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📁 Archived - this module has been merged into js-libp2p

@libp2p/websockets Discuss codecov CI

JavaScript implementation of the WebSockets module that libp2p uses and that implements the interface-transport spec

Table of contents


$ npm i @libp2p/websockets

Browser <script> tag

Loading this module through a script tag will make it's exports available as Libp2pWebsockets in the global namespace.

<script src=""></script>


> npm i @libp2p/websockets

Constructor properties

import { createLibp2pNode } from 'libp2p'
import { webSockets } from '@libp2p/webrtc-direct'

const node = await createLibp2p({
  transports: [
  //... other config
await node.start()
await node.dial('/ip4/')
Name Type Description Default
upgrader Upgrader connection upgrader object with upgradeOutbound and upgradeInbound REQUIRED
filter (multiaddrs: Array<Multiaddr>) => Array<Multiaddr> override transport addresses filter Browser: DNS+WSS multiaddrs / Node.js: DNS+[WS, WSS] multiaddrs

You can create your own address filters for this transports, or rely in the filters provided.

The available filters are:

  • filters.all
    • Returns all TCP and DNS based addresses, both with ws or wss.
  • filters.dnsWss
    • Returns all DNS based addresses with wss.
  • filters.dnsWsOrWss
    • Returns all DNS based addresses, both with ws or wss.

Libp2p Usage Example

import { createLibp2pNode } from 'libp2p'
import { websockets } from '@libp2p/websockets'
import filters from '@libp2p/websockets/filters'
import { mplex } from '@libp2p/mplex'
import { noise } from '@libp2p/noise'

const transportKey = Websockets.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag]
const node = await Libp2p.create({
  transport: [
      // connect to all sockets, even insecure ones
      filters: filters.all
  streamMuxers: [
  connectionEncryption: [

For more information see libp2p/js-libp2p/doc/




API Docs


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.