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Column01 edited this page Aug 13, 2021 · 5 revisions

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 mark2  server01  server02                                        user
┌────────────── server01 ──────────────┐┌─────────── stats ───────────┐
│2015-06-04 13:55:34 | Server          ││cpu: 0.20%                   │
│permissions file permissions.yml is   ││mem: 2.06%                   │
│empty, ignoring it                    ││load: 0.10, 0.14, 0.11       │
│2015-06-04 13:55:35 | Done (3.522s)!  ││players: 0 of 300            │
│For help, type "help" or "?"          │└─────────────────────────────┘
│2015-06-04 13:55:35 | Using epoll     │┌────────── players ──────────┐
│channel type                          ││                             │
│2015-06-04 13:55:35 | [NoCheatPlus]   ││                             │
│Post-enable running...                ││                             │
│2015-06-04 13:55:35 | [NoCheatPlus]   ││                             │
│Post-enable finished.                 ││                             │
│2015-06-04 13:56:16 # user attached   ││                             │
│2015-06-04 13:56:24 # user detached   ││                             │
│2015-06-04 14:00:37 # user attached   ││                             │

mark2 is a minecraft server wrapper, written in python and twisted. It aims to be the definitive wrapper, providing a rich feature-set and a powerful plugin interface. It has no requirement on craftbukkit.

See Install for requirements and installation instructions

See Usage for details on how to use mark2.

Want to contribute or are just curious how mark2 works? See the Contribution Guide.

See the Event Documentation for details on mark2 events.


  • Your server runs in the background
  • Multiple users can attach at once, with their own local prompt and command buffer
  • Built in monitoring using cpu, memory, players and connectivity
  • Rich screen/tmux-like client with built-in monitoring, tab-complete, command history, etc


  • Powerful scheduling plugin, with a cron-like syntax. You can hook onto events like @serverstopped to run a cartograph, or run save on an interval
  • Automatically restart the server when it crashes, runs out of memory, or stops accepting connections
  • Notifications via Prowl, Pushover, NotifyMyAndroid or email if something goes wrong.
  • Relay in-game chat to IRC, and vice-versa
  • MCBouncer ban support, even on a vanilla server.
  • Read an RSS feed (such as a subreddit feed) and announce new entries in-game
  • Back up your map and server log when the server stops
  • Print a random message at an interval, e.g. '[SERVER] Lock your chests with /lock'
  • Respond to user commands, e.g. '<Notch> !teamspeak' could msg Notch Join our teamspeak server at
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