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Sphinx and Zend Framework

This repository shows the integration of Sphinx into a Zend Framework application. It is a reference implementation accompanying a series of posts about Sphinx and SphinxSE on my blog.



The application contains a sample configuration file for Sphinx. It shows that the file can be processed by a scripting language (PHP here of course) and utilizes Zend_Application for fetching global options (like database credentials) from application.ini.

Adapter for Zend_Paginator

Jsor_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelectSphinxSe implements a Zend_Paginator adapter using SpinxSE.

The IndexController shows a example usage of the adapter.

Commandline script for Sphinx

The application provides a script for starting, stopping and restarting the Sphinx daemon and for starting the indexer.


This is not a production-ready application!


You must have installed Sphinx 0.9.9+ with SphinxSE.

The application is not packaged with the Zend Framework. Prior to use, you should ensure Zend Framework 1.9.7+ is available from your include_path.

You can either copy/link it to the libary folder or install it via PEAR. The (unofficial) PEAR Channel can be found at

In line with recent Zend Framework versions, PHP 5.2.6 is the lowest supported version supported though it is strongly recommended the latest PHP version be used.


  1. Install Zend Framework to your include_path as described above.

  2. Copy the application to your destination of choice and ensure any intended Virtual Host is pointing to the public directory as the Host's document root. The data directory should be writeable from PHP.

  3. Copy or rename the application/configs/application.ini-dist to application/configs/application.ini.

  4. Create a new database (and optionally user). Edit the application/configs/application.ini to reflect these details.

  5. Import the dump from data/sphinx_example.sql to the database.

  6. Use scripts/sphinx to create the search index and start the search daemon:

     $ ./scripts/sphinx index-all
     $ ./scripts/sphinx start
  7. Point your browser to http://your-vhost/ to see a basic example search form.


Integration of Sphinx into a Zend Framework 1 application.






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