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philenius edited this page Apr 12, 2023 · 28 revisions


πŸ› Issue:

My app doesn't build in release mode.

πŸ›  Possible solution:

Please, refer to #545 where there is a long discussion regarding this, specially to this comment where you might find a solution.

πŸ› Issue:

You're getting something like:

The built failed likely due to AndroidX incompatibilities in a plugin. The tool is about to try using Jetfier to solve the incompatibility.
Building plugin file_picker...

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'file_picker'.
SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable.

πŸ›  Possible solution:

This is likely to some badly migrated code from a project that is probably old or needs to be fully migrated to Android X support. You can refer to this official guide or search for issues on this repo regarding this and you'll find a few with different solutions (because people have different versions). One that is quite detailed can be found here.

Please, don't open issues based on compiling incompatibility issues, since there are a lot of similar answered on the repo and you can easily find a solution.

πŸ› Issue:

Build is failing with unexpected element <queries> found in <manifest>.

πŸ›  Possible solution:

This is because <queries> tag was introduced with new package visibility options for Android 11 and upwards (SDK 30+). Because of that, you need to update your build.gradle with a version that includes this changes. Below is a list of supported gradle options.

  • 3.3.3
  • 3.4.3
  • 3.5.4
  • 3.6.4
  • 4.0.1

Don't forget to update your ditributionUrl in your as well. For example, for gradle 4.0.1, you should have:



πŸ› Issue:

My app is crashing when picking files with a boolean NullPointerException on FilePickerDelegate such as this one:

E/AndroidRuntime( 1459): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.equals(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference
E/AndroidRuntime( 1459): at$
E/AndroidRuntime( 1459): at

πŸ›  Possible solution:

This issue was reported and widely discussed here as it was triggering a NullPointerException in a place where it never should. After further investigation, it looks like those experiencing this mostly like are running an older Flutter version (probably 1.12 @ stable channel).

The issue is probably fixed by just running flutter upgrade and making sure that you are running the latest stable, which as of today is at 1.17.3.

πŸ› Issue:

If for some reason when picking you receive an error telling that permissions are already being request, picker is already active or similar.

πŸ›  Possible solution:

Lately, there have been reports that projects that were started prior to Android V2 embedded, may need to update some properties in order to seamless support updated plugins.

Referring to EdwynZN answer on flutter permission handler plugin, following the official instructions to upgrade pre 1.12 Android projects, seem to fix.

Basically if your Android project or kt is using or your AndroidManifest.xml is using or have

     android:value="true" />

you'll need to update your Flutter project in order to work with the new Android plugin type system.

πŸ› Issue:

If your project fails building due to dependencies missing. Typically this happens with import androidx.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleObserver; being not recognized.

πŸ›  Possible solution:

Typically this happens because your project isn't fully supporting Android X. Please make sure you have completely migrated to it, by checking the official instructions or you can just check if the requirements below are met.

  1. On your project's android/app/build.gradle change compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 28

  2. Go to android/ file and add the following lines:


If neither of those worked, you've probably have some conflicting dependencies or have wrongly migrated to V2 embedded support. To fix it, please do the following:

  1. Create a new app with the same name and dependencies using flutter create;
  2. Carefully copy your source code to the new project picking only the required files, specially inside android/ directory;
  3. Build, and everything should be OK at this point;

πŸ› Issue:

I'm picking a directory through getDirectoryPath() but it throws an error or an empty path.

πŸ›  Possible solution:

On Android, there are a few directories that can't be picked to be written "manually", one of those, is the downloads folder which may even return just an empty path (/).


πŸ› Issue:

I can't build for iOS. There are some OBJC symbol errors on Xcode or any other weird errors that prevent build to succeed.

πŸ›  Possible solution:

This is often a dependency resolution issue due to existing caching. If you can't build for iOS, regardless of the plugin's version, do the following steps.

Note: It's recommended that you do this every now and then and it also gets rid of a lot of used space on your machine.

  1. On project/ios folder, run pod deintegrate && rm Podfile.lock && pod install
  2. On your project folder, run flutter clean
  3. Clear the Xcode derived data by running rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
  4. Open the project with Xcode and also clean by doing Cmd + Shift + K
  5. Build with flutter build ios command.

πŸ› Issue:

I have an issue while picking multiple files from Photos app (gallery)

πŸ›  Possible solution:

This plugin uses DKImagePickerController as sub-dependency for multi picks on Photos app because ImagePickerController from iOS SDK doesn't allow it. Thus, any issue directly related to it, should be filed on its official repo.

πŸ› Issue:

I can't pick files of a custom file type (e.g. db, OPML, etc.). Exception: PlatformException(FilePicker, Unsupported filter. Make sure that you are only using the extension without the dot, (ie., jpg instead of .jpg). This could also have happened because you are using an unsupported file extension. If the problem persists, you may want to consider using FileType.all instead., null, null)

πŸ›  Possible solution:

This issue might be related to the iOS file management. To get it working with non-natively handled file types, you must declare a uniform type identifier.

Example to allow picking files with the file extension OPML: Add these lines in your Info.plist file:

				<string>OPML ( Outline Processor Markup Language) is an XML format for outlines.</string>
  1. UTTypeIdentifier value will be the value you use in your Flutter core. It seems that the value MUST follow the reverse-DNS format (a single segment value like opml doesn't work).
  2. public.filename-extension is an array of file extensions matching the file type that shall be picked.

Thank you @Chralu for providing this solution.