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Course description

In this workshop, you'll learn ways you can use data in your webpages, using AJAX to pull in JSON formatted data dynamically from servers.

The workshop will be a mix of lectures and hands-on exercises in pairs, and will be taught by [teacher X, tiny bio]. This is a great follow-up workshop for those who have attended our jQuery workshop.


Attendees should be comfortable with HTML/CSS fundamentals and JavaScript fundamentals (arrays, conditionals, loops, functions). Attendees should also have learned the DOM API and jQuery. That means that you either attended our HTML 101 workshop, JS 101 workshop, JS for the Web workshop, and JQuery workshop, or that you learned those concepts online.

You can review them online at a few places:

Tech requirements:

  • Your laptop (Mac, PC, or Linux are all okay) and charger.
  • A modern web browser - either Chrome or Firefox.
  • A text editor. We recommend Sublime Text 2 (free; available for both Mac and PC) or Notepad++ (PC).

Topics covered:

  • Storing data as JSON
  • Turning JSON data into DOM nodes
  • Using AJAX to pull in JSON