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Custom attributes :
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Allow to directly define priority, severity, reproducibility, status (with an associated
color), resolution, projection and eta in Mantis instead of editing the config file.

Administrators make settings in Manage > Manage project (manage_proj_menu_page.php), and
this option can be desactivated in the config_inc1.php

For the time beings, custom attributes are effective for all the projects but implementation has been made with a 'per Project Settings' in mind, the main difficulty will lie in displaying the status in the view_all page. When this improvment (planned for > 0.18) is made, move the code to manage_proj_edit_page.php, it would be dealed almost like the categories.

git-svn-id: f5dc347c-c33d-0410-90a0-b07cc1902cb9
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jctrosset committed Aug 2, 2002
1 parent bea638d commit 07a8764
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Showing 11 changed files with 883 additions and 9 deletions.
370 changes: 370 additions & 0 deletions core_custom_attribute_API.php
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
# Mantis - a php based bugtracking system
# Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito -
# This program is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GPL
# See the files README and LICENSE for details

# Category API
# --------------------
# return the custom list for the specified project id and the specified attribute
function attribute_get_all( $p_parameter, $p_project_id ) {
global $g_mantis_project_customization_table;

$c_project_id = (integer)$p_project_id;
$c_parameter = addslashes($p_parameter);

$query = "SELECT $c_parameter
FROM $g_mantis_project_customization_table
WHERE project_id='$c_project_id'";
$result = db_query( $query );
$row = db_fetch_array( $result );
return explode_enum_string( $row[0] );

# --------------------
# checks to see if the attribute is a duplicate
# we do it this way because each different project can have the same attribute names
# The old attribute name is excluded from the search for duplicate since an attribute
# can re-take its name. It is also useful when changing the case of an attribute name.
# For example, "attribute" -> "Attribute".
function is_duplicate_attribute( $p_parameter, $p_project_id, $p_attribute , $p_old_attribute = '' ) {
global $g_mantis_project_customization_table;

$c_project_id = (integer)$p_project_id;
$c_attribute = addslashes($p_attribute);
$c_parameter = addslashes($p_parameter);

$t_old_flag = 0 ;
if (strlen($p_old_attribute) != 0) {
$c_old_attribute = addslashes($p_old_attribute);
$t_old_flag = 1;
# get all the attributes
$attribute_count = 0 ;
$t_attribute_arr = attribute_get_all($c_parameter, $p_project_id );
$att_arr_count = count($t_attribute_arr);

for ($i=0 ; $i<$att_arr_count ; $i++) {
if ( strtolower($p_attribute) == strtolower($t_attribute_arr[$i]) ) {
$attribute_count++ ;
if ($t_old_flag && ($p_old_attribute == $t_attribute_arr[$i]) ) {
$attribute_count-- ;
return ( $attribute_count > 0 );

# --------------------
function attribute_add($p_parameter, $p_project_id, $p_attribute ) {
global $g_mantis_project_customization_table;

$c_project_id = (integer)$p_project_id;
$c_attribute = addslashes($p_attribute);
$c_parameter = addslashes($p_parameter);

$t_attribute_arr = attribute_get_all($c_parameter, $c_project_id );
$att_arr_count = count($t_attribute_arr);

# Grab the data to test if the table is empty
$query = "SELECT $c_parameter
FROM $g_mantis_project_customization_table
WHERE project_id='$c_project_id'";
$result = db_query($query);

## OOPS, No entry in the database yet. Lets make one, used for copy attribute too
if ( 0 == db_num_rows( $result ) ) {

# add attribute field and project id
$query = "INSERT
INTO $g_mantis_project_customization_table

$result = db_query($query);
if ($t_attribute_arr[0]=='') { # entry created for the 1st time, remove the ''
$t_attribute_arr[0] = $c_attribute ;
else {
$t_attribute_arr[$att_arr_count+1] = $c_attribute ;

# convert the array in a string for export
$t_attribute_str = implode(',',$t_attribute_arr);

$query = "UPDATE $g_mantis_project_customization_table
SET $c_parameter='$t_attribute_str'
WHERE project_id='$c_project_id'";
return db_query( $query );

# --------------------
function attribute_update( $p_parameter, $p_project_id, $p_attribute, $p_orig_attribute, $p_color='' ) {
global $g_mantis_project_customization_table, $s_states;

