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image-segmentation-with-sparse-labels [WIP]

In this project we use PyTorch+Lightning to train and evaluate deep neural networks for semantic image segmentation on the Cityscapes dataset [1] with an aim at studying the effects of sparse labels. Specifically, we seek evidence about whether better segmentation performance can be obtained by training on 2*n half-labeled images rather than n fully-labeled images for some n.

Cityscapes Dense and Sparse Labels Examples

In a very simplistic and cursory experiment, we started with a DeepLabV3 model [5] pretrained on COCO-Stuff data [2-3] with Pascal VOC semantic classes [4]. We fine-tuned only the final layer on a small subset of the Cityscapes data using constant learning rate and standard cross-entropy loss. Not surprisingly, the segmentation performance was far below SOTA (State Of The Art), but the model from the training run with 2*n half-labeled images did perform slightly better than the model from the training run with n images. Metrics tables and visualizations can be viewed in this notebook. In the next set of experiments, when we train all layers, we expect that the performance gain from using sparse labels will be much greater because the final network layer represents more localized structure, but the information shared across image halves is more global. Further work is in progress to test the sparse labeling effect for improved training schemes where the models achieve near-SOTA performance.

Table of Contents

Files and Directories

├──   <-- You are here.
├── CITATION.bib
├── pyproject.toml   <-- Ruff linter configuration.
├── requirements.txt   <-- Dependencies.
├──   <-- Script automatically creates and loads virtual env.
├── data
│   ├──   <-- Script downloads Cityscapes data.
│   └── cityscapes   <-- Landing directory for downloaded data.
│       └── ...
├── src   <-- Source code.
│   ├── core   <-- Basic segmentation and analysis tools.
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── data   <-- Data access helpers.
│   │   ├── cityscapes   <-- The dataset we train and evaluate with.
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   └── pascal_voc   <-- DeepLabV3 pretrained semantic classes.
│   │       └── ...
│   ├── models   <-- Lightning modules that wrap PyTorch models.
│   │   ├── deeplabv3   <-- The model we're currently experimenting with.
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   ├── segformer   <-- Not fully implemented yet.
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   ├──       <-- Subclass `ImageSegmenter` to try
│   │   ├──   different models.
│   │   └── ...
│   └── experiments   <-- Training and evaluation scripts.
│       ├── deeplabv3
│       │   └── ...   <-- Hyperparameters for different DeepLabV3 training runs.
│       ├──   <--- Training script.
│       ├──   <--- Evaluation script.
│       └── ...
├── runs  <-- Landing directory for training run results.
│   └── ...
└── notebooks
    ├── 00--eda_raw_cityscapes.ipynb
    ├── 01--inspect_cityscapes_cooked_class_frequencies.ipynb
    ├── 02--inspect_pretrained_deeplabv3.ipynb
    └── 03--compare_experiment_runs.ipynb


Initial Setup

  1. Clone this repository into a directory of your choice, denoted henceforth by ${REPO_ROOT}.

  2. Obtain a username and password for the Cityscapes project.

  3. Insert your Cityscapes credentials into the file ${REPO_ROOT}/.env. These are to remain secret, so do not commit this change to the repository.

  4. Get Cityscapes data [1].

$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}/data
$ ./
  1. Use to set environment variables, modify some search function definitions, and create and activate the Python virtual environment image-segmentation-with-sparse-labels-env. This virtual environment includes all the project dependencies listed in ${REPO_ROOT}/requirements.txt
$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}
$ source ./

Your environment should now be ready to run any of the code and serve any of the Jupyter notebooks.

After Initial Setup

After you have completed Initial Setup, assuming data persistence, you can open the project in a fresh terminal and set up the environment by simply running again.

$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}
$ source ./

This will run much faster after the first time because it merely activates the virtual environment rather than rebuilding from scratch.


To execute a training run, choose a model, create a hyperparameters yaml file for it, and run src/experiments/ on it. For example, a short smoke test can be run as follows.

$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}/src/experiments
$ ./ \
    --model deeplabv3 \
    --hparams deeplabv3/hparams--smoke_test.yaml

The 4 cursory final-layer experiment runs, which are much longer, can be executed as follows.

