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KogniJS is a framework to control a distributed smart (home) environment via RSB. This includes sending (typed) messages from the Browser to the connected systems with kognijs-rsb and creating custom widgets to alter the state of view models or react to changes with kognijs-animate.

This packages provides the means to connect both functionality and also allow to configure system model and view model connections without the need of writing code.

Getting started

You need to know what RSB is and how to send RSB messages. For testing, you need to have a recent version of Node.js and npm installed. Since KogniJS requires a WAMP-capable web server to communicate with, you need to have a working version of kogniserver installed. Kogniserver is a python web server based on and can be installed via pip:

pip install kogniserver  # install kogniserver
kogniserver  # run it

Now, clone the repository, install all dependencies and fire up the test server.

git clone
cd kognijs
npm install
npm run dev  # starts test server

Now open your browser at localhost:3000 to start the tour and start sending RSB events from the command line. For instance rsb-tools send '"hello"' /kognijs/io/display/contentArea/html should reset the content in the 'Remote HTML Content' section.


The development of this software was supported through project grants KogniHome (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) grant no. 16SV7054K) at Bielefeld University.