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Dispatch PHP 5.3 Utility Library

At the very least, dispatch() is a front controller for your web app. It doesn't give you the full MVC setup, but it lets you define url routes and segregate your app logic from your views.


  • PHP 5.3
  • mcrypt extension if you want to use encrypted cookies and wish to use encrypt() and decrypt() functions
  • apc extension if you want to use cache() and cache_invalidate()


Thanks to the following contributors for helping improve this tool :)

Related Libraries

  • disptach-mongo - wrapper for commonly used mongodb functions for dispatch
  • disptach-elastic - wrapper for commonly used elasticsearch operations for dispatch

Configuration Variables

The following functions rely on variables set via config():

  • config('debug.log') is used by _log() as the destination log file
  • config('debug.enable') dictates if _log() does something or not
  • config('views.root') is used by render() and partial(), defaults to ./views
  • config('views.layout') is used by render(), defaults to layout
  • config('cookies.secret') is used by encrypt(), decrypt(), set_cookie() and get_cookie(), defaults to an empty string
  • config('cookies.flash') is used by flash() for setting messages
  • config('site.url') is used by site_url() and site_path()
  • config('source') makes the specified ini contents accessible via config() calls

Quick and Basic

A typical PHP app using dispatch() will look like this.

// include the library
include 'dispatch.php';

// define your routes
get('/greet', function () {
	// render a view

// post handler
post('/greet', function () {
	$name = from($_POST, 'name');
	// render a view while passing some locals
	render('greet-show', array('name' => $name));

// serve your site

Route Symbol Filters

This is taken from ExpressJS. Route filters let you map functions against symbols in your routes. These functions then get executed when those symbols are matched.

// preload blog entry whenever a matching route has :blog_id in it
filter('blog_id', function ($blog_id) {
	$blog = Blog::findOne($blog_id);
	// stash() lets you store stuff for later use (NOT a cache)
	stash('blog', $blog);

// here, we have :blog_id in the route, so our preloader gets run
get('/blogs/:blog_id', function ($blog_id) {
	// pick up what we got from the stash
	$blog = stash('blog');
	render('blogs/show', array('blog' => $blog);


Conditions are basically helper functions. I adopted the name 'conditions' so as to encourage you to use it at the start of your handlers.

// require that users are signed in
condition('signed_in', function () {
  redirect(403, '/403-forbidden', !stash('user'));

// require a valid token when accessing a page
get('/admin', function () {

NOTE: Because of the way conditions are defined, conditions can't have anonymous functions as their first parameter.


If you have wind up routines that need to be done before handling the request, you can queue them up using the middleware() function.

// create a db connection and stash it
middleware(function () {
	$db = create_connection();
	stash('db', $db);

// assume that the db connection was stash()ed
get('/list', function () {
	$db = stash('db');
	// do stuff with the DB

Caching via APC

If you have enabled, you can make use of dispatch's simple caching functions.

// fetch something from the cache (ttl for the cache is 60, based on last parameter)
$data = cache('users', function () {
  // this function is called as a loader if apc doesn't have 'users' in the cache,
  // whatever it returns gets stored into apc and mapped to the 'users' key
  return array('sheryl', 'addie', 'jaydee');
}, 60);

// invalidate our cached keys (users, products, news)
cache_invalidate('users', 'products', 'news');


You can make use of ini files for configuration by doing something like config('source', 'myconfig.ini'). This lets you put configuration settings in ini files instead of making config() calls in your code.

// load a config.ini file
config('source', 'my-settings.ini');

// set a different folder for the views
config('views.root', __DIR__.'/myviews');

// get the encryption secret
$secret = config('cookies.secret');

Utility Functions

There are a lot of other useful routines in the library. Documentation is still lacking but they're very small and easy to figure out. Read the source for now.

// store a config and get it
config('views.root', './views');
config('views.root'); // returns './views'

// stash a var and get it (useful for moving stuff between scopes)
stash('user', $user);
stash('user'); // returns stored $user var

// redirect with a status code
redirect(302, '/index');

// redirect if a condition is met
redirect(403, '/users', !$authenticated);

// redirect only if func is satisfied
redirect('/admin', function () use ($auth) { return !!$auth; });

// redirect only if func is satisfied, and with a diff code
redirect(301, '/admin', function () use ($auth) { return !!$auth; });

// send a http error code and print out a message
error(403, 'Forbidden');

// get the current HTTP method or check the current method
method(); // GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
method('POST'); // true if POST request, false otherwise

// client's IP

// get something or a hash from a hash
$name = from($_POST, 'name');
$user = from($_POST, array('username', 'email', 'password'));

// escape a string
_h('Marley & Me');

// url encode

// load a partial using some file and locals
$html = partial('users/profile', array('user' => $user));




dispatch php 5.3 utility library






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