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The XSV data will be imported to SQLite database.

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This project is developed in Python 3.7.7 with Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.

The format of import source file should be csv, tsv, or psv.
And, the data in source file will be imported to SQLite database.


You download this project files from GitHub repository.
And put the dowonload project to your any directory.

> cd your-directory

> git clone

Running parameters

You can change setting value according to your environment.
They are set directly in "XsvToSQLite.bat".

short keyword normal keyword defalut value note
-s --source_file ..\prefecture_code.csv import source XSV file path
-o --output_database ..\prefecture_code.db output database file path
-t --output_table prefecture_code table name to creating
-hs --is_header_skip (specified) action flag for skip header, specified is true
-cs --is_create_table (specified) action flag for create table, specified is true
-d --ddl_create_table "hoge" create table DDL, "hoge" is dummy

The following example is in batch file.

python ^
  --source_file=..\prefecture_code.csv ^
  --output_database=..\prefecture_code.db ^
  --output_table=prefecture_code ^
  --is_header_skip ^
  --is_create_table ^

The following is supported format of XSV data file.

file type file extension data delimiter ASCII code
comma separated value csv , 0x2c
tab separated value tsv \t 0x09
pipe separated value psv | 0x7c

In addition, if you set is_create_table set True and is_header_skip set True, sql_create_table is built from header row, and is automatic droped and created.
But, if you set is_create_table set True and is_header_skip set False, sql_create_table must set DDL (Data Definition Language) with SQL (Structured Query Language).

is_create_table is_header_skip sql_create_table creating a table to import to
True True not necessary and not valid automatic table creation from header row
True False necessary should be specified a table creation DDL
False True not valid use existing table and append data
False False not valid use existing table and append data


The imported table has no key columns.
This is because the key columns of the source file to be imported cannot be determined.
And, In general, key columns cannot be represented in XSV file.

This is by design.

Running Example

The following is an example of this project run.

> cd C:\VSCode\Projects\XsvToSQLite

> dir ../

    directory: C:\VSCode\Projects

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       2020/12/17     12:20                XsvToSQLite
-a----       2020/12/16     18:44            689 prefecture_code.csv

> python ^
  --source_file=..\prefecture_code.csv ^
  --output_database=..\prefecture_code.db ^
  --output_table=prefecture_code ^
  --is_header_skip ^
  --is_create_table ^

XsvToSQLite initializing, and instantiating.
begin: Begining Transaction. (IMMEDIATE)
insert_from_file: Inserting all data from file.
read_import_file: Reading data from import source.
make_create_query: Creating the table creation DDL.
create_from_ddl: Droping and creating table.
count_column_nums: Counting columns number.
insert_from_file: Complete of insert all data.

Work is complete.

> dir ../

    directory: C:\VSCode\Projects

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       2020/12/17     12:20                XsvToSQLite
-a----       2020/12/16     18:44            689 prefecture_code.csv
-a----       2020/12/17     12:31           8192 prefecture_code.db

Change log


Changed file name '' to ''.
And, appended batch file for executing.


Defined IsolationLevel by namedtuple.


Explicitly start a transaction.
And, that was achieved by adding method 'begin' to XsvToSQLite class.


First release.
This project is developed in Python 3.7.7.

License ライセンス

This project is under MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2020, ks-tec.