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TL;DR for developer documentation - a ridiculous collection of cheatsheets




  1. Ansible examples
  2. Ansible quickstart
  3. Ansible modules
  4. Ansible roles
  5. Ansible


  1. Atom
  2. Flashlight
  3. Inkscape
  4. Sketch
  5. Sublime Text
  6. Weechat


  1. Animated GIFs
  2. Ansi codes
  3. Bash scripting
  4. Cron
  5. Curl
  6. ffmpeg
  7. Find
  8. Fish shell
  9. GnuPG
  10. httpie
  11. Man
  12. ncftp
  13. Pass
  14. rename
  15. Rsync
  16. rTorrent
  17. sed
  18. Shell: named pipes
  19. Shell scripting
  20. Watchexec
  21. Zsh


  1. CSS antialiasing
  2. CSS flexbox
  3. CSS system fonts
  4. CSS tricks
  5. CSS
  6. cssnext
  7. Sass
  8. Stylus


  1. AWS CLI
  2. Chef
  3. Deis
  4. docker-compose
  5. Docker CLI
  6. Dockerfile
  7. EC2 API tools
  8. Flynn
  9. Heroku
  10. Vagrant
  11. Vagrantfile


  1. Elixir metaprogramming
  2. Elixir
  3. Erlang ETS
  4. ExUnit
  5. Phoenix: Plug.Conn
  6. Phoenix: Ecto
  7. Phoenix: Ecto models
  8. Phoenix: Ecto migrations
  9. Phoenix: Routing
  10. Phoenix
  11. Phoenix 1.2


  1. Git branches
  2. Git extras
  3. Git log format string
  4. git log
  5. Git revisions
  6. Git tricks
  7. Tig
  8. Deploy gh-pages via Travis


  1. Appcache
  2. Applinks
  3. HTML emails
  4. Input tag
  5. HTML meta tags
  6. Microformats
  7. Share links
  8. HTML
  9. Internet Explorer
  10. IE bugs
  11. Layout thrashing
  12. Xpath


  1. Canvas
  2. DOM Range
  3. DOM Selection
  4. ES2015
  5. ES2016
  6. ES2017
  7. ES2015+
  8. JavaScript workers
  9. applicationCache
  10. JavaScript arrays
  11. JavaScript Date
  12. fetch()
  13. JavaScript lazy shortcuts
  14. JavaScript speech synthesis
  15. Jsdoc
  16. npm
  17. Promises
  18. Web workers

JavaScript libraries

  1. 101
  2. Angular.js
  3. Blessed
  4. bluebird.js
  5. Bookshelf.js
  6. Bower API
  7. Browsersync
  8. Browserify
  9. Brunch
  10. Camp
  11. Chai.js
  12. co
  13. Commander.js
  14. Deku v2
  15. Deku v1
  16. Ember.js
  17. expect.js
  18. Express.js
  19. Fastify
  20. Flow
  21. Flow
  22. Gremlins.js
  23. Gulp
  24. Handlebars.js
  25. Harvey.js
  26. Immutable.js
  27. Jade
  28. Jasmine
  29. Jest
  30. jQuery CDN
  31. jQuery
  32. js-model
  33. jscoverage
  34. Jshint
  35. Koa
  36. Lodash
  37. Meow
  38. Metalsmith
  39. Middleman 3
  40. minimist
  41. Mobx
  42. Mocha blanket
  43. Mocha HTML
  44. Mocha.js TDD interface
  45. Mocha.js
  46. Modella
  47. Modernizr
  48. Moment.js
  49. Nock
  50. Nopt
  51. Parsimmon
  53. Pug
  54. Q.js
  55. Qunit
  56. Ractive.js
  57. Riot.js
  58. Shell.js
  59. Sinon-chai
  60. Sinon
  61. Spine
  62. Stencil
  63. Superagent
  64. Tape
  65. TypeScript
  66. Underscore-string
  67. Virtual-dom
  68. Vows
  69. Vue
  70. Webpack
  71. Weinre
  72. Yargs
  73. Yarn
  74. Zombie


  1. GitHub pages
  2. Jekyll for GitHub pages
  3. Jekyll


  1. Hledger
  2. Ledger CSV format
  3. Ledger examples
  4. Ledger format
  5. Ledger periods
  6. Ledger queries
  7. Ledger CLI


  1. Kramdown
  2. Markdown
  3. Rdoc
  4. ReStructuredText
  5. Textile
  6. Tomdoc
  7. Yaml


  1. assert
  2. fs
  3. path
  4. process
  5. Node.js streams
  6. Node.js


  1. Arel
  2. Controllers
  3. Rails features
  4. Form helpers
  5. Rails gems
  6. Helpers
  7. i18n
  8. Migrations
  9. Rails models
  10. Rails plugins
  11. Routes
  12. Rails tricks
  13. Rails


  1. Awesome Redux
  2. Enzyme
  3. Enzyme v2
  4. Flux architecture
  5. React-router
  6. React.js
  7. React.js (v0.14)
  8. Redux


  1. Bundler
  2. Minitest
  3. Rake
  4. rbenv
  5. Rspec-rails
  6. RSpec
  7. Ruby
  8. Ruby 2.1
  9. Rubygems

Ruby libraries

  1. Capybara
  2. Chunky PNG
  3. Do gem
  4. Factory Bot
  5. Factory Girl
  6. FFaker
  7. Machinist
  8. Meta-tags gem
  9. Pry
  10. PSD.rb
  11. rack-test
  12. Ronn
  13. Sequel
  14. Sequelize
  15. Slim


  1. Projectionist
  2. Tabular
  3. Vim digraphs
  4. Vim Easyalign
  5. Vim helpfiles
  6. Vim-rails
  7. Vim-Unite
  8. Vim快捷键大全
  9. Vimscript functions
  10. Vimscript snippets
  11. Vim scripting


  1. General fitness notes
  2. Essential micronutrients
  3. Phat


  1. Analytics
  2. AppleScript
  3. Backbone.js
  4. Code badges
  5. Bootstrap
  6. C Preprocessor
  7. Caskroom index
  8. Cheatsheet styles
  9. CircleCI
  10. Command line stuff
  11. Cordova
  12. Cryptography
  13. Date
  14. Date & time formats
  15. Devise
  16. Divshot
  17. editorconfig
  18. Emacs
  19. Figlet
  20. Firebase
  21. Firefox
  22. Freenode
  23. Frequency separation retouching
  24. Gmail
  25. Go
  26. Google Webfonts
  27. Google Analytics
  28. GraphQL
  29. Homebrew
  30. Imagemagick
  31. Inline documentation
  32. iOS Provisioning Profiles
  33. Less.js
  34. Licenses
  35. Linux
  36. Make for assets
  37. Makefile
  38. OS X
  39. Parsley.js
  40. Phusion Passenger
  41. Food delivery (Philippines)
  42. PlantUML
  43. Postgresql JSON
  44. Postgresql
  45. Premailer
  46. Python
  47. Regexp
  48. Resolutions
  49. RESTful API
  50. Rubiks cube
  51. Semver
  52. Siege
  53. SimpleForm
  54. Social media images
  55. Spreadsheet functions
  56. SQL Join
  57. tmux
  58. Travis.yml
  59. Ubuntu
  60. Universal JS module loader
  61. Unicode symbols
  62. Vainglory
  63. ZNC bouncer
  64. bookshelf-contrib.Scopes
  65. Watchman


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  • CSS 43.4%
  • HTML 23.8%
  • JavaScript 23.1%
  • Ruby 5.3%
  • Python 3.0%
  • Shell 0.8%
  • Makefile 0.6%