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seL4 CPIO archive

This project is inspired by a tutorial from Sel4 :

Uses projectPrepare script to setup the project

our root server program will be called init, and its only task will be to load an application from the CPIO archive.

SeL4's build system has tools to create the CPIO archive.

##Project Preparation

Let's create an other application called app. As before, everything will be placed inside the project folder.

mkdir projects/app
mkdir projects/app/src 

Inside projects/app/src, we add the simpliest program :

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    printf("myapp started\n");
    return 0;

And we add a CMakeLists.txt inside projects/myapp :

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7.2)

project(app C) # create a new C project called 'app' 

add_executable(app src/main.c) # add files to our project. Paths are relative to this file.

# This one is SUPER important, otherwise you will get an error 
# Caught cap fault in send phase at address
set_property(TARGET app APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS " -u __vsyscall_ptr ")

target_link_libraries(app sel4muslcsys  muslc) # we need to link against the standard C lib for printf

And we build. Everyting should build and run. Now, except for the new application, this is still a one-stupid application project. We need to create the CPIO archive file; then make our init task parse it and exec myapp application

Create the CPIO Archive

SeL4's build system has a method nammed MakeCPIO. This utility can take a list of binairies and bundle them inside an object file. Inside the init's CMakeLists.txt, simply add (before add_executable) :

# list of apps to include in the cpio archive
get_property(cpio_apps GLOBAL PROPERTY apps_property)
MakeCPIO(archive.o "${cpio_apps}")

Then, the 'archive.o' has to be added to the executable binary :

add_executable(init src/main.c archive.o)

This archive will be added to the init-image.

Now we have to add the custom app code to the list 'apps_property'. At the end of app's CMakeLists.txt:

set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY apps_property "$<TARGET_FILE:app>")

This will add our application to the list 'apps_property', to add to the CPIO archive.


With this method, we create a dependency between our application 'app' and init : init needs to know about app in order to create the CPIO archive. For now this only works because app's CMakeLists is executed before init's (because of the alphabetical order). This would be different if 'app' were called 'zapp' !

Access the CPIO archive from init

To access the CPIO archive, seL4's util_libs provides libcpio, so we need to link init against it. In init's CMakeLists.txt :

target_link_libraries(init sel4muslcsys  muslc cpio) #  

In init's source code, we need to include some header from libcpio, and declare an external variable to hold the CPIO archive's data:

#include <cpio/cpio.h>

/* The linker will link this symbol to the start address  *
 * of an archive of attached applications.                */
extern char _cpio_archive[];

Complete code to follow is here :

Build and run

Just like the previous project:

mkdir build
cd build
# configure
# make
#run (ctrl-A + X to quit qemu)


Create a simple SeL4 Project with a CPIO archive








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