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	       Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA)


  1. Introduction
  2. License
  3. Install
  4. Usage
  5. How to
  A. Credits
  B. Bugs
  C. Resources

1. Introduction

The International  Astronomical Union's SOFA Collection  consists of two
libraries of  routines, one  coded in  Fortran 77 the  other in  ANSI C.
There is  a suite of  vector/matrix routines and various  utilities that
underpin  the  astronomy  algorithms,  which include  routines  for  the

* Calendars

* Time Scales

* Earth rotation and sidereal time

* Ephemerides (medium precision)

* Geocentric/geodetic transformations

* Precession, nutation, polar motion

* Star space motion

* Star catalogue conversion

  This package makes use of the GNU Autotools to allow easy distribution
and installation of SOFA.

  ATSOFA  is   neither  distributed,  supported  nor   endorsed  by  the
International Astronomical Union.  Any use of this pacakge should comply
with SOFA's license and terms  of use.  Especially, but not exclusively,
any  published  work  or  commercial  products  which  includes  results
achieved by  using ATSOFA shall  acknowledge that the SOFA  software was
used in obtaining those results.

  *NOTE* The last time the  maintainer bothered to update this paragraph
he had updated the distribution to:

* The libraries source code version: "SOFA-Issue: 2013-12-02".

* The original documentation version: "SOFA-Issue: 2013-12-02".

* The   reformatted   Texinfo    documentation   version:   "SOFA-Issue:

  *NOTE* The maintainer  supports only the GNU  infrastructure and tests
only on a GNU+Linux system.

2. License

See the COPYING file included in the distribution.

3. Install

To install from a proper release tarbal, we unpack the archive then do:

    $ cd atsofa-0.2.0
    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build

to inspect the available configuration options:

    $ ../configure --help

then do it:

    $ ../configure [options]
    $ make
    $ make check
    $ make install

  From  a repository  checkout or  snapshot  (the ones  from the  Github
site): we  must install the  GNU Autotools (GNU Automake,  GNU Autoconf,
GNU Libtool),  then we must first  run the script ""  from the
top source directory, to generate the needed files:

    $ cd atsofa
    $ sh

we  should   now  see   the  executable   "configure"  script   and  the
"" file.  From now on everything  is the same as for building
from a proper release tarball, but we have to run the "configure" script
enabling the maintainer mode:

    $ ../configure --enable-maintainer-mode [options]
    $ make
    $ make check
    $ make install

  The  Makefile supports  the  DESTDIR environment  variable to  install
files in a temporary location, example: to see what will happen:

    $ make -n install DESTDIR=/tmp/atsofa

to really do it:

    $ make install DESTDIR=/tmp/atsofa

  After the installation it is  possible to verify the installed library
against the test suite with:

    $ make installcheck

4. Usage

Read the original documentation of SOFA.

5. How to

Here  is an  overview  of  how to  repackage  SOFA.   The original  SOFA
libraries come in 2 archives, one for the C language version and one for
the Fortran language.

* Both archives  have a "doc" subdirectory  holding documentation files.
  Take  one of  these directories  and copy  the contents  in the  "doc"
  subdirectory of ATSOFA.

* C  source  files  (both  .c  and   .h)  go  unchanged  under  the  "c"
  subdirectory of  ATSOFA, with the  exception of "t_sofa_c.c"  which is
  the test file and goes under "test-c".

* Fortran  source files  go unchanged  under the  "f77" subdirectory  of
  ATSOFA, with  the exception of  "t_sofa_f.for" which is the  test file
  and goes under "test-f77".

* C source  files must  be explicitly listed  in "c/",  as is
  already shown.

* Fortran source  files must be explicitly  listed in "f77/",
  as is already shown.

A. Credits

Software Routines from the IAU  SOFA Collection are included.  Copyright
(C) International Astronomical Union  Standards of Fundamental Astronomy

  Packaging with the  GNU Autotools is by Marco Maggi.   If this package
exists it's because of the great GNU software tools that he uses all the

B. Bugs

Bug  reports are  appreciated, register  them  at the  Issue tracker  at


C. Resources

The GNU Project software can be found here:


development takes place at:


and as backup at:


the last revision of this package is available from:


the documentation is available online:


  The SOFA libraries  along with documentation and other  goodies can be
found at:


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SOFA libraries packaged under the GNU Autotools







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