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type.writer is the simplest documentation tool that could possibly work, but with a little bit of flexibility. It's based on @rstacruz's Flatdoc, and allows you to just dump Markdown files in a directory and get a good-looking documentation back. No messing with output formats, configurations, or anything else.


  • Hassle-free: no need for servers or intricate configuration;
  • Simple: just dump Markdown files in a directory. Done;
  • Work off-line: help the poor souls who code in the airport!
  • Readable & good-looking: Flatdoc is gorgeous and responsive!;
  • Easy to install anywhere: Just need a working JRE 7.


Currently the best way to install type.writer is by hand:

  1. Make sure you have a Java JRE 7;
  2. Download the latest release;
  3. Place bin/typewriter somewhere in your $PATH.

Note: Symlinked batch files in Windows are not supported. So you actually need to place the real bin folder in your %PATH% for this to work. If anyone knows how to fix this I'd looove to know :D

Basic Usage

type.writer uses a simple project structure, which you can generate running:

$ typewriter new

After that, put the relevant meta-data in the project.edn file, dump your *.md markdown files in the source/ folder and run:

$ typewriter build


You can either check out the documentation online, or build the documentation locally, by running:

$ cd docs
$ typewriter build


If you want to hack into the code, you'll also need Clojure 1.4+ and Leiningen 2.

The work-flow follows the usual fork the repository, make a branch, commit your changes, make sure the tests pass and submit a pull request on Github. Please, make atomic pull requests, so use different branches & pull-requests for different features.


  • The default theme is based on Rico Sta. Cruz's Flatdoc, with some small changes to accommodate rendering off-line and Enlive processing.
