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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

1. Create a new iPhone app using the new project wizard in Xcode
   - Single-view application
   - Use storyboards and automatic reference counting
2. Modify the main storyboard
   - Replace the default view controller with a navigation view controller
   - Set the navigation view controller's root view controller to a table view controller
3. Run the app in the simulator
   - See a blank table

1. Create a model object to represent a Movie from the movies JSON file
   - Create new Objective-C class using the new file wizard called SVSUMovie
   - Add properies in the header for each movie attribute that exists in the JSON
   - Synthesize the properties in the implementation file
   - Override the 'description' method to print the movie's title and year for logging
2. Create an object that will load and parse the movies JSON file into an array of SVSUMovie objects
   - Create new Objective-C class using the new file wizard called SVSUMoviesFetcher
   - Add a class-level method in the header to retreive an array of movies
   - Implement the method in the implementation file: parse the JSON and build the SVSUMovie objects, adding each one to an array
3. Update the root view controller SVSUViewController
   - Change the base class for the root view controller to UITableViewController
   - Add a private member variable to hold the list of movies
   - Add code to viewDidLoad to load the movies from SVSUMovieFetcher
   - Log the list of movies
4. Update the storyboard
   - Change the custom class for the table view controller to SVSUViewController
5. Run the app in the simulator
   - See a blank table
   - See the list of movies in the log window

1. Implement the UITableViewDataSource methods in SVSUViewController
   - Override tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: method to return the total number of movies
   - Override tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method to return the cell with movie data
2. Run the app in the simulator
   - See the list of movies in the table

1. Create a new view controller class for the details view
   - Create new Objective-C class using the new file wizard called SVSUMovieDetailsViewController that extends from UIViewController and implements the UITableViewDataSource protocol
2. Add the details view controller to the main storyboard
   - Drop a new view controller into the storyboard
   - From the table view controller prototype cell, create a push segue to the new view controller, and set the identifier to "ViewMovieDetails"
   - Change the custom class to SVSUMovieDetailsViewController
   - Drop in the labels for the movie details and wire up the IBOutlets using the assistant view
3. Implement the SVSUMovieDetailsViewController
   - Add a property for the SVSUMovie to display details for
   - In viewDidLoad, set the label values from the SVSUMovie
   - Implement the UITableViewDataSource protocol methods to populate the movie stars
4. Implement the segue from the table to the details view
   - Implement prepareForSegue:sender: method in SVSUViewController, set the selected SVSUMovie object on the destination view controller
5. Run the app in the simulator
   - See the list of movies in the table
   - Tap on a movie and see the movie details


SVSU Intro to iOS






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