL-3.0 licenses found

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