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Henry Andrews edited this page Oct 28, 2017 · 10 revisions

JSON Schema


Contributions of various sorts are welcome and encouraged! Please see our guidelines for contributing for details.

I-D publish process

Documents on master should use a WORK-IN-PROGRESS-*-NN placeholder name. Published drafts are tagged as they cannot be edited once published. In the event of a critically flawed drafts, a new drafts should be published with the fixes as soon as possible.

  1. If a new meta-schema URI is required, ensure that all documents reflect it
  2. Tag each commit with the name(s) of the draft(s) published from that commit
  3. Publish the new draft(s) through the IETF Datatracker I-D submission page
  4. Update the HTML versions on the website

Meta-schema publish process

Meta-schemas on master should be numbered for the forthcoming draft, and have a -wip (Work In Progress) suffix in their URI, e.g. Meta-schemas are branched as they are non-normative and can accept bug-fixes (and the last three published meta-schema versions have needed bug-fixes).

To publish a meta-schema:

  1. Make and switch to a branch with the draft number, e.g. draft-07
  2. Remove -wip from $id and commit the result
  3. Create a new submodule in the web site repo, pointing to the branch
  4. On master, increment the draft (retaining the -wip suffix) and commit the result