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Moving LiteCommerce installation directory

beatnbite edited this page Jan 10, 2012 · 3 revisions

To move an installed LiteCommerce plus Drupal website to another directory on your server:

  1. Log in as the Drupal administrator and disable the Clean URLs feature at http://[yoursite]/?q=admin/config/search/clean-urls

  2. Move files and directories from the original directory to the new one

  3. Edit the "[drupal-directory]/modules/lc_connector/litecommerce/etc/config.php" file and adjust the "web_dir" setting to reflect the new path to the LiteCommerce directory

  4. Edit the "[drupal-directory]/.htaccess" file and make sure that RewriteBase options is not commented and points to your Drupal directory

  5. Open your site at the new URL, log in as the Drupal administrator, enable the CLean URLs feature, go to http://[yoursite]/?q=admin/config/development/performance and click "Clear all caches"

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