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   1. Overview
   2. License
   3. Compile and install
   A. Credits
   B. Bugs
   C. Resources

1. Overview

TclAList  is a  C  language extension  library  for Tcl;  it
implements a  set of experimental commands to  access a list
of elements as key/value pairs.  The purpose of this library
is  to provide  an experimental  package to  do  some tests,
particularly on the packaging infrastructure (TEA).

  The   concept   of   this   library   is   to   test   the
feasibility/utility  of treating  a  list as  a sequence  of
key/value pairs.   That is: access a list  as an associative
array.  This  is obviously  slow for big  lists, but  can be
used to  store little  data structures with  a fixed  set of

  This addresses  two "problems":  arrays consumes a  lot of
memory, it's boring to configure  an array to raise an error
if we try to set an invalid key.

2. License

See the "license.terms" file.

3. Compile and install

Do this:

    $ cd tclalist0.1
    $ mkdir "=build"
    $ cd "=build"

to inspect the available configuration options:

    $ ../configure --help

then do it:

    $ ../configure [options]
    $ make
    $ make test
    $ make install

  The Makefile supports  the DESTDIR environment variable to
install files in a  temporary location, example: to see what
will happen:

    $ make -n install DESTDIR=/tmp/marco/package

to really do it:

    $ make install DESTDIR=/tmp/marco/package

  By  default the  single command  [alist] is  added  to the
global namespace; but, if the "--enable-namespace" option is
used with  the "configure"  script, all the  subcommands are
created in the "::alist" namespace.

A. Credits

Marco Maggi wrote everything  except the original TEA stuff,
see the copyright notices in the "tclconfig" files.

B. Bugs

A bug in TclAList is  Marco Maggi's fault only.  Bug reports
are appreciated, register them with the Issue Tracker at the
project development website.

C. Resources

The latest version of AList can be found here:


Tcl can be found here:


### end of file
# Local Variables:
# mode: text
# End:


example Tcl package using the TEA infrastructure







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