$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}/src/experiments
$ ./ \
    --model deeplabv3 \
    --hparams deeplabv3/hparams--final_layer_000.yaml
$ ./ \
    --model deeplabv3 \
    --hparams deeplabv3/hparams--final_layer_001.yaml
$ ./ \
    --model deeplabv3 \
    --hparams deeplabv3/hparams--final_layer_002.yaml
$ ./ \
    --model deeplabv3 \
    --hparams deeplabv3/hparams--final_layer_003.yaml

See the header of src/experiments/ for further instructions.


Once a training run is complete, you can evaluate the model against various datasets using src/experiments/ For example, generate evaluation results for the short smoke test as follows.

$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}/src/experiments
$ ./ \
    --model deeplabv3 \
    --scenario smoke_test \
    --dataset_eval subcityscapes_test

Generate evaluation results for the 4 cursory final-layer experiment runs as follows.

$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}/src/experiments
$ ./ \
    --model deeplabv3 \
    --scenario final_layer_000 \
    --dataset_eval subcityscapes_test
$ ./ \
    --model deeplabv3 \
    --scenario final_layer_001 \
    --dataset_eval subcityscapes_test
$ ./ \
    --model deeplabv3 \
    --scenario final_layer_002 \
    --dataset_eval subcityscapes_test
$ ./ \
    --model deeplabv3 \
    --scenario final_layer_003 \
    --dataset_eval subcityscapes_test

See the header of src/experiments/ for further instructions.

The Cityscapes test labels are not publicly available, so if you want to evaluate model outputs against the Cityscapes test set, you must be send them to the Cityscapes test server. Follow the Cityscapes test server submission instructions.

Running Jupyter Notebooks

Execute the following to run the Jupyter notebooks in notebooks/.

$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}
$ source ./  # If you haven't already.

# Serve Jupyter to port 8888.
$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}/notebooks
$ nohup jupyter notebook --no-browser --port 8888 & disown

The notebook can be viewed in your web browser locally at http://localhost:8888/, or on another machine if you catch the forwarded port.

# Catch forwarded port locally.
$ nohup ssh -NL 8888:localhost:8888 username@host

Code Testing

Pytests are present only for the trickiest and most critical parts of the code. Ruff is available for linting. Some "unused import" errors deliberately remain for debugging convenience, and where the dependency is required in common temporary modifications. Those may be removed eventually.

$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}/src
$ pytest  # Run pytests.
$ ruff .  # Lint code.
$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}/notebooks
$ nbqa ruff .  # Lint notebooks.


# Stop serving Jupyter to port XXXX (usu. 8888).
$ jupyter notebook stop XXXX

# Deactivate the Python virtual environment.
$ deactivate


# Confirm PyTorch is installed with GPU support.
$ python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())"
$ python -c "import torch; print(torch.version.cuda)"

If somehow you have trouble with your virtual environment, you can try deleting and rebuilding it.

$ cd ${REPO_ROOT}
$ rm -rf image-segmentation-with-sparse-labels-env  # Remove virtual env.
$ source ./  # Rebuild virtual environment.

We have chosen to use virtual environments instead of conda for speed and portability. If you are concurrently running conda on your system, it should be that

  • Packages installed in a virtual environment using pip will not be visible to conda, and
  • Packages installed in the conda environment will not be visible to the virtual environment.


[1] "The Cityscapes Dataset for Semantic Urban Scene Understanding" by M. Cordts et al, 2016.

[2] "Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context" by T.-Y. Lin et al, 2015.

[3] "COCO-Stuff: Thing and Stuff Classes in Context" by H. Caesar et al, 2016.

[4] "The Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge: A Retrospective" by M. Everingham et al, 2015.

[5] "Rethinking Atrous Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation" by L.-C. Chen et al, 2017.


The code for this project is Apache2 licensed. The open datasets used by this project are subject to their own respective licenses.


Using PyTorch+Lightning and Cityscapes data to study the effects of sparse labels on semantic image segmentation.







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