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Dmitry Korolev edited this page Dec 27, 2023 · 26 revisions

JSON-C - A JSON implementation in C


JSON-C implements a reference counting object model that allows you to easily construct JSON objects in C, output them as JSON formatted strings and parse JSON formatted strings back into the C representation of JSON objects. It aims to conform to RFC 7159.


For detailed information on using json-c, refer to the Doxygen generated API docs.

See also List of json-c- tutorials

Obtain sources

Fetch release tarballs from the downloads page (Amazon S3).

SHA-256 checksums:

These can be verified by running "openssl sha -sha256 json-c-0.17.tar.gz"

  • SHA256(json-c-0.17-nodoc.tar.gz)= 8df3b66597333dd365762cab2de2ff68e41e3808a04b692e696e0550648eefaa
  • SHA256(json-c-0.17.tar.gz)= 7550914d58fb63b2c3546f3ccfbe11f1c094147bd31a69dcd23714d7956159e6

MD5 checksums:

These can be verified by running "openssl md5 json-c-0.17.tar.gz"

  • MD5(json-c-0.17-nodoc.tar.gz)= cafa58c69204e58e14a7e6d9211fd711
  • MD5(json-c-0.17.tar.gz)= bad8f5e91b7b2563ee2d507054c70eb2


See for full details. To setup JSON-C to build on your system please run:

tar xzf json-c-0.17.tar.gz
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/install/path ../json-c-0.17
make all test install

If you are on Win32, from a Visual Studio "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" or similar:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../json-c-0.17
msbuild "json-c.vcxproj" /m /verbosity:normal /p:OutDir=lib\

git clone

Send email to json-c at googlegroups dot com

You'll need to join the group first, see:!forum/json-c


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License.

Checksums for older releases
