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Laura Erickson's For the Birds

A birder's portfolio and resources for learning about and helping birds.


  1. Install the Python version listed in runtime.txt
  2. Clone the repo and cd in
  3. python -m venv forthebirds-venv
  4. source forthebirds-venv/bin/activate
  5. pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Add a file (see forthebirds/
  7. Start the site with the command ./ runserver

Database Schema

Click here to view on Lucidchart.

Click here to download PDF.


Django/Python. Scripts live in the standard location (appname/management/commands).

Javascript uses jQuery.

CSS is written in SASS, and uses gulp to automate the compilation of SASS in development. Assuming you have NPM, install the project's dependencies--listed in package.json-- by running the following in the project root:

npm install --dev-save

And to start the gulp build script, run the following in the project root:

npx gulp

Cache busting the stylesheet happens automatically: gulp compilation writes the output file's hash to disk, which updates the stylesheet url. Cache busting javascript must be done manually.