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This project is set up to demonstrate the use of LTI 1.3 in Python to replace launch_external.jsp functionality.

To configure:

app/lti.json, app/private.key, app/public.key, and app/

This document shows how to configure the PyLTI1.3 library, which is done through the configsdirectory. This project has no configs directory. Instead, all configuration is in files in the app directory.

Copy to and fill in your information:

config = {
    "verify_certs" : "True",
    "learn_rest_url" : "YOURLEARNSERVERNOHTTPS",
    "learn_rest_key" : "YOURLEARNRESTKEY",
    "learn_rest_secret" : "YOURLEARNRESTSECRET",
  • learn_rest_url should be set to your learn instances domain. Be sure to avoid the request scheme, i.e.
  • app_url should be set to the FQDN of your application, i.e.


Copy lti-template.json to lti.json and fill in your information. Example - Replace the fffa0f... values with your client_id, and the deployment id value with the deployment id you get when you deploy your tool on a learn system. This tool is currently built so that it only works with exactly one Learn instance:

    "": {
        "client_id": "fffa0f2c-e86f-46fb-a330-9bc94f994ab7",
        "auth_login_url": "",
        "auth_token_url": "",
        "key_set_url": "",
        "key_set": null,
        "private_key_file": "private.key",
	    "public_key_file": "public.key",
        "deployment_ids": ["8848b618-14e0-4965-89c1-42d4be72ec48"]

In the app directory you also need to generate your tool's private.key and public.key files that are in the app directory:

openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key

To Run

RUN DIRECTLY ON YOUR MACHINE First run pip install -r requirements.txt and then python or if you are using heroku, just check in the code to your dyno. We recommend using venv as follows in the root directory of the project:

% python3 -m venv env
% source env/bin/activate
% python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
% cd app
% python3

Next we can expose the tool running on the localhost using ngrok similar to the following. You will need your own login and configuratoin. See their website for instructions.

% ngrok http --region=us 5000

OR USE DOCKER Use the included Dockerfile and the following. The assumption is that you have Docker desktop an ngrok on your development system.

Start your ngrok tunnel. Example: $ ngrok http -region=us 5000 Build the Docker image. Note the period at the end. $ docker build -t launch-external:0.1 . Now run it. From the terminal, type: $ docker run -p 5000:5000 --rm --name LaunchExternal launch-external:0.1

NOTE: When you host this LTI application on a remote server the app MUST have it's own unique subdomain. I.E. you must use something like or as the root path to the tool. Per the LTI specification you can NOT use where launchexternal is one of the many apps you have under the root.

By default, the tool will show an intermediate (interstitial page) when launching the external link, this is to warn the users that they're going out of Blackboard Learn, however, if you want to disable this setting and redirect the users to the external page in the same browser tab, you need to add to the parameters of the placement the following line:


You can modify the external.html file (located in app/templates) with the custom warning you want to show to your users, or, create a link in the page instead of opening the external page as a popup (some users could miss the popup notification.)

On your Learn server

Register the LTI 1.3 tool with your client_id. Create a "Course content tool" managed placement for the URL you want to launch to with a custom parameter external_url= to where you want to launch. Example:

    Label: Foodies With User Name
    Handle: foodieswithusername
    Course content tool
    Target Link URI:
    Custom Parameters: external_url=

Note that the url will be escaped by Learn to be: external_url= You need to input the = sign after user as %3D, because Learn will not accept an = there as it thinks that is another custom parameter. I.E. You input external_url= and when you hit submit Learn parses that, replacing the %3D with the = sign.

If the information of the user (or any additional parameter) is not required, you can remove it from the parameter list and leave external_url= as the value in the placement.

You can do the same to create custom launches from system tool or administration tool links. You can use any of the @X@ template variables described here in your launch:


Based on the simplest version of the Python UEF Tool by Scott Hurrey - Now Serves the JWKS URL for the Tool






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