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Autoregressor: simple and robust time series model selection automates the process of fitting and using a robust time series regression (OLS) model with lags. Plug in your data, run the script and the code will fit the best model + provide predictions.

Autoregressor: Simple and Robust Time Series Model Selection

This is what the code does:

  1. Loading Your Dataset:
  • The load_df function is employed to import your dataset. It's crucial that your dataset contains either a datetime column or a column explicitly named 'date' or 'Date'.
  1. Preprocessing and Analysis:
  • Call remove_colinear_features to weed out collinear variables, ensuring model integrity.
  • Conduct an exploratory analysis to scrutinize relationships within your data and inspect for any non-linear dynamics between variables.
  1. Creating Splits and Fitting Models:
  • Use create_splits to segment your data into distinct training and testing sets, integrating lagged features for thorough analysis.
  • Apply regression_OLS to fit models, selectively honing in on significant features through an automated process.
  1. Evaluation and Prediction:
  • Gauge model performance using oos_summary_stats, allowing for comparison of models across different data splits.
  • Facilitate both in-sample and out-of-sample predictions with fit_and_predict, providing visual representation for in-depth evaluation.

Optional Features:

  • Non-linearity Detection: Automatically detects and adjusts for non-linear relationships between variables, enhancing model accuracy.
  • Customization Options: Offers flexibility in adjusting the number of lags, splits, training share, VIF threshold, and p-value cutoff for tailored analysis.