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federation: kubectl --cascade should be false by default for federation #38897

nikhiljindal opened this issue Dec 16, 2016 · 34 comments
area/federation area/kubectl priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. sig/multicluster Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Multicluster.


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Ref #33612.

Cascading deletion is true by default for kubectl.

For federation, we want it to be false since deleting a federation resource with cascade=true will delete the resource from all clusters as well which can lead to a global outage. So we want --cascade to be false by default but users can pass --cascade=true if they do want cascading deletion.

cc @kubernetes/sig-federation-misc @kubernetes/sig-cli-misc @quinton-hoole @caesarxuchao

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A hacky way to do this is for kubectl to first determine if it is talking to federation apiserver and if yes, then set the default to false, else keep it to true.

Open to other suggestions on how to implement this.

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liggitt commented Dec 19, 2016

why would we want orphaning to be the default for federation? I didn't think federation allowed adopting cluster-level resources, so if a federated resource originated with the federation server, it seems natural that it would end there as well

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@LiGgit federation does adopt resources.

@nikhiljindal the hacky way is a documentation challenge though. It is difficult for obvious reasons to generate the help text dynamically. Example: people might run kubectl delete -h, but actually delete by running kubectl --context=federation delete .... An alternative is to just statically print if federation cascade=false else cascade=true in the help text. But this might be confusing for users. Now they have to remember the behavior based on the server they are sending the request to. But I don't have a better solution in mind.

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liggitt commented Dec 20, 2016

cascade has potential to be disruptive in a single cluster as well, yet it was chosen as the default there.

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ghost commented Dec 23, 2016

@liggitt I can't speak to why the disruptive option was chosen as the default in the single cluster case (do you perhaps know?), however avoiding global outages is one of the primary use cases of Federation, so making global cascading deletion the default for Federation does not seem wise. Other than the consistency argument, can you think of any good reasons why global cascading deletion should be the default?

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@nikhiljindal, Maybe kubectl can determine, if it is talking to federation apiserver or kubernetes apiserver by checking the support for cluster object. is there a better way?

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liggitt commented Jan 3, 2017

I think changing CLI defaults based on the server being spoken to is very difficult to understand, and seems like a bad precedent to set

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otherwise, we could introduce a new flag for federation object cascade deletion maybe with suitable name

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sorry, ignore my previous comment. as we are discussing default behaviour

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ghost commented Jan 5, 2017

@liggitt Do you have answers to my questions above? #38897 (comment)

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liggitt commented Jan 5, 2017

I think the reasons are identical to the ones made for local cascading being on by default (I wasn't a fan of it there either). See #7210

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ualtinok commented Jan 6, 2017

How about having kubectl to ask user for confirmation when the command is directed to federation apiserver? I never saw kubectl asking for user confirmation for anything so this may be a silly proposition.

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liggitt commented Jan 6, 2017

yeah, none of those are interactive commands

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nikhiljindal commented Jan 25, 2017

I discussed this with @bgrant0607 and he didnt like the idea of changing the default based on which server is kubectl talking to. He pointed out that total outage is a problem in kubernetes as well and we need generic ways to prevent that rather than change the default in federation.

Cascading deletion with kubectl is pretty broken in federation right now. Some resources do part cascading deletion and some dont at all. We need to fix this soon.

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The whole point of the approach with federation is that it looks like a K8s cluster. Therefore, behavior must be the same, by definition.

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ghost commented Jan 25, 2017 via email

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ghost commented Jan 25, 2017



  1. I would like to understand the rationale behind why destructive cascading deletion is currently the default in kubernetes (both in the API, and in kubectl). I suspect that that might have been the wrong decision (although I would be happy to be convinced otherwise).
  2. It is my opinion (and this seems to be shared by several others) that in some cases, defaulting to destructive cascading deletion is especially dangerous, and should be avoided, even at the expense of consistency/compatibility. Federation is one example of this.
    Statefulset persistent volumes are another such concrete example.

PS: It might be quicker to resolve this with a brief verbal discussion. I'll email you my phone number.


Why is cascading deletion the default in kubernetes (both in the API, where DeleteOptions.orphanDependents defaults to false, and in kubectl, where --cascade defaults to true )?

Given that the overwhelming majority of familiar command line tools and API's default to false for destructive cascading and/or recursive deletions (e.g. rm, rmdir, libc remove, etcd delete, consol delete and just about any other one I can think of), I assume that we have a good reason for being inconsistent with the user expectation that that creates (principle of least surprise etc, etc)? The reasoning behind not having such destructive operations be the default are fairly obvious, and the reason why it is not the norm in API's and command line tools. I've looked through the issues and PR's you quoted above, and I can't find any explanation of why this default behavior was adopted in Kubernetes. What I can find is objections to it being the default behavior (e.g. @liggitt in #7210 (comment)).