$c_project_id = (integer)$p_project_id;
$c_attribute = addslashes($p_attribute);
$c_orig_attribute = addslashes($p_orig_attribute);
$c_parameter = addslashes($p_parameter);
$t_color_req = '';
$t_index = 0 ;

$t_attribute_arr = attribute_get_all($c_parameter, $c_project_id );
foreach($t_attribute_arr as $key=>$val)
if ($val == $p_orig_attribute) {
$t_attribute_arr[$key] = $p_attribute ;
$t_index = $key;
break ;
if ( ($p_parameter == $s_states) && ($p_color != '') ) {
$t_color_arr = attribute_get_all('colors', $c_project_id) ;
$t_color_arr[$t_index] = $p_color ;
$t_color_str = implode(',',$t_color_arr);
$t_color_req = ", colors='$t_color_str'";

# convert the array in a string for export
$t_attribute_str = implode(',',$t_attribute_arr);

$query = "UPDATE $g_mantis_project_customization_table".
" SET $c_parameter='$t_attribute_str'".$t_color_req.
" WHERE project_id='$c_project_id'";
return db_query( $query );

# --------------------
function attribute_delete( $p_parameter, $p_project_id, $p_attribute ) {
global $g_mantis_project_customization_table, $s_states, $g_custom_status_slot, $g_mantis_bug_table ;

$c_project_id = (integer)$p_project_id;
$c_attribute = addslashes($p_attribute);
$c_parameter = addslashes($p_parameter);
$t_color_req = '';

# get the modified array
$t_attribute_arr = attribute_get_all($c_parameter, $c_project_id );
$att_arr_count = count($t_attribute_arr);
$t_offset = -1 ; # the position of the element to delete

for ($i=0 ; $i < $att_arr_count ; $i++) {
if ($t_attribute_arr[$i] == $p_attribute) {
$t_offset = $i ;
break ;
array_splice( $t_attribute_arr, $t_offset, 1);

# color treatment for custom states
if ($p_parameter == $s_states) {
$t_color_arr = attribute_get_all('colors', $c_project_id) ;
array_splice( $t_color_arr, $t_offset, 1);
$t_color_str = implode(',',$t_color_arr);
$t_color_req = ", colors='$t_color_str'";

# convert the array in a string for export
$t_attribute_str = implode(',',$t_attribute_arr);
# update the modified array in the database
$query = "UPDATE $g_mantis_project_customization_table".
" SET $c_parameter='$t_attribute_str'".$t_color_req.
" WHERE project_id='$c_project_id'";

# update mantis_bug table
# the bug with the deleted status is now set as @null@
# the status above are decreased by 1
if ($p_parameter == $s_states) {

#slot[0] : the unused one ; index : the deleted bug ; index_up : the end of slot
$t_status_index = $g_custom_status_slot[0] + 1 + $t_offset ;
$t_status_index_up = $g_custom_status_slot[1] ;

$query2 = "UPDATE $g_mantis_bug_table
SET status=$g_custom_status_slot[0]
WHERE status=$t_status_index";
$result2 = db_query($query2);

$query3 = "UPDATE $g_mantis_bug_table
SET status=status-1
WHERE status >$t_status_index
AND status < $t_status_index_up";
$result3 = db_query($query3);

return db_query( $query );


# --------------------
function attribute_display( $p_parameter, $s_title, $p_project_id) {
global $s_attribute_customization_title, $s_edit_link, $s_delete_link, $s_add_button, $s_copy_from, $s_copy_to, $s_asso_color, $s_states ;
<tr class="row-category">
<td width="100%">
<?php echo ucfirst($p_parameter); ?>
<td width="100%">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
$t_attribute_arr = attribute_get_all($p_parameter, $p_project_id );
$att_arr_count = count( $t_attribute_arr );
for ($i=0;$i<$att_arr_count;$i++) {

$t_attribute = $t_attribute_arr[$i];
$t2_attribute = urlencode( $t_attribute );

