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Releases: meetpatty/HENkaku-webserver

NodeJS release, no proxy required

06 Aug 00:07
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Nodejs HENkaku-webserver, no more windows dependence!

##Prereqs for Nodejs webservice

  • Nodejs (obviously)
  • Request and Express (install using npm)

##Running Nodejs webservice

  1. Download HENkaku-webservice.js to a local folder
  2. Edit HENkaku-webservice.js to set the address of the localhost (line 10) var localUrl = ""; in the form http://<localhostipaddress>/x eg. var localUrl = "";
  3. Open port 80 on the host machine
  4. From a command prompt/terminal run node HENkaku-webservice.js
  5. On the target Vita browse to http://<ipaddressofhost>