And now a clarification: cluster federation's primary purpose is to be able to easily manage applications across multiple clusters, the main use case of which is avoiding application outages (although there are of course other use cases, like geo-locality, hybrid cloud etc). The fact that cluster federation implements the kubernetes API is somewhat of an implementation detail, and in fact there were some fairly vigorous arguments that it should not. In the end we decided to try to remain true to the Kubernetes API as far is is practical, for reasons of user familiarity and tool compatibility, but recognized that that will not always be tenable/sensible. I think that this is a case where there is a strong reason not to be consistent with the kubernetes API and tool default to perform destructive cascading deletion. StatefulSet provides another example of a similar case where full cascading deletion is not the default (the underlying persistent volumes are explicitly not deleted when statefulsets are deleted).

I'm not for the moment concerned about exactly how we go about implementing non-default cascading deletion (and I share your distaste for special-casing it in kubectl). I think we should first decide what the default behavior should be.

Full disclosure: Based on what I currently know, it seems that both kubernetes and federation API's should default to "orphanChildren=true" (i.e. cascadingDelete=false) at both the API and kubectl level, with an option to explicitly trigger cascading deletion when required. This would be both safer and more consistent with other similar API's and tools.

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Some history may be traced from #1535. Cascading by default is the behavior expected by the vast majority of users. Most users want to think of Deployments, ReplicaSets, etc. as atomic entities. Originally we orphaned by default and it was a significant cause of user friction.

The default in kubectl is not changing without evidence that it is the cause of catastrophies and without consensus among the broader user base, since it would increase user friction and break pretty much every use of kubectl in the ecosystem.

I'd be happy for a default preference to be added that users could change if someone would add a reasonable preference mechanism. #10693

The API couldn't be changed to cascade by default because GC was added much, much later, and doing so would break compatibility. Until we added GC, lack of cascading deletion continued to be a pain point for clients other than kubectl. It's part of the broader effort to make the API simpler for common operations. #12143 Note that when we add new resources under existing ones, cascading deletion must be applied to them by default so as not to break existing clients. If/when we have a v2 API, I'll make cascading deletion the default in the API as well.

If federation were not compatible with standard Kubernetes, then many tools, scripts, clients, etc. wouldn't work. Additionally, this issue isn't unique to federation and shouldn't be solved in a one-off manner. Deletion-prevention could be solved with authorization policy, which would prevent catastrophic updates as well, or with a generalized deletion-prevention mechanism, which is desired for system components in individual clusters #10179.

Cascading deletion was also added when deleting namespaces. That is the default behavior, since the namespace cannot be removed while it still contains resources.

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ghost commented Jan 25, 2017

@bgrant0607 OK, I now understand your basic argument to be that ease of use trumps safety (where safety in this case means requiring a relatively simple positive indication in the API or tool, along the lines of --cascade/--recursive/--force to confirm that large, non-obvious destructive operations will be performed automatically, like terminating an application globally, in this case, or deleting a bunch of valuable persistent data in the case of statefulset persistent volumes). That's contrary to what most other API's and tools have decided (see examples above), despite their motivations being very similar ("Id' like to think of a directory tree as being a single logical thing, and be able to simply do 'rmdir mydir', but it doesn't work - I have to specify '--recurse --force'"). Having read through the various threads you've sent me, it also seems to be contrary to what many other Kubernetes contributors have opined (for example @thockin in #1535 (comment) and there are several others like it). And it's contrary to what I think :-)

However, as you say, reverting those decisions now will be disruptive.

For federation, I guess we will have to figure out another way to reduce the likelihood of accidental global cascading deletions and the resulting global service outages. That solution will probably be more complex and/or dangerous for users than what's proposed above, but so be it.

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@quinton-hoole It sounds like you want an equivalent of alias rm='/bin/rm -i'. A simple preference mechanism in kubectl would solve that.

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@quinton-hoole I'll also point out that tools like helm will be able to tear down even more resources in a single command line.

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ghost commented Jan 26, 2017

@bgrant0607 The alias you mention is definitely one solution. Although rm actually works exactly the way I want, in the absence of the alias (i.e. by default).

   By default, rm does not remove directories.  Use the --recursive (-r
   or  -R)  option to remove each listed directory, too, along with all
   of its contents.

It's not clear to me how we could automatically populate most or all user's preferences (both for kubectl, and the API) with the safer options. If we can work out a way to do that, I'd be less concerned. But making it the default in the API and tool seems simpler and more sensible.