# alternate row colors
$t_bgcolor = alternate_colors( $i );

# attribute are not initialized the 1st time
# so the blank line isn't displayed
if ($t_attribute != '') {
<td width="50%" bgcolor="<?php echo $t_bgcolor ?>">
<?php echo $t_attribute ?>
<td class="center" width="25%" bgcolor="<?php echo $t_bgcolor ?>">
print_bracket_link('manage_proj_attribute_edit_page.php?f_project_id='.$p_project_id."&amp;f_parameter=$p_parameter&amp;f_attribute=".$t2_attribute, $s_edit_link );
PRINT '&nbsp;';
print_bracket_link('manage_proj_attribute_del_page.php?f_project_id='.$p_project_id."&amp;f_parameter=$p_parameter&amp;f_attribute=".$t2_attribute, $s_delete_link );
<?php } # end for if
} # end for loop ?>
<td class="left">
<form method="get" action="manage_proj_attribute_add.php">
<input type="hidden" name="f_project_id" value="<?php echo $p_project_id ?>">
<input type="text" name="f_attribute" size="32" maxlength="64">
<?php if ($p_parameter == $s_states) {
echo $s_asso_color ?>
<select name="f_color">
<?php print_custom_status_color_list() ?>
<?php } #if color ?>
<input type="hidden" name="f_parameter" value="<?php echo $p_parameter ?>">
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo $s_add_button.' '.$s_title ?>">
<?php # allow copies through different projects. Enable this when Per Project Settings will be done ?>
<?php if ($t_attribute != '') { ?>
<td class="left">
<form method="post" action="manage_proj_attribute_copy.php">
<input type="hidden" name="f_project_id" value="<?php echo $p_project_id ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="f_parameter" value="<?php echo $p_parameter ?>">
<select name="f_other_project_id">
<?php print_project_option_list() ?>
<input type="submit" name="f_copy_from" value="<?php echo $s_copy_from ?>">
<input type="submit" name="f_copy_to" value="<?php echo $s_copy_to ?>">
<?php } #end if ?>
} # end of attribute_display

# --------------------
# function used in core_helper.api and core_print_api to display the custom attributes
# $p_selector is either 'global' for global varis treatment, or 'str' for string treatments
function insert_attributes( $p_enum_name, $p_project_id, $p_selector ) {

$t_prefix = '';
# if the function is called for anything that printing attributes, do nothing
$t_continue = 0;
switch ($p_selector) {
case 'global' :
$t_prefix = 'g_';
break ;
case 'str' :
$t_prefix = 's_';

break ;
$t_var = $t_prefix.$p_enum_name.'_enum_string';
global $$t_var, $g_custom_status_slot;

$p_parameter = '';
switch ($p_enum_name) {
case 'priority' :
$p_parameter = 'priorities' ;
$t_continue = 1;
case 'severity' :
$p_parameter = 'severities' ;
$t_continue = 1;
case 'reproducibility' :
$p_parameter = 'reproducibilities' ;
$t_continue = 1;
case 'status' :
$p_parameter = 'states' ;
$t_continue = 1;
case 'resolution' :
$p_parameter = 'resolutions' ;
$t_continue = 1;
case 'projection' :
$p_parameter = 'projections' ;
$t_continue = 1;
case 'eta' :
$p_parameter = 'etas' ;
$t_continue = 1;
if ($t_continue) {
$c_project_id = (integer)$p_project_id;
$c_parameter = addslashes($p_parameter);

# get the selected attribute array
$t_attribute_arr = attribute_get_all($c_parameter, $p_project_id );
$att_arr_count = count($t_attribute_arr);

# status attribute has a particular status, custom fields are inserted between 60 and the resolved status (80)
if ( ( $t_var == ($t_prefix.'status_enum_string') ) ) {

# checks if the strings are already included
if ( !ereg(($g_custom_status_slot[0] + 1),$$t_var) ) {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $att_arr_count ; $i++) {
$pos = strpos(($$t_var), ',80');
$$t_var = substr($$t_var,0,$pos).','.($g_custom_status_slot[0]+1+$i).':'.$t_attribute_arr[$i].substr($$t_var,$pos);
} # for loop
} # if ereg
} else { // for other attributes, custom ones are appended after the others, starting with number 110
$attribute_index = '110' ;
# checks if the strings are already included
if ( !ereg($attribute_index,$$t_var) ) {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $att_arr_count ; $i++) {
$$t_var = $$t_var.','.($attribute_index+$i).':'.$t_attribute_arr[$i];
} # for loop
} # if ereg
} # if status
}# if continue
} # end of insert_attributes


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