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##Introduction## Femah is a feature switching/toggling library requiring minimal configuration. Designed from day 1 to be enterprise scalable, our intention is to provide a robust and extensible library to enable the .NET community to embrace the stable trunk method of development and realise Continuous Delivery.

###MVP Goals###

  • Provide common feature switch types for majority of typical scenarios out of the box
  • Provide ability to extend with custom feature switch types
  • Provide a UI for controlling feature state
  • Provide a full API for automation
  • Completely fail-safe, host app stability is never compromised

###Femah Enables###

  • A/B style testing and canary releases
  • Feature state testing in the build/deployment pipeline via the API

###Configuring Femah in your Web application###

####1. Install Femah NuGet package#### Within the target Visual Studio web application, using the Visual Studio Package Manager Install-Package Femah

####2. Register the Femah HTTP handlers within your app#### Add the following to the bottom of your web applications web.config (as a child of the < configuration > element)

<location path="femah.axd" inheritInChildApplications="false">
    <!-- IIS 6 -->
        <add verb="GET,PUT,DELETE" path="femah.axd/api*" type="Femah.Core.Api.FemahApiHttpHandler, Femah.Core" />
        <add verb="POST,GET,HEAD" path="femah.axd" type="Femah.Core.UI.FemahHttpHandlerFactory, Femah.Core" />
    <!-- iis 7 -->
      <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
        <add name="FEMAHAPI" verb="GET,PUT,DELETE" path="femah.axd/api*" type="Femah.Core.Api.FemahApiHttpHandler, Femah.Core" preCondition="integratedMode" />
        <add name="FEMAH" verb="POST,GET,HEAD" path="femah.axd" type="Femah.Core.UI.FemahHttpHandlerFactory, Femah.Core" preCondition="integratedMode" />

####3. Initialise Femah within your app#### Initialise feature switching within the Global.asax code behind of your web application, using Femah.Initialise();


namespace Femah.TestWebApp
    // Note: For instructions on enabling IIS6 or IIS7 classic mode, 
    // visit

    using Femah.Core;

    public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
        protected void Application_Start()


            // Simplest way to initialise FEMAH:

###Using Femah in your Web application### ####1. Add feature switches#### Standard (using built in Femah feature switch types) feature switches are simply initiated by adding an Enum called FemahFeatureSwitches. Femah uses reflection to determine them at start-up.


	using System;
	using System.Collections.Generic;
	using System.Linq;
	using System.Web;

	namespace Femah.TestWebApp.Code
		public enum FemahFeatureSwitches

####2. Use the Femah Admin UI to enable/disable and change the type of feature switches####

  • Hit F5 in your web application and browse to http://localhost/femah.axd
  • Observe the Femah Admin UI and configure the feature switch type

####3. Add conditional logic within your web application to use feature switches#### To use the feature switches you need to add conditional logic within your code, this is simple using the static IsFeatureOn method.

Example given within a Razor view

	@using Femah.Core

		ViewBag.Title = "Index";


	<p>Ordinary stuff here.</p>

	@if ( Femah.IsFeatureOn((int)FemahFeatureSwitches.ImprovedCheckout)) {
	<h3>Feature switch enabled.</h3>

###Building Femah###

  1. Setup Git

  2. Get Femah source by cloning the github repo

     $ git clone
  3. Build Femah (versions, compiles, executes Unit Tests and creates NuGet package)


###Contributing### Please start with a small (very) pull request, the smaller and more focused the pull request the far higher the chance of it being merged in.

  1. Check out the current Issues and start commenting


  1. Start a conversation by raising a new issue for anything you feel we should be working on


Femah is released under the MIT license