As for helm, I have no problem whatsoever with being able to wreck havoc with a single command line invocation, so long as it's obvious what I'm doing, and not the default, flagless behavior.

I can delete an entire file server with 'rm --recursive --force /' but not with 'rm /' :-)

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Why is cascading deletion the default in kubernetes (both in the API, where DeleteOptions.orphanDependents defaults to false, and in kubectl, where --cascade defaults to true )?

To clarify, cascading deletion is not the default in the API (neither in kubernetes nor in federation).
It is the default in kubectl for kubernetes.

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ghost commented Jan 27, 2017

@nikhiljindal @bgrant0607 Yes, thanks for bringing that up. I was about to ask for clarification. As far as I can tell from both the API documentation (, and the code, cascading deletion is the default in the API


Should the dependent objects be orphaned. If true/false, the "orphan" finalizer will be added to/removed from the object’s finalizers list.

required: false
type: boolean
default: false

Am I misunderstanding something?

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@quinton-hoole Yes, that documentation is confusing/wrong. It should be API-dependent.
@lavalamp @pwittrock @caesarxuchao Where is the correct documentation about orphaning/cascading deletion behavior for individual APIs / API groups?

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It looks like the API doc marks the default value of every boolean variable to be false, and boolean is the only type that has a default value. We should remove the "default" column. @pwittrock is default values fixed in the new versions of API docs?

"correct" documentation on GC:
In the GC user-guide: "If you specify deleteOptions.orphanDependents=true, or leave it blank, then the GC will first reset the ownerReferences in the dependents, then delete the owner"

The description is true if user doesn't manually set OwnerRef. As Brian said, default orphaning/cascading deletion is per API group.

As of today, the default GC policy is "orphan" for RC, RS and Deployment. For other resources, the default GC policy is "cascading", however, because no ownerRefs are automatically set to point to these resources, so no GC action will be triggered by their deletion.

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The new API docs don't have a default value in the documentation. I think this was because I noticed the information was missing / incorrect.

I don't see the default value for orphanDependents in the swagger:

A simple fix for the new api docs is to include the default value in the description text.

k8s-github-robot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Feb 26, 2017
Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 41994, 41969, 41997, 40952, 40576)

Updating kubectl to send delete requests with orphanDependents=false if --cascade is true

Ref #40568 #38897

Updating kubectl to always set `DeleteOptions.orphanDependents=false` when deleting a resource with `--cascade=true`.
This is primarily for federation where we want to use server side cascading deletion.

Impact on kubernetes: kubectl will do another GET after sending a DELETE and wait till the resource is actually deleted. This can have an impact if the resource has a finalizer. kubectl will wait till the finalizer is removed and then the resource is deleted, which is the right thing to do but a notable change in behavior.

cc @caesarxuchao @lavalamp @smarterclayton @kubernetes/sig-federation-pr-reviews @kubernetes/sig-cli-pr-reviews
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As per the discussion above, defaults for cascading deletion in federation will be same as in kubernetes i.e --cascade=true by default for kubectl delete.
Closing this issue.

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ghost commented Mar 20, 2017

Please don't close this yet. It's not resolved.

@ghost ghost reopened this Mar 20, 2017
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Discussed this with @quinton-hoole (Thanks @quinton-hoole for the discussion!)

If we want --cascade=false in federation, there are 2 ways to do it:

  • push for --cascade=false in kubernetes as well (so that federation and kubernetes remain in sync); or
  • diverge from kubernetes

I dont think we should do the second. Can keep this issue open for first.

The reason why we want --cascade=false in federation is to prevent outages. Its more critical in federation then in kubernetes since global outages are worst. We should definitely have way to prevent them.
Setting --cascade=false is one way to prevent that but there are other ways as well. #43487 is one example.

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ghost commented Apr 6, 2017

Here's a very charismatically presented motivation by @kelseyhightower for why cascading deletion should not be the default:


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ghost commented Sep 8, 2017

Given the plan to create a federation-specific API soon, we should make sure that cascading deletion is not the default there (neither in the API, not in the default command-line tool).

Required for federation GA. Prioritizing accordingly.

@nikhiljindal Are you still planning to work on this? If not, please unassign yourself. Thanks.

@ghost ghost added the priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. label Sep 8, 2017
@csbell csbell added area/federation sig/multicluster Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Multicluster. and removed sig/federation labels Oct 10, 2017
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This issue was labelled only for sig/multicluster and is thus moved over to kubernetes-retired/federation#89.
If this does not seem to be right, please reopen this and notify us @kubernetes/sig-multicluster-misc.

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area/federation area/kubectl priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. sig/multicluster Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Multicluster.
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