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PHP classes and interfaces to iterate \Iterators by a scenario or to perform a regular expression match on iterator elements by a scenario.

A Scenario is a class that implements the ScenarioInterface or extends either BaseScenario or BaseRegexScenario abstract class. It receives an Iterator instance and executes the logic in certain moments of the iteration process - for example, while regex matching is performed - when some pattern matched a subject, or none matched, or before/after performing a search, etc.

Think of it as of array_walk() for iterators or iterator_apply(), but instead of a single callback you provide an object (Scenario) with several methods. And you can use these Scenarios as plugins.

Iterator is simply any object implementing the \Iterator interface.

The main class, which runs the process, is Iterate. It just needs to be instantiated and invoked with an iterator and a scenario objects.

Best suited for use as a Composer library.


  • PHP ≥ 7.1


To add this library to your Composer project:

composer require shiyan/iterate


There are 2 base scenarios included:

  • The very basic one to execute some logic on each element of the iterator unconditionally.
  • And the regex based one, which performs a regular expression match (using one or more patterns) on iterator elements (casted to strings), and allows to execute different logic depending on what pattern matched or if no patterns matched.


Assuming there is an array of strings, $array. Iterate over it, convert all empty strings to 0 (zero), print all strings containing "PHP" and simply count all other elements.

First, create a scenario class:

use Shiyan\Iterate\Scenario\BaseRegexScenario;

class ExampleScenario extends BaseRegexScenario {

  const PATTERN_EMPTY = '/^$/';
  const PATTERN_PHP = '/PHP/';

  public $counter;

  public function getPatterns(): array {
    return [self::PATTERN_EMPTY, self::PATTERN_PHP];

  public function preRun(): void {
    $this->counter = 0;

  public function onMatch(array $matches, string $pattern): void {
    switch ($pattern) {
      case self::PATTERN_EMPTY:
        $this->iterator[$this->iterator->key()] = 0;

      case self::PATTERN_PHP:
        print $this->iterator->current() . "\n";

  public function ifNotMatched(): void {


And then:

use Shiyan\Iterate\Iterate;

// Convert our array of strings to the iterator object.
$iterator = new ArrayIterator($array);
$scenario = new ExampleScenario();
$iterate = new Iterate();

// Invoke iterate with our scenario.
$iterate($iterator, $scenario);
print "Found {$scenario->counter} non-empty, non-PHP strings.\n";

// Let's check that empty strings were converted to zeros.

// If we invoke Iterate with the same scenario once again, it won't find empty
// strings anymore. Instead, we'll have a higher number in the $counter property
// of the $scenario object, because the "0" doesn't match our patterns.
$iterate($iterator, $scenario);
print "Found {$scenario->counter} non-empty, non-PHP strings.\n";