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Upgrading from 0.9 to 1.0

Bill Ruddock edited this page Sep 3, 2018 · 27 revisions

Most of the changes in 1.0 affect the configuration and writing custom processors, rather than general usage of Dragonfly.

Basic steps for Rails upgrade

Here is a basic flow for upgrading most rails apps.

  1. comment out references in your code to Dragonfly[:my_app_name] and model dragonfly accessors (e.g. image_accessor)
  2. update Gemfile to dragonfly "~>1.0.3" and bundle install
  3. mv config/initializers/dragonfly.rb old_dragonfly.rb (keeping it temporarily for reference)
  4. rails generate dragonfly to generate a new config/initializers/dragonfly.rb
  5. Update references to Dragonfly apps anywhere in your code
  • If you're using just one Dragonfly app (the default) then e.g. Dragonfly[:images] becomes
  • If you're using more than one then e.g. Dragonfly[:images] and Dragonfly[:assets] becomes and
  1. Check insertion of Dragonfly::Middleware (in dragonfly.rb/application.rb/environment files)
  • If using just one Dragonfly app then it should already be inserted in config/initializers/dragonfly.rb so you can remove it from other places (like application.rb, .rb, etc.)
  • If you're using more than one Dragonfly app then add a line for each in config/initializers/dragonfly.rb Rails.application.middleware.use Dragonfly::Middleware, :images Rails.application.middleware.use Dragonfly::Middleware, :assets
  1. Check correct usage of rack-cache - see
  2. Update dragonfly.rb with any custom configuration you had in old_dragonfly.rb, but with the new syntax - see the sections below for more details. Afterwards you can delete old_dragonfly.rb
  3. Change xxx_accessor to dragonfly_accessor in models
  • If using multiple Dragonfly apps then add the :app option to specify which app the accessor refers to (not necessary if only using one) e.g. dragonfly_accessor :app => :images
  1. See "ImageMagick Changes" below for any changes in imagemagick processors/generators

Phew! Hopefully that is all!!

Dragonfly apps

Previously Dragonfly apps were all named and referred to using e.g.


Apps are still named, but are referred to using

However... there is now a default app

For most purposes, you will only need to use the default app.


Previously you'd first define a macro

app.define_macro(ActiveRecord::Base, :image_accessor)

Then use it in a model

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  image_accessor :image

to define a model attachment accessor.

Now there's just one macro method, dragonfly_accessor, and you simply extend your class with Dragonfly::Model and use it

class MyModel
  extend Dragonfly::Model
  dragonfly_accessor :image

to use with a named Dragonfly app, e.g., pass the :app option:

dragonfly_accessor :image, app: :assets


Previously middleware was mounted with the app name

use Dragonfly::Middleware, :assets

It still is for named apps, however to mount the default app (which you'll usually be doing), there's no need for an argument

use Dragonfly::Middleware


Previously configuration blocks yielded an object

app.configure do |c|
  c.url_format = "..."

now nothing is yielded and most xxx= methods are just xxx

app.configure do
  url_format "..."

Data stores

  c.datastore =
  c.datastore.configure do |d|
    d.root_path = "some/path"


datastore :file, root_path: 'some/path'
  • i.e. no block, just an options hash, and standard data stores are configured with a symbol.

S3, Mongo and Couch data stores

These have all been extracted into their own gems:

Custom Data Stores

Instead of implementing store and retrieve, these should respond to write and read. They are much the same, although they take a Dragonfly::Content object now, not a Dragonfly::TempObject (which has a similar interface, plus a few extra things like mime_type).

Content not found is signalled by returning nil from read, not by raising a Dragonfly::DataStorage::DataNotFound error.


The file 'dragonfly/rails/images' no longer exists - instead use the provided generator

rails generate dragonfly

Rack::Cache is NOT inserted by Dragonfly - see for more info.


Meta data is now assumed to be serializable to and from JSON, so e.g. image.meta[:name] should become image.meta['name']

Misc config options

Below are some more version 0.9 configuration options and their 1.0 equivalents

c.response_headers['X-Something'] = '...'

is now

response_header 'X-Something', '...'


c.cache_duration = 1000000
c.content_filename = proc{...}
c.content_disposition = :attachment

no longer exist - you can customise these response headers yourself using

response_header 'Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=1000000'
response_header 'Content-Disposition' do |job, request, headers|
  'attachment; filename="..."'

