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DerivedAttributes (e.g. for product feed export)

(Product Attribute, Customer Attributes)

Installation Instructions

Option 1: Via Composer

  1. Add required repositories to project composer.json:

     "repositories": [
             "type": "vcs",
             "url": ""
             "type": "vcs",
             "url": ""
  2. Install via composer: composer require magento-hackathon/derived-attributes

Option 2: Manually

  1. Download hackathon-derivedattributes.tar.gz or from the Releases page
  2. Extract contained directory into your Magento installation. It contains all dependencies, no additional downloads necessary.

Add custom conditions and generators

Custom conditions and generators must implement the interfaces listed below. To add them, create an observer for the derivedattribute_new_rulemanager event:


In this observer:

    class Your_Module_Model_Observer
        public function addDerivedAttributesPlugin(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
            /** @var \Hackathon\DerivedAttributes\Service\Manager $ruleManager */
            $ruleManager = $observer->getRuleManager();
            $ruleManager->addConditionType('your_unique_condition_identifier', Mage::getModel('your_module/your_condition_class'));
            $ruleManager->addGeneratorType('your_unique_generator_identifier', Mage::getModel('your_module/your_generator_class'));



GeneratorInterface configure(string $data)
string getData()
mixed generateAttributeValue(EntityInterface $entity)
string getTitle()
string getDescription()

ConditionInterface (ex. impl. BooleanAttributeCondition)

ConditionInterface configure(string $data)
string getData()
boolean match(EntityInterface $entity)
string getTitle()
string getDescription()

Transitivity of DerivedAttributes

There is NO magic for "derived of derivedAttributes". Just rule priority.


OSL - Open Software Licence 3.0