If using fetch_file and fetch_url:

c.allow_fetch_file = true
c.allow_fetch_url = true

have been replaced by whitelists

  fetch_file_whitelist [

  fetch_url_whitelist [

If you need pre-Dragonfly-v0.9.12 urls to work, you'll need to do

allow_legacy_urls true

which now defaults to false.

c.fallback_mime_type = 'something/mental'

no longer exists (not really necessary)

c.log =$stdout)

is no longer done on a per-app basis, but for the whole of Dragonfly:

Dragonfly.logger =$stdout)

The following no longer exists:

c.trust_file_extensions = false

The mime type for the response "Content-Type" header is derived from the file extension (i.e. the extension is implicitly trusted). If you want to do any format validation or customise the "Content-Type" response header then they can do that yourself according to the requirements of your app.

URL options:

c.url_format = '...'
c.url_host = '...'
c.protect_from_dos_attacks = true
c.secret = 'This is my secret yeh!!'

simply become

url_format '...'
url_host '...'
protect_from_dos_attacks true
secret 'This is my secret yeh!!'


c.register_mime_type(:egg, 'fried/egg')

is now

mime_type 'egg', 'fried/egg'

Remote serving options:

c.define_url do ... end
c.server.before_serve do ... end

is now

define_url do ... end
before_serve do ... end

(note no .server)

ImageMagick Changes

.jpg, .png and .gif processors no longer exist - use encode('png') instead or create your own processor.

.strip, .crop, .flip, .flop, .resize, .resize_and_crop and .greyscale processors no longer exist - use thumb instead or you can easily create your own processor

.depth, .number_of_colours no longer exist - create your own analyser

.convert("some args", :jpg) becomes .convert("some args", "format" => "jpg")

.generate(:plain, 400, 300, colour, :format => :gif) becomes .generate(:plain, 400, 300, 'color' => colour, 'format' => 'gif')

.generate(:plasma, 10, 10, :gif) becomes .generate(:plasma, 10, 10, 'format' => 'gif')

Previously you could customise imagemagick using

app.configure do |c|
  c.convert_command = "/opt/local/bin/convert"
  c.identify_command = "/opt/local/bin/identify"
  c.log_commands = true

Now these are passed to the call to plugin, and log_commands doesn't exist (it does log shell commands when the logger is set to debug mode).

app.configure do
  plugin :imagemagick,
    convert_command: "/opt/local/bin/convert"
    identify_command: "/opt/local/bin/identify"

Custom Processors, Generators and Analysers

There are no longer "encoders" - they were much the same as processors anyway, with the added ability to change the url and Content-Type response to reflect the new format, (e.g. jpeg -> png). Processors can now do this anyway so any "encoding" is now just done by processors.

Arguments passed to processors should be serializable to and from JSON

Processors now define a method on Job/Attachment objects, so instead of using

image.process(:optimize, 30)

you can use


Previously registered processors took a Dragonfly::TempObject and returned something

c.processor.add :optimize do |temp_object, amount|
  tempfile =['dragonfly','png'])
  `optimize -a#{amount} -out "#{tempfile.path}" "#{temp_object.path}"`

Now they take a Dragonfly::Content, and update it, rather than returning anything. It has convenience methods to make using the shell and using other processors easier.

processor :optimize do |content, amount|
  content.shell_update, ext: 'png' do |old_path, new_path|
    "optimize -a#{amount} -out #{old_path} #{new_path}"

Note c.processor.add simply becomes processor.

Previously you could register all the public methods of a class as processors

class MyProcessor
  def resize(temp_object, *args)
    # ...
  def crop(temp_object, *args)
    # ...

app.configure do |c|
  c.processor.register(MyProcessor) # registers resize and crop

You can no longer do this, and must register each in turn, either as a block or as an object that responds to call

class MyCropProcessor
  def call(content, *args)
    # ...

app.configure do
  processor :resize do |content, *args|
    # ...
  processor :crop,

This way processors can individually implement update_url to update the url when they're used (optional - see

The same goes for analysers and generators.

Previously you could define a shortcut using job, e.g. to do


we'd configure

c.job :black_and_white do |size|
  process :greyscale
  process :thumb, size
  encode  :gif

This is unnecessary, because defining a black_and_white processor now defines a black_and_white method on Job/Attachment objects, and processors can now access other processors using Content#process!. So instead of using job we just define another processor

processor :black_and_white do |content, size|
  content.process!(:thumb, size)
  content.process!(:encode, 'gif')

Actually we could have used content.process!(:thumb, size, 'format' => 'gif') in the example above but you get the idea.


Previously we used


We can still do this, but it's easier to use plugin inside a configuration block:

plugin :imagemagick

Custom plugins now need to implement call, not apply_configuration.


The default logger will now be dragonfly.log Set it to Rails.logger to streamline it.

Dragonfly.logger = Rails.logger